Telnet TN3270 Enhancements (tn3270e)

 Last Modified: 2003-03-25

 Current Status: Active Working Group

     Michael Boe  <>

 Applications Area Director(s):
     Ned Freed  <>
     Ted Hardie  <>

 Applications Area Advisor:
     Ned Freed  <>

 Technical Advisor(s):
     Robert Moskowitz  <>

 Mailing Lists: 
     To Subscribe:
         In Body:       sub tn3270e <first_name> <last_name>

Description of Working Group:

Present specifications for access to 3270 and 5250 based applications 
over TCP/IP require improvement to become more commercially viable. 
Security, Service Location, Response Time, and Session Balancing are 
improvement examples.
The WG will drive to update and extend the standards specifications 
proposed in rfc1647 and rfc1205 so that they fully support 3270 and 
style access to host (S/390 and AS/400) applications respectively in 
today's environments.
Consideration will be given to work already in progress on protocols for
accessing 3270 and 5250 based applications over TCP/IP.
Three protocol documents will be produced.

1. A revised version of rfc1647 (tn3270e) including clarifications of 
   the protocol, and security considerations.  The revised rfc1647 will 
   be submitted to the IESG for advancement of the tn3270e protocol to  
   draft standard status. Currently it is a proposed standard.
2. A new standards track document defining options for the tn3270e 
   protocol. Such options are: IPDS printing, response time monitoring, 
   error reporting, session balancing, service location, and security.
3. A new standards track document defining enhancements to the tn5250
   protocol. This new protocol will be called tn5250e. This is not 
   Display Station Passthru but printing, LU assignment, service 
   location, and security.

 Goals and Milestones:

   Done         Propose a list of initial TN5250e enhancements on listsrv for 

   Done         Discuss scope of initial tn5250ec enhancements at IETF 

   Done         Goal 1 revised tn3270e (rfc1647) Conduct interoperability 

   Done         Discuss scope of initial tn3270e enhancements at IETF 

   Done         Goal 2 tn3270e new options Propose a list of initial 
                enhancements on listsrv for review. 

   Done         Goal 1 revised tn3270e (rfc1647) Publish Internet-Draft and 
                issue Working Group Last Call. 

   Done         Goal 1 revised tn3270e (rfc1647) Incorporate any revisions 
                and publish Internet-Draft. 

   Done         Goal 1 revised tn3270e (rfc1647) Submit to IESG for 
                consideration for Proposed Standard. 

   Done         Goal 2 tn3270e new options Resolve issues with initial 
                enhancements using the listsrv. 

   Done         Goal 3 tn5250e Resolve issues with initial enhancements using 
                the listsrv. 

   Done         Goal 2 tn3270e new options Issue initial draft of new 
                proposed rfc to listsrv for review. 

   Done         Goal 3 tn5250e Issue initial draft of new proposed rfc to 
                listsrv for review. 

   Done         Goal 3 tn5250e Incorporate comments and publish proposed rfc 
                for implementation. 

   Done         Goal 2 tn3270e new options Incorporate comments and publish 
                proposed rfc for implementation. 

   Apr 98       Goal 2 tn3270e new options Conduct initial interoperability 

   Apr 98       Goal 3 tn5250e Conduct initial interoperability testing. 

   Jun 98       Goal 2 tn3270e new options Gather operational experience from 

   Jun 98       Goal 3 tn5250e Gather operational experience from 

   Aug 98       Goal 3 tn5250e Publish Internet-Draft and issue Working Group 
                Last Call. 

   Aug 98       Goal 2 tn3270e new options Publish Internet-Draft and issue 
                Working Group Last Call. 

   Oct 98       Goal 3 tn5250e Submit to IESG for consideration for Proposed 

   Oct 98       Goal 2 tn3270e new options Submit to IESG for consideration 
                for Proposed Standard. 

   Oct 98       Goal 3 tn5250e Incorporate any revisions and publish 

   Oct 98       Goal 2 tn3270e new options Incorporate any revisions and 
                publish Internet-Draft. 


  No Current Internet-Drafts.

 Request For Comments:

  RFC   Stat Published     Title
------- -- ----------- ------------------------------------
RFC1576 I    Jan 94    TN3270 Current Practices 

RFC1646 I    Jul 94    TN3270 Extensions for LUname and Printer Selection 

RFC1647 PS   Jul 94    TN3270 Enhancements 

RFC2355 DS   Dec 98    TN3270 Enhancements 

RFC2561 PS   Apr 99    Base Definitions of Managed Objects for TN3270E Using 

RFC2562 PS   Apr 99    Definitions of Protocol and Managed Objects for 
                       TN3270E Response Time Collection Using SMIv2 

RFC2877 I    Jul 00    5250 Telnet Enhancements 

RFC3049 PS   Feb 01    TN3270E Service Location and Session Balancing