VPIM WG meeting, 54rd IETF, Yokohama, Japan

Chair:  Glenn Parsons <gparsons@nortelnetworks.com>
Scribe: Greg White <gregwhite@lucent.com>

The VPIM WG met during the second half of a joint session.  The first of the session was occupied by the Internet Fax WG.

Glenn presented the agenda, which was accepted by the group.  He then discussed the revised milestones.  He also made note of the fact that the EMA (Electronic Messaging Association) is now called Open Group Messaging Forum.  They will be responsible for conducting interoperability testing.  At the last meeting in Minneapolis, an Avaya representative said that they could coordinate an interop event, but now this has been postponed until this fall.

Voice Profile for Internet Mail v2:

VPIM v2 - drafts are in the RFC Editor's queue waiting for the DSN/MDN references to clear.  These drafts are the following:

     Voice Profile for Internet Mail - version 2
     Toll Quality Voice - 32 kbit/s ADPCM MIME Sub-type Registration
     Content Duration MIME Header Definition

DSN/MDN references status - Greg V. presented the following:

     DSN:  an expanded implementation report was submitted on 6/5/02.  There are no known outstanding issues, and the current IESG status is "Under Discussion."  The drafts in question are the following:

     SMTP Service Extension for Delivery Status Notifications
     The Multipart/Report Content Type for the Reporting of Mail System
     Administrative Messages
     Enhanced Mail System Status Codes
     An Extensible Message Format for Delivery Status Notifications

     MDN:  no known outstanding issues, and the current IESG status is "AD Review."  The draft is question is the following:

          Message Disposition Notification <draft-vaudreuil-mdnbis-03.txt>

     Patrik Faltstrom noted that the mdnbis document was not listed for review in the request he saw.

VPIM (Voice Profile for Internet Mail) Addressing <draft-ietf-vpim-address-03.txt> - the spec is finished, has been through IESG review, and been sent to the AD for final review.  Waiting for Ned Freed to send it to the RFC Editor.

Voice Messaging Directory Service <draft-ietf-vpim-vpimdir-03.txt> - performed substantial cleanup to the spec, no known outstanding issues.  The spec needs one more pass with the LDAP Directorate, and one more editing pass before it is sent to IESG for review.

Voice Message Routing Service <draft-ietf-vpim-routing-03.txt> - waiting for the ENUM WG to stabilize the service specification syntax.  It was suggested that WG Last Call be done on this spec in parallel with resolving the LDAP & ENUM issues.  There was some dissention in the group to this suggestion, and a need was professed for a "this is subject to change" statement regarding the syntax.  Rich Shockey said that the ENUM WG will modify 2916bis to generalize the syntax, and that there is not much change.  They are trying to get 2916bis out as soon as possible for the ITU Study Group 2 meeting in September.

Internet Voice Messaging:

Goals for Internet Voice Mail <draft-ietf-vpim-ivm-goals-03.txt> - waiting for the rest of the other IVM documents to clear, so that all of the documents can be published as a group.

Internet Voice Messaging <draft-ietf-vpim-ivm-04.txt> - spec was updated to use Audio/Basic as the only codec.  WG Last Call ends August 5.

Critical Content MIME Parameter <draft-ietf-vpim-cc-07.txt> - IESG review noted a clash with RFC 3204.  The document has been revised, and is now awaiting IESG clearance.  Eric Burger said that an IESG representative noted some serious issues with the spec, but this representative could not remember those issues.  Patrik looked through Ned's notes to determine the issues, but could not find them.

Message Context for Internet Mail <draft-ietf-vpim-hint-08.txt> - spec is in the RFC Editor's queue (number 32 behind specs from March 2002).

VPIM Addenda:

IMAP Extensions status - no one present was able to discuss these items.  Patrik noted that the specs needs better Security Considerations sections, and that people would like to see more security pointers to the baseline IMAP spec.  Pete Resnick noted that these drafts are not IMAPEXT WG work items.  These drafts are:

     IMAP4 Binary Content Extension <draft-nerenberg-imap-binary-06.txt>
     IMAP4 Channel Transport Mechanism <draft-nerenberg-imap-channel-02.txt>

Calling Line Identification for Voice Mail Messages <draft-ema-vpim-clid-03.txt> - WG Last Call was finished May 2002, and the spec is in IESG review.  There has been no IETF Last Call yet, we are waiting for Ned's review.

Voice Messaging Client Behaviour <draft-ema-vpim-cb-02.txt> - IETF Last Call is complete, and the spec is in the RFC Editor's queue.

Simple Notification and Alarm Protocol (SNAP) <draft-shapira-snap-04.txt> - changes from -03 include removing attachment support, adding a predefined non-standard port for SNAP, added total new message counter, added total new urgent message counter, added mailbox name (folder name), and fixed some typos.

It was noted that the IANA work (new port number and MIME type) needed to be finished, then the spec could be submitted for WG Last Call.  Greg V. said that the new port number would not be assigned until the RFC is published.  He also thinks we should skip WG Last Call, because this spec is not a WG item, and we should send it straight to IETF Last Call.  Glenn replied that we should do WG Last Call because that is what we have been doing with other VPIM Addenda items.  It was decided that the spec would go to WG Last Call after the next revision.  Patrik has asked Ned to send the status of all the VPIM WG specs to Greg V., and Glenn will also send a request to Ned listing all of the specs.  Patrik also suggested that document status requests should go out before the IETF, not during it.


Glenn advertised the BOF coming up on Thursday.  The focus will be on client message submission and retrieval profiles, specifically looking at IMAP extensions.  The BOF will also focus on different kinds of clients.  Greg V. requested a status update of the aforementioned IMAP drafts before the BOF.  Patrik said that he feels the IMAP Binary spec is essentially done, but no one was sure of the IMAP Channel spec status.  Glenn is to ping the author on the status.

It was also decided that the VPIM and IFAX WG's would continue to meet during the same time slot during future IETF's.