Editor's Note:  These minutes have not been edited.

SVRLOC WG Meeting minutes
38'th IETF - Memphis, Tennessee

Minutes taken by Charlie Perkins and by Erik Guttman.


   5     Agenda
   25    Service Location Protocol Last Call
         Changes in draft 15 to 16
          - Authentication Support
          - Modification of String Search Semantics
          - Definition of Service Specific Multicast Address
            assignment from a string hash on the Service Type
          - Dialect header field is reserved now.
         Changes in draft 16 to 17
          - Rewording the portions on digital signatures and
            certificates (no longer dependent on RSA or X.509).
   20    Discuss Ryan Moats' drafts
          - draft-ietf-svrloc-advertising-00.txt          
          - draft-ietf-svrloc-discovery-00.txt          
          - draft-ietf-svrloc-wpyp-00.txt          
   10    Discuss HOPS
   10    Discuss WG Charter - Plans

Discussion on changes to the SLP during the IESG WG Last Call

   The authentication mechanism for SLP was presented to those
   who were unfamiliar with the recent revisions to the draft.

   Service authentication is done by assigning a SLP Scope called
   a "Protected Scope".  The SA signs the attributes and url of a
   service advertisement in a Protected Scope.  The UA then checks
   the signature on the URL and/or attributes of a service in order
   to validate the service.  The following illustration shows the
   relationship of SA, UA and DA in this process:

        Service                 Protected Scope operations require
  +---< Signed URL              Private Key for the Scope
  | +-< Signed Attributes
  | |
  | |
  | |
 (|*|)  Directory Agent         Public Key for the Scope
  | |
  | |
  | |   Application
  | |      |
  | +-> User Agent              Public Key for the Scope

   The DA does not *alter* the signed URL or its signature, or
   the attributes or their signature; it merely caches them.  
   The DA uses the same algorithm as the UA to determine if the
   registration is valid.  It will reject URLs or Attributes
   that are registered or deregistered if the signature does
   not check out using the signature checking algorithm.

   The UA obtains a signed URL by doing a Service Request in
   a Protected Scope.  The UA may obtain a signed set of 
   attributes by doing an attribute request in a Protected
   Scope.  This attribute request supplies the URL of a 
   service in the Protected Scope (as when it has already
   been obtained with a Service Request.)  This is a way of
   obtaining all of the attributes of a particular service
   in such a way as to be able to be sure the attributes
   are authentic.

   Signatures are calculated over the registered string, its
   character type, a time-stamp, and the 'lifetime'.  This will
   prevent their illegitimate use for replay attacks.  Further,
   the UA and DA may only check the signature.  They may not
   register the same or modified services elsewhere.  

   The distribution of Keys is required to use generate signed
   service advertisements and to verify signed URLs or 
   attributes.  The mechanism for this key distribution is not
   specified by SLP.   DHCP similarly does not define key 
   distribution for its authentication mechanism.

   A Certificate format is provided to facilitate key 
   distribution.  This format is *not* required but may be 
   useful.  It provides a binding of Protected Scope string 
   to a scopes public key, along with a duration of validity 
   for the certificate.  

   *** It was brought up in the meeting that we should/could
       use X.509 certificates.  These have a lot of thought put
       into them, and include many important fields.  Our 
       response was that one *could* use them - we just wanted
       to propose something that was very simple and could be
       transcribed in a mail-safe format.  It was emphasized
       that the SLP certificate format is only a *MAY*.

   *** In particular, there is no provision for the name of 
       the Certificate Authority in the certificate.  This
       may prove insufficiant and require revision in the 
       future, if this certificate format is used.

   *** Question:  Could SASL be used?  This is a way of using
       a more general authentication mechanism.
       Answer:    SASL is connection oriented.  SLP is not
       connection oriented, so SASL is unsuitable.

   There are two bits in the header which indicate the 
   presense of authenticated URL or ATTRs in the SLP message.

Ryan Moats' Drafts - discussion   

   (Ryan's slides are included - in postscript format)
   One draft, by Ryan Moats, Martin Hamilton from work by
   Russ Wright, has been split into 3.

   Finding Stuff "-discovery-00.txt"

     This draft describes a mechanism for discovery of 
     services across the Internet.  The first recourse
     should be to look for a SRV record in the DNS.
     The second, is to look for a 'common alias' for
     a service in the DNS.  If these fail, look for
     Service URLs in the DNS. 

