Reported by Rohit Khare:
Edited by Donald Eastlake

Rohit Khare * March 16, 1999 * 9:00 AM

XML DSIG BoF Meeting Notes

Donald Eastlake presented a proposed 1 hour agenda (see slides).
Turns out we were actually sceduled for 2 hours and used almost
all that tiime.

Eric Riscola opened with a concern that several groups have tread
before here -- but that there are also new concepts on the table here
(header-signature, parallel blocks, etc)

Donald Eastlake presented a proposed layering:
OTHER groups: cert policy, signature semantics, etc
XMLDSIG group: signature syntax, XML hashing

Dave Solo -- there's something in between that speaks to "behavior" and
which is critical to interoperabilty -- e.g. what happens when pieces start
failing (successive or embedded signatures) -- e.g. if I'm processing
attributes (behavior of signatures tied to the xml tag sets, not just
signing it opaquely). So perhaps we shouldn't rush ahead so soon in
the BoF.

Hiroshi Marayuma <> from IBM Tokyo presented DOMHash for
IBM's XML4Java toolkit.  Tool kit is available from alphaworks at  See Slides.

Question: so this is a hash of hashes ( a hash tree)? A: yes; the API
produces a hash for each element, then hashes over the child elements.

Question: (DSolo) you're eliding information on comments, etc -- what
if I need a signature will all the information, not just the
structure of the XML document. A: XML DOM specification says DOM
processors need not send comments up and a cannoncialization that any
conformant DOM implementaiton supports is desireable..

There's also an XML Tree Diff tool, based on this hash API, which obtains
the minimum edit distance between two DOM trees.

Eric Riscola (EKR): wait, if you want diff, you *definitely* want to
keep the full text (comments, etc) around. Some of this stuff is
handled in ASN.1, the same conflict between the canonical rep and the
on-the-wire rep. It's been very unpleasant to work with an abstract
representation -- why not a canonical string format?

Rohit Khare: The XML std is only *about* structure.

Comment: The WAP forum has defined a canonical form: WBXML.

EKR: from a security perspective, what's the point of hashing hashes
vs. a byte stream.

Comment: this allows you to recompute minor edits quickly.

EKR: this is not a common case; most of the time you want to sign a
whole document, once.

Donald Eastalke: procedural point: Let's not do technical design
at this BoF. The point is that there *are* different surface strings
for the "same" XML.

Next "speaker": Richard D. Brown's xml-dsig draft (not physically
present due to snow storm). See slides.

Dave Solo: should we be co-specifying a hash and a canonicalization
functions, or just a pure canonicalization algorithm?

JReagle: XML Syntax Working Group has defined requirements for XML
surface string canonicalization

Rohit Khare: and what of the XML Internal Set WG, its canonical in-memory

Brown's overall structure also specifies how to encode *a signature
block* in XML (Signature tag with Manifest and Value (usually. base-64
signature data) subtags).

Denis Pinkas (sp?): 1) can your sign part of the document (a signature
at the XML level) -- if you can only sign the whole document 2) are we
going to handle "electronic signature", too -- not just asymmetric
mechanisms, symmetric sealing, but also formats for e-signing more
than XML?

Donald Eastlake: a standard in this space pretty much must address
signing-by-parts. It is useful to have a standard for hashing alone,
sig syntax without sig algorithms and policy, and there would, I
suppose, also be value in a syntax for policy. My suggestion is a
fairly focused short-term project, coming out of the Trade wg's need
to sign and encapsulate document pieces

Ian King: This wg's agenda seems to have 3 parts: how to hash; a
structure/syntax for how to encode the hash; how does this fit with
XML's parts, links, etc.

Q: Why do we need more than 1 canonicalization format? dee3 A: some
channels put constraints like, say UTF-7... are you saying there
should only be one such function? EKR: yes.

Todd Vincent: Legal XML working group (non-IETF) formed by 18
folks; we definitely feel there's a need for this WG.

EKR: there are a number of flaws in draft-brown... (various
technical points)  Answer: Some of these have already been
fixed, others still debatable.

Donald Eastlake presented a slide of Milton Anderson's FTSC
suggestions (e.g. criticality flag)

Rob Frye: doesn't this smack of semantics? A: it only seems Anderson
wants a place to put this information.

comment: does this open a patch attack? a: not really, it would be
signed in.

