Editor's Note: Minutes received 8/14


Reported by John Veizades/Apple

Minutes of the Service Location Protocol Working Group (SVRLOC)

RES_Type is a well defined list of attributes registered with the
Assigned Numbering authority.

Decisions arrived at:

The protocol does not have to be RPC based.  Scott Kaplan is reviewing
the benefit of RPC as well as the performance issues.

There should be some sort of standard data representation for query
data.  XDR and ASN.1 were some of the proposals.

Several examples of the RES_Type and related attribute types should be
given in the document to give guidance to developers of services to be

Some attributes are site specific (e.g., the services physical location,
the organization the service belong in, etc.)  these attributes should
have a way to be delineated as site specific so that they will not
collide with later defined types.

Scott Kaplan and John Veizades are working on a specification to be
presented at the November IETF.


J. Allard                jallard@microsoft.com
David Borman             dab@cray.com
Rich Brown               Richard.E.Brown@Dartmouth.edu
Andrew Cherenson         arc@sgi.com
Jodi-Ann Chu             jodi@uhunix.uhcc.hawaii.edu
Margaret Forsythe        mrf@ftp.com
Atul Garg                agarg@synoptics.com
Simon Hackett            simon@internode.com.au
Michael Khalandovsky     mlk@ftp.com
Stev Knowles             stev@ftp.com
Joshua Littlefield       josh@cayman.com
Bradley Rhoades          bdrhoades@mmc.mmmg.com
Jeremy Siegel            jzs@nsd.3com.com
John Veizades            veizades@apple.com
