Reported by John Veizades/TGV

Minutes of the Service Location Protocol Working Group (SVRLOC)

The SVRLOC Working Group met at the Stockholm IETF meeting.  The group
covered the following topics:

   o Working group status
   o Changes to the draft
   o Status of implementations
   o Relationship to DHCP
   o Changes for IPng
   o What's next

The working group is ready to submit the draft as a Proposed Standard,
the first step down the path to be an Internet Standard.  The working
group felt that with the changes proposed at the working group the
protocol would be ready to proceed to the next step.

The changes discussed in the current draft were:

   o Addition of a ttl field to all responses containing data

   o Deletion of the authentication field with the completion of the
     IPSEC work

   o Addition of more string types

   o Addition of English as the default local

Eric Guttman is currently working on a public domain implementation of
this specification.

The relationship with DHCP is simply stated as this protocol should be
used as the protocol to discover general services rather than continuing
to extend DHCP for each service that is available.

After this specification is complete a separate specification will be
issued detailing the constants that should be used with IPng there
should be no substantive changes to the specification other that the
specific constants and address formats for IPng.

For the next meeting the chair will work on examples of several services
and how discovery of these services would be implemented with service
location.  The services suggested were WWW, Mail (pop, imap and smtp),
NFS/FTP, printers (lpr, pcnfs).