EditprÕs note:  These minutes have not been edited.

These are the minutes for the Service Location Working Group Meeting 
at the Los Angeles IETF meetings.

The agenda for the Service Location WG meeting was as follows: 

review of changes in the current internet draft status of the Internet 
Updated Charter
Concerns with character set encodings
Service Location over IPv6

Erik Guttman presented a detailed list of differences between the last 
two drafts. These differences were driven by suggestions from the two 
area directors in preparation for movement to proposed standard. Frank 
Kastenholz corrected the understanding of some of his comments. In 
particular the use of the "x-" prefix to attributes when the attributes 
were being used in an unstandardized experimental fashion. 

Harald Alvestand also corrected the service locations group 
understanding of the standardization of URL schemes. It was felt that 
the standardization process for URLs was to cumbersome for the needs 
of the working group. Standardization of the service location schemes 
will be handled under the "service:" scheme. This is to say that 
schemes within service location will start "service:" followed by the 
service location scheme. These schemes may have the same value as 
the general URL scheme. For instance the service location scheme for a 
HTTP server would be "service:http:" followed by the service location 
defined semantics. 

There will be a new internet draft published in the coming week to 
cover these changes. This draft will be presented as a IETF last call. 

The following items were suggested as a list of charter items for the 
future. These are listed in priority order with dates for completion. 

1. Complete definition of the following schemes. June 1995 
Mail Relay

2. Define service location over IPv6. June 1995 

3. Develop a scheme template doc. June 1995 

4. Define an authentication mechanism for service location. December 

5. How to do Service Location remote to your home net and to the local 
March 1997

6. Define a global service location mechanism. July 1997 

7. Define extensions for Service Location over other network protocols. 
June 1995

There was some concern about the use of the enum type for character set 
encoding. Harald insured us that this use was correct. 

Service location over IPv6 will be using exactly the same document as 
the IPv4 Service Location protocol and document difference between the 
two specification. The following is the list of required changes: 

Definition of Multicast addresses
Define type of multicast for service location Definition of a text 
representation of IPv6 addresses Harald suggested using straight HEX 
Definition of the use of the broadcast address 

John Veizades will submit the internet drafts for the mailbox and mail 
relay schemes to the list by the next meeting. He will also submit the 
IPv6 draft by the next meeting. Erik Guttman will submit the scheme 
template document to the list by the next meeting. 

The working group chair will arrange to make a presentation of this 
protocol to the IPv6 working group at the next IETF. 

Submitted by

John Veizades...
Service Location Working Group Chair