TCPSAT Summary:

The TCP over Satellite group met on Wednesday, August 26th, at 3pm. 
Aaron Falk, WG Chair, presented status showing the following:

1)	The Internet Draft "Enhancing TCP Over Satellite Channels using Standard Mechanisms" is nearly  
done and should be ready to go to last call on the list. This document will be slated for a BCP track.

2)	The Internet Draft "Ongoing TCP Research Related to Satellites" is still incomplete but there are 
authors assigned for the unwritten sections. The schedule is to send out a last-call-ready draft before the next IETF with last call to follow in January 99. 

3)	TCPSAT should have it's last meeting at IETF-43 in Orlando.

4)	A discussion on TCP Spoofing was held following the last TCPSAT meeting at the LA IETF. A mail 
list and web site were created but little traffic ensued. Next steps, for those interested in seeing this activity continue, would be to produce a short I-D defining terms and architectures and a second I-D discussing spoofing mechanisms and risks. The web site is

Mark Allman, document editor, presented a brief summary of comments recieved on the two drafts and changes made to accomodated them. A suggestion was made to allow input from non-assigned authors on the-research-issues- I-D so that completion of the document did not rely solely on the assigned authors.

The issue was raised as to whether issues pertaining to TCP over ATM (ABR) over satellite should be included in the research issues draft.  The consensus among the chair, editor, and ADs was that unless specific TCP mechanisms were at issue, it was out of scope for the document. The decision was made (after the meeting) for the author to summarize the issues he felt were relevant and email the summary to the chair, editors, and ADs for further review. 

Dave Beering, Sterling Software, presented results of a NASA Advanced Communications Technology Satellite Experiments 118x. These experiements showed 97% utilization of a OC-12 satellite link using a single TCP connection and Solaris 2.6 w/patch, Solaris 2.7, Windows 4, and Windows 5.

Eric Travis, JPL, presented a summary of the InterPlaNet brainstorming going on at JPL w/Vint Cerf's help to extend the Internet to farther than Earth orbit. This activity is unrelated to TCPSAT but was thought to be of interest to the audience.