VPIM WG meeting, 55th IETF, Atlanta, Georgia ============================================ Chair & Scribe: Glenn Parsons <gparsons@nortelnetworks.com> The VPIM WG met during the second half of a joint session. The first 'half' of the session was occupied by the Internet Fax WG. Voice Profile for Internet Mail v2: ----------------------------------- VPIM v2 - drafts are still in the RFC Editor's queue waiting for the DSN/MDN references to clear. These drafts are the following: Voice Profile for Internet Mail - version 2 <draft-ietf-vpim-vpimv2r2-05.txt> Toll Quality Voice - 32 kbit/s ADPCM MIME Sub-type Registration <draft-ietf-vpim-vpimv2r2-32k-03.txt> Content Duration MIME Header Definition <draft-ietf-vpim-vpimv2r2-dur-03.txt> DSN/MDN references status: DSN: IANA actions are now complete. Ned expects AUTH48 from RFC-EDITOR shortly. The drafts in question are the following: SMTP Service Extension for Delivery Status Notifications <draft-moore-rfc1891bis-02.txt> The Multipart/Report Content Type for the Reporting of Mail System Administrative Messages <draft-vaudreuil-1892bis-02.txt> Enhanced Mail System Status Codes <draft-vaudreuil-1893bis-03.txt> An Extensible Message Format for Delivery Status Notifications <draft-vaudreuil-1894bis-02.txt> MDN: Greg's interop report had to be changed to be in the proper format. It is now waiting for Ned's report and will likely be added to the next ISEG telechat before progressing to IETF last call. The draft is question is the following: Message Disposition Notification <draft-vaudreuil-mdnbis-03.txt> VPIM (Voice Profile for Internet Mail) Addressing <draft-ietf-vpim-address-03.txt> - RFC Editor's queue waiting form references Voice Messaging Directory Service <draft-ietf-vpim-vpimdir-04.txt> - draft was updated as a result of LDAP directorate review. The syntax has changed. WG last call has completed. However, one more pass will be made on the document to cover ID nits before forwarding to Ned for AD review. Voice Message Routing Service <draft-ietf-vpim-routing-03.txt> - waiting for the ENUM WG to stabilize the service specification syntax. Thuis has happened at this meeting. Greg will revise the document ASAP and we will begin a WG last call. Internet Voice Messaging: ------------------------- Goals for Internet Voice Mail <draft-ietf-vpim-ivm-goals-03.txt> - advanced to AD review before being presented to IESG Internet Voice Messaging <draft-ietf-vpim-ivm-04.txt> - advanced to AD review before being presented to IESG Critical Content MIME Parameter <draft-ietf-vpim-cc-08.txt> - in RFC Editor's Queue at EDIT state Message Context for Internet Mail <draft-ietf-vpim-hint-08.txt> - in the RFC Editor's queue waiting for References VPIM Addenda: ------------- IMAP Extensions status IMAP4 Binary Content Extension <draft-nerenberg-imap-binary-07.txt> - approved by RFC Editor, awaiting RFC number assignment IMAP4 Channel Transport Mechanism <draft-nerenberg-imap-channel-02.txt> IMAP4 Channel USe Cases <draft-burger-imap-chanuse-01.txt> - agreed to punt these to LEMONADE BOF/WG Calling Line Identification for Voice Mail Messages <draft-ema-vpim-clid-03.txt> - IESG review resulted in requirement for IANA section, this will be added after the meeting. IETF Last Call will occur after this. Voice Messaging Client Behaviour <draft-ema-vpim-cb-02.txt> - in the RFC Editor's queue waiting for references. Simple Notification and Alarm Protocol (SNAP) <draft-shapira-snap-04.txt> - This WG has beed tracking this document but has not included it as a WG document. Since the author has proposed the work is complete, the options forward (given some concern was expressed) were discussed. The options are simply either going to 4 week IETF last call or punting to LEMONDAE BOF/WG. Decided to discuss with Ned and other interested players offline and present preference to LEMONADE BOF meeting. Are we done? ------------- Glenn indicated that if everything aligned with the IESG and RFC Editor's process for the publication of the VPIMv2 & IVM documents, we would be done. It was agreed that there is no need to keep the WG open to progress these to Draft or Full standard. As a result, this is likely the final VPIM WG meeting. Applause.