User Documents Revisions (userdoc2)

 Last Modified: 04/07/1998

 Current Status: Concluded Working Group

     Ellen Hoffman  <>
     Lenore Jackson  <>

 User Services Area Director(s):
     April Marine  <>

 User Services Area Advisor:
     April Marine  <>

 Mailing Lists: 
     To Subscribe:

Description of Working Group:

The focus of the USERDOC2 Working Group is on identifying and locating
documentation about the Internet. A major activity is the revision of
an existing bibliography of on-line and hard copy documents/reference
materials/training tools addressing general networking information and
``How to use the Internet'' (RFC 1175, FYI 3). This effort will also be
used to help locate documentation produced by other organizations and
examine the means by which such documents are made available on the
Internet. The target audience is those individuals who provide services
to end users and end users themselves. The group is also developing a
new FYI RFC document designed as a very short bibliography targeted at
novice users.

The USERDOC2 Working Group will:

(1) Identify and categorize useful documents, reference materials,
training tools, and other publications about the Internet, particularly
those available on-line.

(2) Publish on-line and hard copies of the bibliographies produced and
other reference material on documentation as needs are identified.

(3) Develop and implement procedures to maintain and update the
bibliography and investigate methods to provide the information in an
on-line format.

(4) As a part of the update process, identify new materials for
inclusion in the active bibliography and identify additional needs
which are required for locating documentation and other publications.

(5) Review procedures for periodic review of the bibliography by the
User Services Working Group.

(6) Examine methods for delivering documentation and work with
providers to improve the availability of basic Internet documentation.

 Goals and Milestones:

   Done         Identify new ``sources of information'' (e.g., individuals, 
                mailing lists, bulletins, etc.) Review existing document 
                and obtain comments from others in USWG about needed 
                revisions at the San Diego IETF. 

   Done         Publish an Internet-Draft of the short bibliography for 
                novice users. 

   Done         Submit the revised FYI document to the IESG for publication 
                as an RFC. 

   Done         Post a revised version of FYI3, ``A bibliography of 
                Internetworking Information'' as an Internet-Draft. 

   APR 93       Submit the revised FYI3 to the IESG for publication as an 
                Informational RFC. 

   OCT 93       Post a draft of long bibliography and Getting Connected 

   NOV 93       Review long bibliography at Houston IETF 

   NOV 93       Review Getting Connected document (with ISN) at Houston 

   DEC 93       Final review of Internet-Drafts 

   JAN 94       Submit long bibliography to IESG for consideration as an 
                FYI RFC 

   JAN 94       Submit Getting Connected document to IESG for consideration 
                as an FYI RFC 


  No Current Internet-Drafts.

 Request For Comments:

  RFC   Stat Published     Title
------- -- ----------- ------------------------------------
RFC1463 I    MAY 93    FYI on Introducing the Internet--A Short 
                       Bibliography of Introductory Internetworking 
                       Readings for the Network Novice