IEN 157

                             David Flood Page

                       Bolt, Beranek and Newman Inc.

                             50 Moulton Street

                      Cambridge, Massachusetts 02238


                             26 September 1980
     IEN 157                             Bolt, Beranek and Newman Inc.

                             TABLE OF CONTENTS


     1.  PREFACE                                                     1

     2.  INTRODUCTION                                                2

     3.  MESSAGE FORMATS                                             3

         3.1  CPU Idle Time - report type 8                          4
         3.2  Packet delay - report type 9                           4
         3.3  Gateway to gateway delay - report type 10              5
         3.4  Bit Throughput - report type 11                        7
         3.5  Queue occupancy - trap type 3                          8

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     1.  PREFACE

          This   document   describes  the  message  formats  for  the

     performance measurement reports and traps which are to  be  added

     to  the ARPA CMCC gateway monitoring messages.  It is an addendum

     to the Gateway Monitoring Protocol described in  IEN  131,  which

     should  be  consulted  first.  Processing for the new reports and

     traps will be added to the CMCC, and a document describing  their

     use will be issued later.

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          The  message  types described here will be used in two ways:

     either experimentally, in  conjunction  with  message  generators

     used  to load the Catenet until something breaks, or regularly as

     are the other report types, to show how the Catenet  is  behaving

     at any time.

          In  evaluating  Catenet performance, message generators will

     be required to load the gateways with traffic until  packets  are

     dropped,  the  delays  start  to  rise steeply, or the throughput

     saturates.  These conditions indicate  that  the  limit  of  some

     resource  has  been  reached.    These  message generators, whose

     implementation is yet to be defined, can be located in either the

     gateways, the CMCC program, or in other  internet  hosts.    When

     both  the CMCC program and the gateways implement the new message

     types, and message generators are defined  and  implemented,  the

     CMCC  will be able to find out how much traffic the gateways were

     processing, where the bottlenecks lie in the  Catenet,  and  what

     the accompanying delays were.

          All the measures described here are cumulative from the time

     the  gateway  started.    The  CMCC  will,  by  keeping  suitable

     histories of the measures, be able to show shorter term values as


     IEN 157                             Bolt, Beranek and Newman Inc.


          All  gateway  monitoring  messages  consist  of  an Internet

     header followed by a monitoring  header,  and  then  the  message

     data.    A  monitoring  header,  as described in IEN 131, has the

     following format:

           Bits   Contents
             0    0 - Report or trap.
                  1 - Negotiation message.

             1    0 - Report.
                  1 - Trap.

           2-3    For a negotiation message:
                  0 - DO
                  1 - DONT
                  2 - WILL
                  3 - WONT
                  For a report or trap: zero.

           4-7    Reserved.

          8-15    Report or trap type.

         16-31    For a negotiation message: report identifier.
                  For a regular report: Sequence number.
                  For a trap: data depending on trap type, i.e.
                  this field is not part of the header
                  for a trap message.

     The five new message types are:

       o  CPU idle time (which gives a measure of how heavily  the
          gateway is loaded).

       o  Packet delay across a gateway.

       o  Gateway to gateway delay (round trip time).

       o  Throughput (bits).

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       o  Queue  traps (which signal when the occupancy of a queue
          goes above or below a certain threshold value).

     3.1  CPU Idle Time - report type 8

          CPU idle time gives an  idea  of  the  amount  of  time  the

     gateway  machine  is not doing useful processing.  The purpose of

     this is to find out when the CPU becomes saturated, which will be

     the case if the proportion of idle time becomes very small.   The

     report  consists  of  two  32-bit counts following the monitoring


       1.  The amount of CPU idle time since the gateway  started,
           in milliseconds.

       2.  The time since the gateway started, in seconds.

     3.2  Packet delay - report type 9

          Packet  delay refers to the length of time a packet stays in

     the gateway.  The measurement of this delay  and  of  gateway  to

     gateway  delay  are  related: measurement of one begins where the

     other ends.  The model used here assumes that gateway  processing

     takes  place  in  three  parts: network I/O, queuing and routing.

     Implementation considerations will affect just where the  packets

     can  be timestamped on their way through the gateway, so that for

     some gateways it may be possible to stamp a packet at the network

     I/O level, while for others it may  not  be  possible  until  the

     IEN 157                             Bolt, Beranek and Newman Inc.

     packet   enters  the  routing  processing.    This  specification

     therefore does not define where the boundary should lie,  but  it

     is important that together the measures account for all the delay

     that a packet will experience as far as the gateway is concerned.

     It  is  recommended  that the packet delay be made to refer to as

     large a fraction as possible of the time the packet spends in the

     gateway.  The report consists of two 32-bit counts and two 16-bit

     counts.  All delays are in milliseconds.  The format is:

       1.  The total number of packets processed since the gateway
           started (32 bits).

       2.  The total delay for all packets processed (32 bits).

       3.  The minimum delay experienced by a  single  packet  (16

       4.  The  maximum  delay  experienced by a single packet (16

     3.3  Gateway to gateway delay - report type 10

          The measurement of  this  delay  and  of  packet  delay  are

     related:  see the first paragraph in the previous section.

