Minutes: Service Location Protocol Working Group
IETF Munich -- 11 August 1997
Minutes taken by Tom Taylor <taylor@nortel.ca>

Chairman: Erik Guttman, Sun Microsystems
1.  Documents from the Working Group (20 minutes)
2.  New URL scheme/template draft (15 minutes)
3.  Presentation: Wide-Area Service Location (30 minutes)
4.  Registry for templates (5 minutes)
5.  Modifications to Service Location Protocol (20 minutes)
6.  New charter, plans (10 minutes)

1.  Documents From The Working Group
The WG Chairman reviewed a number of documents produced by the Working Group. 
He expressed his concern that he had been unable to obtain responses for 
recent last calls except by direct solicitation, and hoped that this review
would help to stimulate more comments.

(a) Service Location Protocol (SLP)

SLP was issued with known areas where it needs improvement.  Erik has   
prepared a list of needed changes and submitted them to the list.      
The intention is that SLP be recycled quickly with the required updates.

(b) API

The API document has been reworked and changes added.  A draft will be put 
out within the next month.  Sun are using the API themselves, but Erik would
like independent confirmation of the document's completeness and usability.

(c) Documents on hand

  draft-ietf-svrloc-	Contents		Status
  ------------------	--------		------
  api-01.txt		API document		Forthcoming
  protocol-17.txt	SLP			Now RFC 2165
  service-scheme-02.txt	Service templates	Available
  wpyp-00.txt		White and yellow pages	Available

Erik remarked that the white pages service is a particularly difficult test of 
the template schema.  If the white pages service type can be supported, it is
a good indication that abstract service types can be supported in the future.

(d) New drafts

  draft-ietf-svrloc-		Contents
  ------------------		--------
  lpr-scheme-00.txt		Attribute space for printing services
  template-conversion-00.txt	Maps between SLP templates and 					directory schemas
  wasrv-00.txt			Wide area service (more info below)

(e) Last calls

  No comments have been received on the list.  The proposals concerned are
derived from netfind which is actually well deployed; service URLs are a 
new syntactic mechanism.

  Disposition: one comment from the meeting, and general agreement that the
 document could proceed to RFC as an experimental protocol.

  Erik pointed out issues he saw in the document.  First, the "sites" approach
does not differ significantly from the straightforward use of SRV records.  It
is essentially a naming convention for DNS.  Second, the "ordering" of the
discovery steps is not clear, so there would be no direct way to produce

A meeting participant suggested that RMON should also be considered.  The
drawback to this is that it is a   passive mechanism, and won't discover
inactive services.  The suggestion was modified: use RMON to find services,
then register them.  The same participant also had a proposal to initially
populate the registry using a specially prepared DNS.  His complete 
presentation will be supplied to the list.

  Disposition: refer discovery back to the list for more work, but it is
very close.

  Comments have been solicited and received.  A new draft will be issued soon.
There is very little left to do on this draft.

2.  New URL scheme/template draft

RFC 2165 provides URLs and templates for standardized (IANA) service types.
The question now is how to add new types.

Erik provided a list of the remaining issues to be worked regarding templates. These issues include:

  - clarification of the actions possible on the URL schema: GET, PUT,
    PROTOCOL, etc.

  - coordination with IANA for production registry of templates

  - How should the templates be 'vetted', ie. reviewed for reasonableness
    and how to do this to avoid the pitfalls of intellectual property and

  - Final decisions need to be made about how to handle abstract service

A member of the audience questioned the service URL syntax, remarking that
it had broken his parser.  The parser expected a URL of the form

   service:<data spec>

Instead, RFC 2165 defines the URL as
   <url> ::= service:<srv type>://<addr spec>

The literal 'service' indicates the URL scheme for service location, and is 
the top of the name space for that scheme.  The Area Director insisted a 
single top to the tree.  The question then is why the term ":<srv type>"?  
Erik presented several reasons for this, including the ability to use an
abstraction for <srv type>.

3.  Presentation: Wide-Area Service Location
Presenter: Jonathan Rosenberg
Co-author: H. Shulzrinne

The special focus of the authors was on the location of internet telephony

SLP locates services in your administrative domain.  It may be, however, that
you want to locate a service elsewhere, and not necessarily its closest 
instance.  Examples include the internet telephony gateway closest to the final 
call destination, or web sites for hotels in a given region.  Protocol support 
is needed to do this.

The requirements listed for the wide area service location protocol include 
scalability, security (responding server authentication and non-repudiation of 
cost quotations), arbitrary constraints on attribute values, openness, and 
simplicity.  The presenter reviewed current SLP limitations in the light of 
these requirements.  He went on to propose extensions to relieve those 
limitations.  All of these issues are open and were briefly discussed
in the course of the WG meeting.

