This in only a rough draft - Megan 04/10/92

Minutes, 4th meeting in the IETF X.400 Operations Working Group, IETF San
Diego, California, U.S.A.


    TUESDAY,   March 17, 1992,    1:30- 3:30 PM
    WEDNESDAY, March 18, 1992,    9:00-12:00 noon, 1:30-3:30 PM

1. Review minutes and liaison report

Liaison report: (given on March 18, 1992)

MHS-MD subcommittee of Study Group D of the US Department of State (the
administrator of C=US) liaison report from Stef.

US backbone will exist as virtual ADMD, all ADMDs must be able to send
mail to all other ADMDs. The ADMDs, however, do not have to be directly
connected to the other ADMDs. PRMD names do NOT have to be unique in US.
You can register with a service provider using ADMD=USBB (rather than the
service providers ADMD), provided that you are registered in the national

2. Action list from last meeting:

a) EMA (Electronic Mail Association) member present: John Sherburne,
SPRINT, gave report: Liaison from EMA (non official) - Full connectivity
with commercial world is important. Biggest problem is naming of domains
(in particular ADMD='blank').

b) Alf - Tell WG1 that mapping coordination procedures should be published
as a RFC.  WG1 chair, Urs Eppenberger, at this meeting was notified, and
volunteered the COSINE MHS Project Team to submit the coordination
procedures as an experimental RFC.

c) All other action items done.

3. Review of "Routing coordination for X.400 MHS services within a multi
protocol /multi network environment" by Urs Eppenberger

Urs gave an overview of his document. Following terms were defined: WEP,
MHS Community, MHS subtree.

It was noted that all WEPs must know about all other WEPs within a given

Routing coordination document was created, in part, to facilitate the
connection of domains that do not share the same lower layer stacks.

Selection of the WEP is determined by the priority and delay parameters in
the DOMAIN document.

General Discussion Starts:

Tony Genovese had a number of operational questions that were not answered
in the document. Urs said that was not part of the scope of the document.

Urs volunteered the COSINE MHS Project Team to be the global MHS

The COSINE MHS-Managers meetings will have to be funded by the regional
networks after this next meeting. Tony expressed his concern that we may
loose global coordination if this group goes away.

Urs stated that there should be no more than 100 WEPs per community.

Conclusion: Urs document looks good. This WG recommends that this document
be published as a draft RFC with the assumption that it will be moved to
"experimental RFC" status.

4. March 18, 1992- Alf presented his view of "Our Community".

This community consists of at least three sub-communities: The COSINE
Community, North American community, Pacific Rim community.

Stef floated an idea - MIX (mail exchange point) should be created to
allow mail systems to connect at a (possible virtual) central MTA. Stef
also noted that "OUR" is not a good name for a community. Will probably
create misunderstandings.

We need a single global community. If we need more sub-communities, we
will deal with that when the need surfaces.

The WG agreed that there should be mandatory support of X.25, RFC1006 and
STACKS. Bilateral agreements must be made where support of one of the
mandatory stacks is not present. It was noted that some people may not
want to go to the trouble of making these agreements. This (hopefully
small) group will have to form a sub-community of our global community.

5. Review of "Operational Requirements for X.400 Management Domains"

The WG discussed the use of ADMD=<blank>. The WG decided to add editors
note that the semantics of ADMD=<blank> are not yet understood.

Rob Hagens discussed the following comments from WG1: 

NOTE: Some editorial changes not included in minutes: See new version of

Section 1.2: Profiles

Which profiles should we support? There was a request to add UK Gosip.
It was decided that the section should be phrased more generically. Basic
idea is that there are many different profiles. Each country will have to
support their own profile.

Section 3.1.7: Domain Defined Attributes

Request to soften requirement of support of DDAs.  Something to effect of
"old MTAs don't have to support DDAs; new ones MUST support DDAs". The WG
agreed that DDA support should remain mandatory.

Request to make automatic return of contents mandatory. The WG decided to
add a recommendation to support automatic return of contents.

Global substitute "The Internet X.400 Community" for "International X.400

Add a section to the document that defines "Our X.400 Community".

Section 2.1: Management Domains

Question: "Should a MD be part of a community". Yes is the answer.

It was suggested that a new section that specifies the minimum requirement
of WEPs be added. Alf suggested that a separate document be created to
address this issue.

Section 2.2: WEP

Should this section be re-written using the "community" concept?  NO.

Last sentence:  Replace "shall operate" with "shall route"

WG agreed to add a statement that says that one level of OUs SHOULD be

Section 3.1.6: Given name, Initials, Surname

Add a sentence that we recommend using

  1) Given name + surname  OR
  2) Initials + Surname

Add statement that you SHALL NOT use dots between initials.

Section 3.5: Minimum statistics/accounting

It was decided that we get a list of the data elements that are required.

6. WG Business:

Review of Charter:

Alf will update and send to list

List of documents:

	Routing document
	Operational requirements document
	7 documents from MHS-DS WG
	2 documents form MIME/MHS WG
	Mapping table update procedure from WG1
	MAIL11 Gateway
	88/84 Downgrading
        X.400 and International character sets.

General discussion of problem with documents originated outside of IETF.
There have been problems convincing people to publish these documents as

7. Claudio Allocchio presented his paper on "Mapping between X.400 and

Comment from Stef to change the way BCC is handled. Don't just treat it
as a regular CC.  Use the method that MH uses (enclose original message in
envelope and deliver to bcc recipient).

Claudio discussed how to handle hidden areas and different domains:
DD.Dnet will contain the community name.

8. Claudio presented his experiments with using DNS to store X.400 to
RFC822 mapping information using DNS to store X.400 routing information

A number of WG members volunteered to put routing and mapping information
into the experimental DNS subtree (under .it).

9. Rob Hagens - Status of multi-stack connectivity.

Tony Genovese noted that ESNET was very close to having a production CLNP

10. Harald Tveit Alvestrand - International Character sets.

Harald will turn the draft document into a draft RFC.

11. Milestones:

COSINE - reports available on the COSINE fileserver (anonymous FTP from

ESNET- A white paper on x.400/x.500 available.

UNINETT - Have tested X.400 to Word Perfect and Banyan gateways. Also have
contracted with a company to create a user interface for PP that runs
under X windows. There will also be a PC version. This will be available
to all educational sites.

XNREN - Has made a fax gateway available.

12. NEXT MEETING JULY 13-17th at Boston IETF

13. Action Items:

John Sherburne (SPRINT) will work with Tony Genovese to figure out how US
can provide an MTA that has X.25 connectivity.

Urs will ask the COSINE MHS Project Team to submit the address mapping
table procedures as a draft RFC.

Stef - Start a discussion on X.400 OPS and WG1 lists about ADMD name in
the US.  See section 3.1.2.

Alf will send the updated charter to the list.

Claudio will produce a draft document that will propose a method for using
DNS to store X.400 to RFC 822 mapping and routing.

Claudio will follow up the MAIL 11 mapping document.

Harald will follow up the International Character set document.