Tag Switching BOF (tagsw)

 Last Modified: 04/07/1998

 Current Status: Concluded Working Group

     Bruce Davie  <bsd@cisco.com>

 Routing Area Director(s):
     Bill Fenner  <fenner@research.att.com>
     Alex Zinin  <zinin@psg.com>

 Routing Area Advisor:

 Mailing Lists: 
     General Discussion:
     To Subscribe:      

Description of Working Group:

Tag switching BOF

Numerous proposals have been made for mechanisms to efficiently
support IP routing (or other network layer protocols) using layer 2
forwarding technologies based on label swapping. If products using
such techniques are to interoperate, then some aspects of the
mechanism need to be standardized. These include: 

 - the protocol which is used to bind forwarding labels to IP (or
other network layer) forwarding information;

 - the encapsulations for carrying IP packets over various layer 2

The goal of this BOF is to establish whether there is interest in the
IETF community in such a standardisation effort. If there is, the goal
would be to produce a working group charter for standardisation of the
binding protocol and encapsulations.

Relevant Internet Drafts include:


 Goals and Milestones:


  No Current Internet-Drafts.

 Request For Comments:

  None to date.