Internet Stream Protocol V2 (st2)

 Last Modified: 03/15/1996

 Current Status: Concluded Working Group

     Lou Berger  <>
     Luca Delgrossi  <>

 Internet Area Director(s):
     Thomas Narten  <>
     Erik Nordmark  <>

 Internet Area Advisor:
     Thomas Narten  <>

 Mailing Lists: 
     To Subscribe:

Description of Working Group:

The Internet Stream Protocol V2 Working Group was formed to clarify and refine
the existing specification of the Stream Protocol, Version 2 (ST-II)
contained in RFC 1190.  Since ST-II is a protocol that is already used in
audio-visual and reserved-resource applications and services, the focus
of this group is near-term, and its primary purpose is to provide a
specification that corrects errors in the existing ST-II specification and
makes it easier to implement ST-II in a manner that is likely to be
interoperable with other ST-II implementations.

The group intends to address several areas of the ST-II
specification, including:

 a) the formal definition of states and state transitions;

 b) the removal of mechanisms which are too complicated as currently
    designed and which have not shown any use in practice;

 c) address the ambiguities caused by the current implementation

 d) definition of a clear IP encapsulation mechanism;

 e) minor revisions suggested by experience with ST-II.

These modifications are expected to reduce implementation time and to
improve the utility and interoperability of existing and future ST-II
implementations.  The working group may also provide guidance on the
use of standard routing protocols to support ST-II, and on the format and
use of flow specifications.  Finally, particular attention will be
given to the specification of groups of streams as required for the
efficient sharing of resources.  Input from current ST-II developers and
application developers will be solicited to help clarify issues that
the working group should address.

It is the goal of the group to produce a refined ST-II
specification that can be used to rapidly satisfy operational
requirements.  The result of this group is expected to be an
Experimental RFC.  It is not the intention of this working group to
define a new communication or resource reservation protocol.  ST-II is
part of the ongoing IETF efforts to develop protocols that address
resource reservation issues.  It is possible that future IETF working
groups will produce other operational protocol options in this area.
Related work by other IETF working groups shall be carefully monitored
to see if the actions of this Working Group should be revised.  In
particular it is expected that there will be interaction with the AVT
Working Group relating to issues of running RTP over ST-II.

 Goals and Milestones:

   Done         Meet at IETF meeting to identify possible contributors. 
                Review current ST-II specification to identify areas that 
                need revising. 

   Done         Address the previously identified areas and complete an 
                Internet-Draft with a revised protocol specification. 

   Done         Meet at the IETF meeting to review the completed 

   Done         Submit revised Internet-Draft. 

   Done         Submit the new ST specification for publication as an RFC. 


  No Current Internet-Drafts.

 Request For Comments:

  RFC   Stat Published     Title
------- -- ----------- ------------------------------------
RFC1819 E    AUG 95    Internet Stream Protocol Version 2 (ST2) Protocol 
                       Specification - Version ST2+