Special Host Requirements (shr)

 Last Modified: 07/27/1997

 Current Status: Concluded Working Group

     Bob Stewart  <bstewart@cisco.com>

 Internet Area Director(s):
     Thomas Narten  <narten@us.ibm.com>
     Erik Nordmark  <erik.nordmark@sun.com>

 Internet Area Advisor:
     Thomas Narten  <narten@us.ibm.com>

 Mailing Lists: 
     General Discussion:ietf-hosts@nnsc.nsf.net
     To Subscribe:      ietf-hosts-request@nnsc.nsf.net

Description of Working Group:

        The Special-purpose Host Requirements Working Group is
chartered to clarify application of the Host Requirements RFCs (1122
and 1123) to systems that are technically hosts but are not intended
to support general network applications.  These special-purpose hosts
include, for example, terminal servers (a ``Telnet host''), or file
servers (an ``FTP host'' or an ``NFS host'').

        The Host Requirements RFCs address the typical,
general-purpose system with a variety of applications and an open
development environment, and give only passing consideration to
special-purpose hosts.  As a result, suppliers of special-purpose
hosts must bend the truth or make excuses when users evaluate their
products against the Requirements RFCs.  Users must then decide
whether such a product is in fact deficient or the requirements truly
do not apply.  This process creates work and confusion, and undermines
the value of the RFCs.  The commercial success of the Internet
protocols and their use in increasingly unsophisticated environments
exacerbates the problem.

        The Working Group must define principles and examples for
proper functional subsets of the general-purpose host and specifically
state how such subsets affect the requirements.  The Working Group
must determine the balance between an exhaustive list of specific
special-purpose hosts and philosphy that remains subject to debate.
For the most part, it should be possible to base decisions on existing
experience and implementations.  The special-purpose requirements will
be stated as differences from the existing RFCs, not replacements, and
will refer rather than stand alone.

        Since they define strict subsets of the Host Requirements
RFCs, the Special-purpose Host Requirements appear to be an easier job
and can be developed and stabilized within 8-12 months.  Most of the
Group's business can be conducted over the Internet through email.

 Goals and Milestones:

   AUG 90       Revised document. 

   AUG 90       Third IETF Meeting: make document an Internet Draft. 
                Continue revisions based on comments received at meeting 
                and over e-mail. 

   Done         Mailing list discussion of Charter and collection of 

   Done         First IETF Meeting: discussion and final approval of 
                Charter; discussion and agreement on approach, including 
                models, format, level and type of detail. Make writing 

   OCT 90       First draft document. 

   NOV 90       Second IETF Meeting: review first draft document, determine 
                necessary revisions. Follow up discussion on mailing list. 

   APR 91       Final draft document. 

   MAY 91       Fourth IETF meeting: review final draft and if OK, give to 
                IESG for publication as RFC. 


  No Current Internet-Drafts.

 Request For Comments:

  None to date.