Reported by John Veizades/FTP Software

Minutes of the Service Location Protocol Working Group (SVRLOC)

The SVRLOC Working Group met at the Toronto IETF to discuss the last
posted Internet-Draft which is to be considered for submission as a
Proposed Standard.

The consensus of the group was that after several modifications and
clarifications the document should move to the next step on the
standards track.  The author will make these changes by the end of
September and resubmit the document.

The substance of the changes were for the most part clarifications in
the text to make the specification less ambiguous in certain areas.

The only major changes in the specification were the addition of the

   o When a interaction will take more than one datagram the operation
     should use a connection stream.

   o The use of separate port numbers for SAs and UAs.

   o The use of an additional multicast address for DA-to-DA

In the area of DAs, the specification will say more about the scope
propagation feature.

Errors codes will be called out for all known error conditions and the
catchall error ``other'' will be added.

The specification will be revised and also submitted as a service
location protocol for IPv6.  The author will acquire the correct
constants and submit the document for consideration by the IPng Area.