Configuration Management with SNMP WG (snmpconf) WEDNESDAY, March 21 at 1530-1730 FRIDAY, March 23 at 0900-1130 ================================= CHAIRs: David Partain <> Jon Saperia <> AGENDA: The SNMPCONF Working Group is slated to meet twice during the Minneapolis IETF. We will meet from 1530-1730 on Wednesday March 21 and from 0900-1130 on Friday March 23. The agenda planned is: 1. Introductions, Logistics and agenda and schedule review (5 minutes) 2. Review of the current status of each of the WG Documents BCP DiffServ Policy MIB Module Policy MIB Module 10 Minutes for each of these review presentations is planned during which time, a brief description of changes made will be provided. 3. Policy Module (The balance of the first meeting about 80 mins) : The issues that are still open as of the meeting start. Any new additional significant issues. Discussion of each of the remaining open issues. Schedule for publication of revised draft and plans for last call. 4. Completion of Policy Module issues discussion continues on Friday and will cover any of the above agenda topics not covered. (60 mins max.) 5. The DiffServ Policy MIB Module (30 mins) Any issues that are open as of the meeting start. Any new additional significant issues. Discussion of each of the remaining open issues. Schedule for publication of revised draft and plans for last call. 6. The BCP document (30 mins) Any issues that are open as of the meeting start. Any new additional significant issues. Discussion of each of the remaining open issues. Schedule for publication of revised draft and plans for last call. 7. Meeting close and discussion of next steps for working group. Please come to the meeting prepared by having read: 1. The WG Charter, description and schedule found at: 2. The most current versions of the document. All of which have been published to the working group list. The versions to look for on the snmpconf page above are: draft-ietf-snmpconf-diffpolicy-04.txt draft-ietf-snmpconf-pm-05.txt draft-ietf-snmpconf-bcp-04.txt* *This version was submitted to Internet-Drafts on time, the WEB page has not yet been updated with this version. Correct versions were mailed to the WG list as well. 3. Please also read the 'to-do' list published to the working group mailing list on Fri, 12 Jan 2001.