IEN-156                                                      Danny Cohen
                                                           U S C / I S I
                                                       September 7, 1980


          This note suggests the use of Strict Source Routing,
          SSR,  for gaining more control over the routes which
          are used for messages to traverse the catenet.

One  of  the  cornerstones  of  the  IN-philosophy  is  that  users  are
completely  separated  from  the  low  level  transport  issues  such as

While this is generally so, there are some real world  situations  where
it is desired that users be given a way to influence the routing.

The  ARPA  Internet  Protocol, IP, (see IEN-128), allows users to affect
the routing decisions by using the source routing (SR) mechanism.

There are several reasons for users to  influence  the  routing,  rather
than trusting the catenet to figure out the best route.

Some of these reasons are:

    [A] Help the catenet find a destination otherwise unknown.

    [B] Promoting  the  use of certain nets for reasons such as favorite

    [C] Avoiding  certain  networks  for   reasons   such   as   various

The  current  source  routing  option  of  IP,  as  described in IEN-128
addresses mainly the first reason, [A], only.

In order to provide help to the catenet in figuring a  route  it  allows
the  user  to  provide a sequence of addresses such that each of them is
locally unique (hence unambiguous and known) where it is supposed to  be
interpreted.    Obviously, this sequence must be continuous in the sense
that at each address the next address in the sequence,  must  be  known.
The choice of route from each address to the next is left to the catenet
to determine.

IP  "assume"s that the given source route is a sequence of IP-addresses,
each  in  the  32-bit  format  of  8/24 for the "NET-ID" followed by the
"REST" which is typically a host address, including gateways.

However, this does not necessarily have to be so.  If the  NET-ID  filed
may  include ESCAPE-CODES, as advocated in IEN-122, a much more powerful
scheme may evolve.

The above scheme may be used in  some  clever  way  also  for  [B],  the
promotion  of  the use of certain nets.  However, it does not provide an
acceptable solution for [C], the avoidance of certain networks.

We argue that [C] is not  a  well  formed  requirement,  and  a  tighter
definition is required.

The  reason for introducing the requirement to avoid certain networks is
based on the classification of nets into friends and foes.  If one knows
about all networks, one could classify  them  all.    But  if  some  are
unknown,  they  lack classification.  In a controlled environment, where
foes should be avoided, the unclassified nets must be avoided, too.

Hence, it is not enough to insist on avoiding the set of all  known  foe
nets.  One must insist, instead, on using only nets which are positively
classified as friends.

Therefore,  [C] should be changed from "avoiding known foes" into "using
only well established friends".

Since the source routing technique which was described  above  does  not
tell  the  catenet how to route messages between the given addresses, it
is possible for messages to be routed through foes  while  traversing  a
sequence of friendly addresses.

Hence,  the  above  source  routing technique is not adequate at all for
[C], avoiding all foes.

In order to address this problem  to  following  solution  is  proposed:
Define  a  new  variant  of source routing, similar to the one described
above, with the additional  requirements  that  messages  cross  network
boundaries only at the gateways specified in the source route.

If  there  is  no  DIRECT  connection,  meaning through a single network
between two successive addresses in the source route, the message should
be discarded rather and no attempt is made to reach the next address via
another intermediate network (and gateways).

If this new option of Strict Source Routing, SSR, is adopted then it  is
up to the users to construct "safe" SSRs which include only networks and
gateways  which are positively identified as trustworthy friends and are
known to have only gateways which are sure to handle the SSR properly.

The source routing which is not  SSR  may  be  referred  to  as  an  LSR
(Loose SR).

One  may  view  the  LSR  as  "piecewise  end-to-end"  routing at the IP
(gateways) level, as opposed to the SSR which is a  kind  of  hop-by-hop
routing at the same level.

The  notion  of  a gateway being specified in a SSR has to be clarified.
Gateway per se do not have IP addresses, but their interfaces  to  local
networks  do.  Under  SSR  when  the  address  Ni/Hj  (Network/Host)  is
specified for a gateway, it is required to reach it through the  network
Ni even in the cases that other routes are available.

Consider the following example:

         |     A11           Network-Alpha           A22     |
                |                                     |
          *************                         *************
          * gateway-A *                         * gateway-B *
          *************                         *************
                |                                     |
| H-1          B11           Network-Beta            B22          H-2 |
   |                                                               |
*******                                                         *******
* H-1 *                                                         * H-2 *
*******                                                         *******

If  the  SSR  specifies  the address (Alpha/A11) followed by the address
(Beta/B22) then the only accepatble route is to cross Gateway-A and then
to traverse the Network-Beta to B22.   It  is  not  acceptable  for  the
Gateway-A  to  recognize  that (Beta/B22) is actually a gateway which is
also on Network-Alpha and therefore to route  through  this  network  to
(Alpha/A22) expecting the message to cross Gateway-B there.

Hence, H-1 can force his message to get to H-2 through the Network-Alpha
by  using  the following SSR: (Beta/B11)-(Alpha/A22)-(Beta/H-2).  If the
Network-Alpha breaks between A11 and A22  this  SSR  will  result  in  a
communication failure, even though good routes through Network-Beta only
are avilable, and might have been automatically used if LSR was used.



It is possible to carry the foes and friends classification further from
the nets (internet) level down into the hosts (intranet) level.  One way
to  achieve  that effect is by "teaching" the half-gateways which are in
each host about SSRs.

However, in this case the definition of  DIRECT  connection  has  to  be
explicitly  defined  for each network.  In the case of the ARPANET hosts
cannot have this notions which is at the IMPs level.   In  the  case  of
broadcast  nets  (such as satellite based, packets radios, Ethernet-like
or ring-like nets) no connection is "direct enough" even though  it  has
no intermediate agents along the way.

It  seems that SSRs are much more difficult to implement at the intranet
(host) level, and we may be on better and safer ground  by  implementing
SSRs at first only at the internet (nets and gateways) level.

This  obviously  means that a net can be certified as a friendly net if,
and only if, all of its hosts and intermediate agents  are  individually
certified as such.  For example, an Ethernet-like network is trustworthy
only  if  all  of its hosts (gateways included) are.  However, a network
such as the ARPANet can be trustworthy if all af its intermediate agents
(the IMPs) are, even though some of its hosts are not.

The difficulty of implementing intranet SSR should  be  of  no  surprise
since  the IN-philosophy is to hide the intranet technicalities from the
internet users.


A Strict Source Routing could be used by a set of  "certified  friendly"
networks in order to avoid the transmission of certain datagrams through
all  the  networks  which  are  parts  of  the  catenet  but  are not as
trustworthy as others.