Reported by Ellen Hoffman/Merit

Minutes of the User Documents Revisions Working Group (USERDOC2)

Ellen Hoffman chaired the meeting as Lenore Jackson was not able to
attend this IETF. A small group met for this last session of USERDOC2.
With work on a revision to FYI 3, ``FYI on Where to Start - A
Bibliography of Internetworking Information,'' being nearly completed,
the working group will conclude after this IETF. The group agreed that
any unfinished business be completed within the User Services Working
Group (USWG).

A new version of the revised bibliography was distributed and reviewed.
This document will be posted as a revised Internet-Draft shortly and,
after an appropriate public comment period, be put into the FYI/RFC
series.  The attendees responded positively to the current document and
recommended its approval.  Ellen will complete the document and have it

FYI 19, ``FYI on Introducing the Internet--A Short Bibliography of
Introductory Internetworking Readings for the Network Novice,'' is ready
for a revision.  With USERDOC2 concluding after this IETF, the document
will be sent to USWG for work within that group.  A small group of
volunteers, headed by Ellen Hoffman, will help with revising the

Following a short session, Joyce Reynolds thanked the chairs, including
Lenore who was not present, for the work they have done.