TN3270 WG Meeting -- IETF 44 (March 16, 1999)

Ed Bailey ... Co-Chair

Agenda review

   Work group is wrapping up (last session).
   Objectives of charter were met.
   Implementations are underway.
   Chair will post summary on the list.
   Discussion should continue on mailing list.

Open items
   - TLS draft
   - extensions draft
     Both of these to complete WG/IESG last call

Interoperability Requirements
   - When is a good time for next TIE?
     October 1999?
   - What should be tested this time?
     MIBs?  SLP? TN5250? Security?

RFC numbers for existing drafts? Coming soon for both MIBs, SLP, TN5250E.

Implementation experience for new functions... MIBs?  SLP?
    MIBs: IBM, CISCO, others?
    SLP:  IBM, Novell, Zephyr, WRQ, others?

Will there be interoperability reports for the new standards?
   IETF doesn't care about TIEs per se.
   Maybe we could publicize next TIE on the list:
      encourage participants by listing who's planning to come.
      formalize the TIE agenda on the list.

   - What would people like to see addressed next?
     Discuss on the mailing list.

Presentation by Barron Housel ...

"Telnet Emulation over Wireless:  Problems and Approach"

Mail to get copy of paper on the topic;
once it's accepted by MOBICOMM, will post the URL where it's available.

Is there interest in a BOF at IETF 45 to start work on an
informational RFC?


Cache size?  Configurable, default = 1/2 meg, normal = 100K bytes.
Need algorithm for agreement on caching algorithm if this goes to a

Comment:  Wireless BOF, wireless workshop coming.  Talk to Brian Carpenter
Also, think about interactions with WAP.  Think about IP Mobility.
Submit a short summary of this work to the ADs, so it can be
considered in overall discussions on wireless.
Would require a separate WG charter, would have to consider
similar screen-based technologies.  TN5250?  VT?

Minutes taken by Bob Moore, IBM

Ed Bailey, co-chair