Editor's Note: Minutes received 12/21/92


Reported by Dan Long/BBN

Minutes of the User Connectivity Working Group (UCP)

The User Connectivity Problems Working Group met for one session this

The Group had previously defined a data structure that would enable
Trouble Ticket handoffs between NOCs.  Paul Zawada had written an
ASN.1-like description of the fields in this data structure.

Kaj Tesink drafted a document describing how some handoff fields could
be represented in electronic mail messages.  The Group discussed this
and agreed that the document needs to be revised to reflect more of the
previously-defined handoff fields.  The goal is to allow trouble tickets
to be mailed between NOCs both with and without internal trouble ticket
systems.  The format should be simple enough to enable humans to enter
the data and yet regular enough to permit parsing.  Paul and Kaj will
work on this and get it out as an Internet-Draft.  At that time, several
groups agreed to experiment with the exchange format and to create a
template to facilitate manual participation.

The UCP Internet-Draft on a Trouble Ticket Tracking System, originally
written by Matt Mathis, had been discussed and revised heavily by the
Group and it has now expired.  Dan Long has volunteered to draft a new
version which reflects the current consensus of the Group.  This will
also be published as an Internet-Draft.

The Group also discussed the current status of various
publicly-available internal Trouble Ticket systems:

   o CONCERT Trouble Ticket System, ftp.concert.net:dist/tickets/* (uses
     publicly-available database package).
   o Help Desk Management System, ftp.delmarva.com:pub/hdms/HDMS.tar.Z
     (requires Unify database package).
   o JVNC's NETLOG Trouble Ticket System,
     ftp.jvnc.net:pub/netlog-tt.tar.Z (requires no database package).
   o NEARnet Trouble Ticket System, nic.near.net:
     pub/nearnet-ticket-system-v1.3.tar (requires Informix database
   o UCP will meet again at the next IETF and plans to have new drafts
     to discuss before then.


Vikas Aggarwal           vikas@jvnc.net


David Conklin            conklin@jvnc.net
Tom Easterday            tom@cic.net
Richard Fisher           rfisher@cdhf1.gsfc.nasa.gov
Elise Gerich             epg@merit.edu
Eugene Hastings          hastings@psc.edu
Michael Laufer           mlaufer@bbn.com
Tony Li                  tli@cisco.com
Olli-Pekka Lintula       olli-pekka.lintula@ntc.nokia.com
Daniel Long              long@nic.near.net
Kim Long                 klong@sura.net
Tom Sandoski             tom@concert.net
Kaj Tesink               kaj@cc.bellcore.com
Jack Waters              waters@sura.net
Chris Wheeler            cwheeler@cac.washington.edu
Linda Winkler            lwinkler@anl.gov
Yung-Chao Yu             yy@qsun.att.com
Paul Zawada              Zawada@ncsa.uiuc.edu