          This  report  could  be  something  of  an  interim measure,

     provided the gateways obtain radio  synchronizing  equipment  for

     measuring  the  one-way  delay directly.  However, currently only

     the round trip delay can be determined.  The report assumes  that

     gateways  will  use  some kind of tagged echo packets to find the

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     round  trip  delay  to each of their neighbors, the tagging being

     used to identify specific packets.

          The report format is a table  ordered  by  internet  address

     considered  as  a  32-bit  unsigned  integer.    Each table entry

     consists of an internet address followed by two 32-bit counts and

     two 16-bit counts.  The internet address is the neighbor  address

     for which this delay applies.  Of the 32-bit counts, the first is

     the cumulative total of the echo packets returned by the neighbor

     since  this  gateway  started,  and the second is the total delay

     experienced by those returned packets, in milliseconds.  The  two

     16-bit   counts   are   the   minimum   and  maximum  delays,  in

     milliseconds, for a single packet sent to the  neighbor.    There

     will  be  one table entry for each neighbor address, so that if a

     gateway is a neighbor on two networks then it will have two table

     entries.  There will be an entry for each such address  for  each

     neighbor that replies to the echoes, whether or not that neighbor

     is  a  routing  gateway. The table size may grow as new neighbors

     come up while a gateway is running, but it may  not  shrink;  the

     entry  for  a  gateway  that  stops  replying  will simply remain


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         The report format is therefore:

                 Internet address of first neighbor,
                     lowest network number
                 Total of echo packets returned by this neighbor
                     (32 bits)
                 Total delay experienced (32 bits)
                 Minimum delay to this neighbor (16 bits)
                 Maximum delay to this neighbor (16 bits)
                 Internet address of last neighbor,
                     highest network number
                 Total echo packets returned (32 bits)
                 Total delay (32 bits)
                 Minimum delay for this neighbor (16 bits)
                 Maximum delay for this neighbor (16 bits)

     3.4  Bit Throughput - report type 11

          In  contrast  with  the packet throughput report type, which

     has its emphasis on the number of packets a gateway can  process,

     the  bit  throughput  report type focuses on how fast a gateway's

     network connections can accept or deliver data.  The report is  a

     table  of  pairs of 32-bit counts ordered by interface; the first

     count in each pair is the  cumulative  total  of  bits  processed

     coming  in at that interface, and the second is the output count.

     Interfaces are ordered as in  the  gateway  description  message,

     report  type  0.  There are two extra 32-bit counts at the end of

     the message: the first is the total  of  bits  dropped,  and  the

     second  is  the  time since the gateway started, in seconds.  The

     counts for the interfaces include all traffic at that  interface,

     including   control  traffic  and  messages  originating  at  the

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         The format of the message is therefore:

                 Input count for first interface
                 Output count for first interface
                 Input count for nth interface
                 Output count for nth interface
                 Dropped count
                 Time since gateway up

     3.5  Queue occupancy - trap type 3

          This is a trap message which is sent by the gateway whenever

     a  queue  length  exceeds a threshold percentage specified in the

     trap request message, or when  the  occupancy  falls  below  that

     threshold  after  having been above it for some time.  If a queue

     is loaded such that the threshold occupancy is continually  being

     passed  in each direction, a large number of these traps would be

     generated in a short time.  To avoid this, there should  be  some

     minimum  time  interval  between successive trap messages.  It is

     left up to the individual gateway  implementors  to  decide  what

     this  time  interval  should  be; experience with using this trap

     type will probably suggest a reasonable value.

          Note  that  this  replaces  the  earlier  Queue  full   trap

     described in IEN 131.  I believe that a percentage occupancy trap

     is  more  useful  because if a queue becomes full, the gateway is

     IEN 157                             Bolt, Beranek and Newman Inc.

     probably  already  dropping packets and the message is not useful

     as an early warning.  In any case, a queue full trap  is  just  a

     100% percentage occupancy trap.

          The  DO  TRAP  message  for this trap type requires an extra

     piece of information: the percentage occupancy of the queue which

     is to trigger the trap.  This is expressed as  an  integer  in  a

     single byte following the report id field in the DO TRAP message.

     A  gateway should only use one value of this threshold at a time,

     so that a second DO TRAP message will supersede the previous  one

     if the threshold value is different.

          The DO TRAP message for this trap type has the format:

           Bits   Contents
             0       1
             1       1
           2-3       0
           4-7       0
          8-15       3
         16-31       report identifier
         32-39       occupancy threshold

     The trap message has the following format:

            Bits   Contents

            0-7    Interface number of Queue.
            8-11   Input(0) or output(1) queue.
            12-15  Above(0) or below(1) the specified occupancy.
            16-23  The occupancy percentage used as a trigger.
