Reported by Ellen Hoffman/Merit

Minutes of the User Documents Revisions Working Group (USERDOC2)

Current Working Group Activities

The USERDOC2 Working Group has completed two FYI RFC efforts since the
last IETF. The new FYIs are:

   o FYI 19:  ``Introducing the Internet--A Short Bibliography of
     Introductory Internetworking Readings for the Network Novice'' by
     Ellen Hoffman and Lenore Jackson.

   o FYI 20:  ``What is the Internet?''  by Ed Krol and Ellen Hoffman.

The on-line files associated with FYI 19 are archived in ``Introducing
the Internet,'' along with newer materials that are of interest to
beginning users.  These archives can be accessed by e-mail, FTP, Gopher,
and WAIS, as well as dial-up for those lacking Internet connectivity.
Four sites currently maintain copies of the archive, and volunteers were
requested for other sites willing to duplicate the files.  For
additional information on the archive, send an e-mail message to with the text, ``send'' in the body of
the message.

Open Forum on Documentation Activities

The discussion began with a presentation by Bert Stals.  He described
the work of the User Documentation Task Force, a sub-group of the RARE
Information Services and User Support Working Group (ISUS). Their goal
is to produce documentation for end users on an introductory and
intermediate level, without duplicating other efforts such as User-Doc.
Their first project is a set of one-pagers, each on a separate
applications topic (gopher, e-mail, WAIS, WWW, archie, file transfer,
Mailbase).  Bert noted user support staff could use the text in their
own documentation series (using their own house-style).  Alternatively,
simple formatted versions of the pamphlet will be available for those
who wish to use them directly in several formats, including ASCII text
and WordPerfect files.  The working group maintains a mailing list for
those interested.

 To join, send to:
 with the text:       subscribe rare-userdoc your_firsname your_lastname


Bert also described a cooperative project with EARN to update the first
edition of EARN's ``Guide to Network Resource Tools.''

Ellen Hoffman asked for comments regarding whether the IETF should get
documentation translated into other languages.  The discussion raised
several points, including concerns that introductory rather than
technical information was the area most in need of translation as most
technical people understand English.  David Sitman (EARNInfo Officer)
said that in his experience people were unwilling to translate documents
but were more comfortable creating their own.  He also suggested that
documentation written in the US tended to be chatty which made it more
difficult for non-native English speakers.  Issues were also raised
about when documentation is effective and the amount of effort required
to produce it.  Jill Foster noted that there are various levels of
documentation, and that each has its own requirements.

On-Going Projects

The next project is a revision of RFC 1175, the long bibliography.  The
goal is to have a fairly complete draft by the next IETF. A revised
charter will be posted (currently the file where the charter should be
is empty---a situation the chairs will work on correcting after the
meeting).  Ellen noted that she would like to include non-English
introductory texts in the bibliography.  Suggestions for materials to
include should be sent to her.


Jodi-Ann Chu   
Henry Clark    
Klaus Fueller  
Ben Geerlings  
Ellen Hoffman  
Nandor Horvath 
Per Jacobsen   
Dennis Jennings
Ola Johansson  
April Marine   
Chuck McManis  
Pushpendra Mohta
Lisa Nielsen   
Joyce K. Reynolds
Ulla Sandberg  
Jennifer Sellers
David Sitman   
Patricia Smith 
Milan Sova     
Bert Stals     
Marc van der Noordaa
