TCPSAT Minutes, August 11, 1997, Munich, Germany
Reported by Dan Glover,

Aaron Falk ( presented the agenda and
discussed the
working group charter, accomplishments, and status and
plans.  The agenda
was presented as follows:

Agenda Bashing                   5 min
Administrivia & WG overview     10 min
Summary of I-D Topics           80 min
 -Applicable Environments
 -Issues & Potential Mitigations Related to TCP
 -Infrastructure & Application Issues and Mitigations
Floor Discussion                        25 min

The agenda emerged unscathed from bashing.  Aaron stated
that the goal of
the working group is to produce an informational RFC where
TCP performance
over satellite links and satellite link characteristics are
discussed.  The
document will recommend best practices and catalog research
Accomplishments to date include:  BOF held in Memphis,
working group status
acheived, and a detailed outline for the ID posted on the
list on 8/4/97.
Status and Plans:  the working group missed the deadline for
a draft ID
this meeting, will try again for the Washington, DC meeting.

Aaron discussed satellite characteristics and some basic
satellite issues.

Mark Allman ( presented a detailed
outline for the
draft ID beginning on chart #5.  The charts were prepared by
Eric Travis
( who was not present.  The charts
identified standards
track (denoted by [ST]), research [R], and best common
practice [BCP] issues.

Around slide # 13, Van Jacobson said that the 4K initial
window was a great
idea.  He also said that counting bytes rather than ACKs was
a bad idea and
would produce bursts.  There is a need to spread timing at
the sender.
Ssthresh tells you the buffer limit in the bottleneck.  Need
the right
solution to an intermediate small buffer.

Sally Floyd said that these issues are correctly labeled as
research [R]
and are not recommended at this meeting.  Van Jacobson said
that byte
counting without rate limiting won=92t help, if rate limit
then don=92t have to
do anything else.  Sally said its worth leaving on the
list.  Van replied
that it is a third order effect.

Van Jacobson discussed results from 1986 or 87 from SATNET
that are written
down in some unspecified seminar notes.  He suggested that
an ACK spacing
box at a downlink ground station could be used to clock the
sender to avoid
bursts.  Tim Shepard pointed out that if a sender already
has packet
spacing it should turn it off if there is an intermediate
ACK spacer box in
the link.  Van replied that his box would only space ACKs
when it saw bursts.

Fred Baker said that it has been a long time since routers
only had 4K
buffers, the median transfer is 10-20 packets, never gets
out of slow
start, all bursty.  Van replied with two things:  1) Web
transfers, slow
start should never have been slow starting at the level it
is now,
threshold [initial window] really needs to be increased; 2)
delay*bandwidth need to space out packets.  The answer is
not 100MB
buffers.  Assuming large windows and SACK, what do we have
to do to the
routers?  Can=92t put big buffers everywhere, tend to just
fill up.  [Spacing
out segments decreases the amount of data the routers must
hold, while not
impacting the amount of data the network can hold (for
example in satellite
networks most of the packets should be propagating, not
sitting in router

Mark Allman continued with the presentation of the outline.
At chart #27,
Van Jacobson claimed that the last two items on the chart
were looking in
the wrong place.  He emphasized the need for Forward Error
Correction (FEC)
and stated that the first thing should be to make the link
Aaron Falk replied that there are certain cases where you
can=92t get a
perfect link even with FEC.  Van reiterated that you should
engineer things
so that all loss is congestive, the last two items shouldn=92t
be on the
list.  Craig Partidge said that many satellite people say
"we agree" with
the goal of error-free links, a few do not.  Tim Shepard
pointed out that
one of the few who do not foresee error-free links is the
military who will
have to contend with active jamming attempts.

Aaron Falk announced that Mark Allman will be working as
co-editor on the
draft.  Aaron proposed an interim meeting in October in LA
with a date to
be decided on the list.  Craig Partridge pointed out October
conflicts such
as Interop.  Craig also pointed out that it may take a
little longer than
December to get the draft finished.  Craig announced that
there is an ID on
ACK spacing out:  draft-partridge-e2e-ackspacing-00.txt
["ACK Spacing for
High Delay-Bandwidth Paths with Insufficient Buffering"].
Fred Baker asked
for a summary which Craig provided.  Van Jacobson said don=92t
look inside
the ACKs, just space them.  The question is how much to
space them apart.
Craig said that every ACK triggers two packets, large
flurries of ACKs
stack up in the buffer, causing surging in the forward
direction.  Fred
said that if you take the second ACK and delay it one packet
you=92re cutting
the rate in half.  Van replied that that is only true if the
window is not

Aaron Falk opened the floor for comments.  Van Jacobson
pointed out that
you don=92t want to do something that requires changes to all
implementations.  One solution is one ACK spacing box per
downlink.  When
it sees well interleaved traffic, it doesn=92t need to do
spacing.  Tim
Shepard pointed out that the queue being overrun is at the
memory at the bottleneck would help, and asked how does the
box know the
bottleneck rate.  Van replied that that information is in
the ACK spacing
unless the ACKs have been compressed by the queue.  The
signature is a
bunch of ACKs close together followed by a big gap.
Research is needed on
when the algorithm turns on and off.  Van claimed the
kick-in point can be
fairly high.

Peter Warren (working asymmetric links at GTE) said that ACK
spacing looks
good, but asked if a set of 20 in-line images in HTTP 1.0
would look like a
burst to the algorithm.  Van Jacobson replied that no, these
would all be
separate connections, but would have to sort out dynamics
like 1.1 where
you send some data then wait a bit and send some more.  Van
claimed that
routers can easily buffer 32K windows, during that time can
find the
pattern, doesn=92t have to trigger too early.

Van Jacobson stated that delayed ACKs wrongly implemented
are a disaster.
He said that the ACK spacing algorithm isn=92t going to
trigger until fairly
late in slow start, e.g., after seeing bursts on 15 or so
ACKs, the window
is open enough so delayed ACKs aren=92t affecting the number
of ACKs in flight.

Peter Warren claimed that the asymmetry of HTTP data is on
the order of
6:1.  He said this is a potentially serious bottleneck on
the upstream
link, would like to hear form others working on asymmetric
links.  The
meeting was then adjourned.