The first proposed extension was to provide for multicast registrations.  This 
implicitly assumes lots of multicast routing support.  The specific mechanism 
would be to map from service to multicast address, so that service 
registrations get sent to multicast groups.  An issue was identified: Directory 
Agent billing for registration, versus reliability of multicast registration.

Scalability of this multicast registration mechanism would be achieved by 
having advertisers count the other advertisers sending to the same multicast 
group and adjust advertising frequency accordingly, in a similar fashion to 
RTCP.  This has problems under transient conditions such as startup; an answer 
to that is being worked in avt.  See

   draft-ietf-avt-reconsider-00.txt or .ps

The .ps version is recommended so the figures can be seen.

The scope of this listening procedure was an issue.  An ISP might have to 
listen to a large number of multicast groups.  To cut down on this burden, 
registration would still use local methods.

The second extension proposed by Rosenberg and Schulzrinne is the use of 
brokers as intermediaries between Directory Agents and would-be clients.  
Brokers would specialize in specific services, and would support 
service-specific location algorithms.  To perform this function, they would 
listen only to the multicast address for the service in which they 
specialized.  They would register themselves with Directory Agents 
using the current Service Location Protocol.

Instead of asking for a service directly, a client would ask a Directory 
Agent for the address of a broker in that service.  

Issue: this is a new step compared with current procedure.  

Another issue: if the Directory Agent does not understand a particular 
service, would it be able to provide a broker reference for that service?
As a transitional arrangement or alternative to DA-provided references, 
the client could find brokers by other means such as URLs in web pages or 
magazine ads.

The presentation also covered extensions to the syntax and semantics of 
queries to the broker.  The key point is that service information would 
be more complex and voluminous than svrloc has been dealing with.  Erik 
directed that this issue be referred to the list: it needs a lot of thought.

Discussion moved on to security aspects.  One potential problem is 
misrepresentation of costs by servers.  This issue has already been 

Disposition: pass the proposals to the list.  Break specific elements 
into other drafts, so core problems can be isolated from less important 
ones.  Priority should be given to the improvement of scalability: 
addressing the multicast and broker proposals.

NOTE:  A BOF will be held in Washington DC in order to discuss the
proposal for Wide Area Service Location and determine interest in 
forming a new working group to develop either an Experimental or
Standards based protocol.

4.  Registry For Templates
Erik asked if mature templates could be registered with IANA.  The response 
from an IANA representative was that this can be done.  However, IANA can 
do syntax checks only, not checks of semantics.  They would like a process 
(such as an expert reviewer designated by the Working Group) whom they 
could call upon for the latter.

A brief discussion took place on whether template specifications should 
be RFCs.  An argument against this is that it would be unsuitable for 
small, proprietary applications.

A completely different housekeeping item has to do with the allocation 
of IPv4 multicast addresses.  Svrloc requires that a range of site-specific 
addresses be allocated in each site.  The MBone draft doesn't quite say this.  
Quick resolution is needed.

Action: This is being pursued in collaboration with the MBONED WG.

5.  Modifications To Service Location Protocol
Should changes to SLP mean that its version is incremented?  Currently,
implementations exist, but they have not been deployed.  Erik's view is 
that the protocol should stay at verion 1, but he will consult with the 

Erik presented a list of fifteen required changes, two of which he 
emphasized as key.

 -- Directory Agent advertisements currently do not carry a digital        

 -- The "F" bit should be sent in the SrvReg message, not in the SrvAck
    to SrvReg.  Race conditions result in the latter case. 

6.  New Charter
Erik noted that a proposed new charter has been posted to the list.    
He identified the key problem being worked on by svrloc as the location 
of service by attribute match, assuming in general that multiple instances 
of the service exist with differing attribute values.  The work on hand is

  -- completion of the API

  -- readying of a new Service Location Protocol draft

  -- action on discovery, advertisement, IPv6, LDAP-SLP
     all to be completed by the end of the year.
A meeting participant wondered whether wide-area service location fits 
within this charter.  Erik will check with the Area Directors and decide 
by around the end of September whether the topic lies within another 
Working Group's scope.  If the decision is to do the work in svrloc, 
the first step is to divide the topic into sub-problems and select those 
to be worked on.  (RESOLUTION:  A BOF will be held in December to determine
interest in Wide Area Service Discovery and to solicit proposals.)

Svrloc also needs to consider the relationship of the printer service work 
to the work being done in Working Group ipp -- there is a need for 
cross-pollination.  The services provided in svrloc should essentially
be viewed as bootstrapping other aspects of service provision.

The final thought was that the Service Location Protocol awaits deployment...