TFTP Extensions (tftpexts)

 Last Modified: 06/05/2000

 Current Status: Concluded Working Group

     G. Malkin  <>
     Art Harkin  <>

 Applications Area Director(s):
     Ned Freed  <>
     Patrik Faltstrom  <>

 Applications Area Advisor:
     Ned Freed  <>

 Technical Advisor(s):
     John Klensin  <>

 Mailing Lists: 
     To Subscribe:

Description of Working Group:

The TFTP Extensions Working Group will review, refine as needed, and 
then make a recommendation on standardization of several recent 
standards-track proposals to extend TFTP.  These proposals include a
backward compatible extension mechanism for TFTP and related extension
options for this mechanism.
Initial drafts of all of the documents that the working group is 
expected to review have already been, or will soon be, published.  The
working group will be starting with documents that have been prepared 
as individual (or spontaneous design team) contributions.  It is not 
expected to initiate new work.  On the other hand, it is expected to 
make explicit "not ready for standardization" or "inappropriate for 
standardization" recommendations if appropriate. 
The working group will be begin with the following Internet-Drafts or
their successors:
  - draft-malkin-tftp-option-ext-00.txt

  - draft-malkin-tftp-blksize-opt-00.txt

 Goals and Milestones:

   Done         Meet at the San Jose IETF. Review pending Internet-Drafts 
                and decide for each whether it is ready for processing to 
                Proposed, should be published as Experimental or 
                Informational, should be discarded as a working group 
                effort, or should be a candidate for further working group 
                development. Refine the charter and work plan. 

   FEB 95       Drafts with minor revisions distributed on mailing list for 
                review. Internet-Drafts concluded in Dec 94 refined and 
                sent to IESG for processing. 

   MAR 95       Concluded Internet-Drafts with minor revisions sent to IESG 
                for processing. 

   APR 95       Meet at the Danvers IETF if necessary. Drafts with major 
                revisions since Dec 94 reviewed. Review new additional 
                Internet-Drafts for new options. Review implementation 

   JUN 95       Remaining revised Internet-Drafts sent to IESG for 


  No Current Internet-Drafts.

 Request For Comments:

  RFC   Stat Published     Title
------- -- ----------- ------------------------------------
RFC1782 PS   MAR 95    TFTP Option Extension 

RFC1783 PS   MAR 95    TFTP Blocksize Option 

RFC1785 I    MAR 95    TFTP Option Negotiation Analysis 

RFC1784 PS   MAR 95    TFTP Timeout Interval and Transfer Size Options