Editor's Note: Minutes received 12/18/92


Reported by John Veizades/Apple

Minutes of the Service Location Protocol Working Group (SVRLOC)

The Service Location Working Group met to discuss the latest proposal on
service location by Scott Kaplan.  The document was discussed and
comments were made relating to:

   o Scalablity - This proposal has to work from the dentist office case
     to some upward bound.  How is that upward bound found and how does
     the protocol make the transition at this boundary case?  This is
     particularly of issue with the initial dictionary query.
   o Security - How does the protocol pass around security information
     for authorization control.
   o Multilingual - The protocol can be designed to support a variety of
     languages in one administrative domain by the use of a translation
     service.  The issue of data encoding came up and ASCII english will
     be used for transmission of character information used in text
     matching and the translation service will handle multilingual
     issues.  This should be addressed in the next draft of the

The Group thought that the proposal was in general on the right track.
John Veizades and Scott Kaplan will continue to evolve the proposal with
intent to have an Internet Draft by the beginning of next year.

Bill Nowiciki presented work on RAP by Legato.  Interesting insights
observed are that protocols like this provide one user interface to
services per platform solving the cross product problem of services to

Scott Kaplan is now the Co-Chair of this Working Group taking over from
Leo.  There will be a new Charter coming out shortly reflecting this and
an accurate schedule for the Working Group.


Richard Basch            basch@mit.edu
Naomi Courter            naomi@concert.net
Karen Frisa              karen.frisa@andrew.cmu.edu
Nat Howard               nrh@bellcore.com
Ronald Jacoby            rj@sgi.com
Scott Kaplan             scott@ftp.com
Andrew Knutsen           andrewk@sco.com
Michael Laufer           mlaufer@bbn.com
Edward Levinson          levinson@pica.army.mil
Brian Marsh              marsh@mitl.com


John Myers               jgm+@cmu.edu
William Nowicki          nowicki@legato.com
Tatsuya Ohnishi          ohnishi@isl.mei.co.jp
Gaige Paulsen            gaige@intercon.com
Charles Perkins          perk@watson.ibm.com
Bradley Rhoades          bdrhoades@mail.mmmg.com
Mike Ritter              mwritter@applelink.apple.com
Richard Schmalgemeier    rgs@merit.edu
Cris Shuldiner           cws@ftp.com
Brad Steinka             brad@microcom.com
Jim Thompson             jim@tadpole.com
John Veizades            veizades@apple.com
