Editor's Note: Minutes received 7/24 


Reported by Dan Long/BBN

Minutes of the User Connectivity Working Group (UCP)

Dan Long reported that Tom Sandoski of ConcertNet has released both a
curses and X-windows interface to his freeware Trouble Ticket System on
ftp.concert.net in the pub/tickets directory.

There are now 50 NOCs listed in the Network Service Center Phonebook,
maintained at NEARnet.  Finger access is available for peer NOC's and a
publicly-searchable subset of the data will be announced soon.

Most of the meeting was devoted to refining the description of
information that Paul Zawada has compiled for handing off tickets from
one NSC to another.  Several organizations have expressed interest in
standardizing these handoffs.  Paul will revise his ASN.1 version and
Kaj Tesink will draft a specification of how to encode this information
in email messages.

Henry Clark              henryc@oar.net
Tom Coppeto              tom@mit.edu
John Curran              jcurran@bbn.com
Tom Easterday            tom@cic.net
Atul Garg                agarg@synoptics.com
Eugene Hastings          hastings@a.psc.edu
Alisa Hata               hata@cac.washington.edu
John Labbe               labbe@merit.edu
Walter Lazear            lazear@gateway.mitre.org
Hock-Koon Lim            lim@po.cwru.edu
Daniel Long              long@nic.near.net
Kim Long                 klong@sura.net
Bill Manning             bmanning@rice.edu
Kraig Owen               tko@merit.edu
Marsha Perrott           mlp+@andrew.cmu.edu
Sonya Reimer             sonya@brl.mil
Tim Seaver               tas@concert.net
Erik Sherk               sherk@sura.net
Kaj Tesink               kaj@cc.bellcore.com
Ross Veach               rrv@uiuc.edu
John Vollbrecht          jrv@merit.edu
Carol Ward               cward@westnet.net
Evan Wetstone            evan@rice.edu
Chris Wheeler            cwheeler@cac.washington.edu
Linda Winkler            lwinkler@anl.gov
Jane Wojcik              jwojcik@bbn.com
Paul Zawada              Zawada@ncsa.uiuc.edu