Report submitted after the cut-off for inclusion in the Proceedings 

Minutes of the User Document Revisions Working Group (USERDOC2)

Review of activities to date:
Lenore Jackson opened the working group with a review of the charter
and the mailing lists: to subscribe, send to Ellen Hoffman reported on the status of
the short bibliography, which is up as an Internet draft. She also
noted that the group had developed a new archive, "Introducing the
Internet," which has now been deployed at four U.S. sites since the
previous meeting.
Short document:
The short bibliography can be obtained in the Internet draft directory
for anonymous FTP as draft-ietf-userdoc2-fyi-novice-01.txt. The
working group reviewed the draft, made several minor changes which
will be incorporated after the meeting and, after one more review by
email, it will be sent on for FYI status. Hoffman will make the
changes. The issues of maintenance and adding new materials was also
Introducing the Internet archive
Merit is housing the primary archive, which collects materials of
particular help to novice users in a single directory for easy access.
Three other sites are mirroring this archive. To find out more, send
an email message to nis- with the following text:
send This is a short document that describes what is in
the archive and how to get it via email, anonymous FTP, WAIS, Gopher,
and even dialup access for those not connected to the Internet.
Hoffman noted that to date, no sites outside the U.S. had expressed an
interest in being a listed repository for the archive. Jill Foster
said she would check to see what might be possible in Europe.
Long bibliography
The older UserDoc bibliography (RFC 1175) was reviewed as a
preliminary step to having a revised document for the next IETF. One
issue noted was that the document should focus primarily on
documentation so that areas such as proliferating conferences would be
excluded in the next edition. The proposed revisions will be further
discussed on the mailing list before the next IETF.
A short discussion occurred on needs for end user documentation. It
was noted that the Introducing the Internet archive was a good step
towards this, but more work remained to be done. A proposal was
introduced by Jill Foster that the User-Doc group be the focus in the
User Services for such general documentation, since it was confusing
to have it spread over several groups. This change will need to be
further discussed with Joyce Reynolds.

Jodi-Ann Chu   
Naomi Courter   
Roger Fajman   
Jill Foster     
Deborah Hamilton 
Alisa Hata      
Ellen Hoffman   
Lenore Jackson  
Laura Kelleher  
Edward Krol     
Janet Marcisak 
Marsha Perrott  
Patricia Smith 
Janet Vratny    
William Yurcik