     The last case may indicate a SLP Directory Agent.
     This DA may be used to locate services by attribute.
     This final bit of information is currently not in the 
     draft and was requested in the next version.

     To "Best Current Practice"?

   Advertising Services "-advertising-00.txt"

     This draft describes how to bind service urls into
     DNS RRs.  A service type in a domain may return a
     URL.  It may be possible that SINK or NAPTR RRs will
     be sufficient.  For now, the proposal is to use TEXT
     RRs as netfind did.  Note that SRV RRs do not have 
     the right structure to allow this.

     To Experimental.

   Service Scheme for WP and YP services "-wpyp-00.txt"

     These service types define mechanisms for obtaining
     wp or yp services.   Maybe HTTP should be added?

     A clarification was made in the meeting:  The title
     and language field are used to define the language
     of the template.  It should be mentioned in the
     service: URL document that there may be a 'default'

     To join other service type definitions.

   Can these documents be advanced to last call?  
   Yes:  we think we should go to WG last call in May.

HOPS presentation

   This is a suggested protocol for determining Host Proximity.
   It is presently exploratory - there have been no decisions
   made yet.  There is a white paper at http://www.ingrid.org/hops/wp.html.

   There was a HOPS BOF held at the 38'th IETF - please refer to
   its minutes for the results.  It was plugged at the SLP meeting.

   The idea which distinguishes it from SONAR and traceroute based
   schemes is that it allows a third party to do the work - the 
   distance may be measured from the source or the target.  A HOPS
   server does the work using routing information and/or traceroute
   somehow.  The metrics are 'proximity' but not necessarily only
   number of traversed routers... It seemed other metrics might 
   enter in.

   The relation to SLP is that one might find services by 'hops
   groups' (essentially a service type enumeration) - which will
   presumably return a list of services ordered by hops distance.
   Note that this is a service by type, not by attribute, so the
   semantics are much weaker than SLP provides.  It might be useful
   to use HOPS to locate SLP DAs so that 'local' services may be
   discovered by using SLP after determining what 'local' is, using
Charter discussion

   Todd Rupper will look into defining IPX address specifications.
   If he does, this can be added to the service: URL specification.

   We anticipate we will have SLP promoted to Proposed Standard
   in the month of May.  There are some additional work items that
   are well under way in the WG.  This work will be completed by
   the 39'th IETF, hopefully, so that all drafts can be submitted
   to the IESG for review and possible publication as RFCs.
   Ryan's drafts:                                           6/97
     We recommend that 'finding stuff' go to BCP, 
     and 'discovery' go to Experimental.
   API spec:                                                6/97
     This needs a little more work and can go to Informational.

   service: URL Scheme:                                     8/97
     This needs some more work, and should be considered as a 
     proposed standard.  Some of the work done here will be to
     assess the URL scheme given the criteria in the URL scheme
     acceptance process document (now in draft form.)  A formal
     process for registration of new service type templates will
     be provided.

   service types catalog:                                   8/97
     The examples from the service URL draft will be removed
     and all the known types will be bundled here.  This draft
     will be published as an informational RFC and be used to
     'seed' the IANA registry of service types.
   SLP IPv6 draft:                                          6/97
     This will go to WG last call in May (with solicitations for
     comments on the IPv6 list.)  If there are no objections and
     SLP has gone to PS, we will submit this draft to the IESG
     to go to PS.

   Additional work to do:   

   SLP used to populate LDAP dynamicly:
      SLP could be used to dynamicly populate an LDAP directory
      with network service information.  This possibility needs
      to be considered and worked out.  This may or may not need
      to be done by the SVRLOC WG.

   SLP deployment and implementation experience:
      As there is practical experience using SLP, and we are 
      ready to move from Proposed to Draft Standard, additional
      work will need to be done refining the RFCs produced above.

   After there is deployment experience there are two interesting
      enhancements to the protocol we would like to possibly
      embark upon, if there is sufficient interest:

        - Hierarchical scopes and DA to DA coordination for
          scalability and managed redundancy
        - Discovery of 'local' and 'remote' resources for
          mobile hosts

Erik Guttman