Solo: it's a bad idea: experience in DMS was to remove it. dee3: my
bias is that people should have places to put things if they're really
determined. EKR: I reinforce dave. This bogs down every new attribute
with a debate over 'criticality'. dee3: recall the only core sig
attribute specified in the brown draft so far is
time-of-signature. FSTC e-check itself wants to add proprietary stuff
like location.  EKR: pkix and smime show signs of precisely this kind
of bloat.

W3C will have a workshop in this space April 15-16.

Eric Riscola: why ietf rather than W3C?
Donald Eastlake: The IETF has more experience at this lower level and
a light(er) weight process. However, it will be essential to coordinate
with W3C.

Mark Day: the usual model is that W3C develops stuff; some of it is
deemed mature enough to transition over to another, larger or
better-trained body like IETF. To my memory it hasn't gone the other
way around.

jreagle: coordination is the key

ekr: the real problem, indeed, is coordinating the media type with
the latest security technology. Less security expertise is needed;
instead, it's a very, very XML-heavy problem suited to W3C

jreagle: and RDF-heavy, too.

balding buzzcut guy (:-): well, if you want parts, use *mime* to slice
into multiparts.
Donald Eastlake: yes, the brown draft does have hooks for
external references and specifies simple packaging. The W3C plans to
have a packaging activity.

Donald Eastlake: presented the draft charter (see slide). Very
aggressive milestones. Want to submit final I-Ds by August.
Expecting lots of small changes, not hugely different choices.

buzz-cut: there's an Application Area tendency to issue requirements
documents these days.
Donald Eastlake: Yes, that could be done as a first step

Ian King: we need more specificity, break it down to detailed tasks.
We need to contact more users (more than just financial and legal)

Mark Day: at a minimum, the milestones should refer to W3C's workshop
Donald Eastlake: Charter is unlikely to be approved until after the
W3C workshop.  W3C is an association of companies while IETF is one
of individuals.

Jreagle: yes, the wshop is very similar to this bof; a superset
agenda of sorts, canonicalizing XML and RDF, links, processing
composites, international policy, and client-signed XML

Jim Galvin: this sounds a lot like a competition, semi-facetious though
it sounds. I don't think 'coordination' is called for, these are two
groups doing the same thing.

Rohit Khare: we need to rule out-of-scope the kind of user-layer stuff such
as XFDL (graphic positioning of form elements), verifying form POSTed
url-encoded data. Charter could use some non-goals, too.

buzz-cut: if this is just an xml-specific thing, there are other
venues with more xml expertise. "show me what differentiates this
from w3c" -- I suspect charter language binding this effort to other
IETF working groups (like TRADE, or relates to S/MIME)

JReagle: I recommend using namespaces to break out parts of the
problem (semantics, etc).

Barbara Fraser: we can't make these distinctions today.

Jim Galvin: why do we care if other groups have xml applications calling
for signatures.
Answer: In the IETF there's vCard and other apps, too, ya know. Makes
it valuable to have a digital signature standard early on in the process.

legal sig guy: we've been having the same forum-shopping debate. I
like having ietf's dsig experts and its greater accessiblity and
openness. but I don't think it should be both IETF and W3C.

comment: our company has a dozen different XML apps and they're all
pursuing different ds strategies

Rohit Khare: to state the obvious: you don't get ietf involvement for
free -- let the "experts" vote with their feet.

Bill Flanigan: why not have a second bof in Oslo -- what would be the
functional difference than having a half-baked charter -- just let
time move on.
Answer: a goal of being a real WG is to raise profile, get involvement.

JSchiller: there's a new rule: ONE BoF.  I'd like to leave
here *today* with a sense of direction, even if charter details are
left to the list.

Donald Eastlake: I agree the current charter is pretty generic and
could be made more specific.

STRAW POLL: unanimous consent that a standard in this area would be a
"good thing".

Paul Lambert: I'm not as comfortable ceding the whole area to W3C in
the conditional-scenario.

Mark Day: we could have a second BoF in Oslo on "what W3C wants to
hand off".

Donald Eastlake: I'd rather be prepared to carry the torch on the
condition W3C is "not opposed" to IETF doing it. Poll: 40+ positive,
3-4 against. How many would actively participate in an IETF WG?
Poll: about 40+.

STRAW POLL on urgency: seems 3-1 for urgency, about 1/3 voting. (urgency
means IETF Proposed Standard or W3C Recommedation out by end of calendar

W3C's Connolly speaks: XLink is still work in progress. Do you expect
this dependency to persist in your draft? RK: DAV's experience
required reference-by-copy while it was still W3C's work in progress.