Editor's note:  These minutes have not been edited.

| Nevil Brownlee                       Director, Technology Development |
| Phone: +64 9 373 7599 x8941          ITSS, The University of Auckland |
|   FAX: +64 9 373 7425        Private Bag 92019, Auckland, New Zealand |

Minutes of RTFM WG session at San Jose IETF, 0900 Wed 11 Dec 96


Stephen Stibler's experience developing IBM's RTFM implementation has
clarified several aspects of the architecture which are reflected in
the Architecture RFC and the Experimental MIB.  The RTFM meter is
implemented as a DPI RFC 1228 subagent and makes use of native

Nevil Brownlee reported on current status and uses of NetraMet.
NetraMet has been fully converted to use SNMP version 2C and extended
to a 32-bit PC meter.  The meter can now watch up to four interfaces
and can do link-level passive monitoring with IP disabled on the
monitored interfaces.  In this configuration the monitor is not
available as an IP destination, which eliminates the possibility of an
IP-based security exposure from the monitored link.  A secure network
interface may be used to send collection data to a manager/reader. 

Collaboration with the OC3MON project has resulted in a version of the
NetraMet meter which runs within the OC3MON monitor, implemented and
tested in early December 1996.  This, combined with experiments on
100Mbps Ethernets, demonstrates that the RTFM architecture scales
appropriately to high-speed networks. 


Sig Handelman presented the three areas in which new attributes are
being defined.  The goal is to keep intact the original RTFM meter
structure and its data reduction characteristics.  Additions will be
simple statistics which benefit from the ability of RTFM to identify
and consolidate flows of interest with specific granularity across
multiple protocol layers.  The three areas are packet tracing for
specific flows, simple aggregates over a time interval, and series of
specific attributes such as packet inter-arrival times.  Discussion
demonstrated interest in packet inter-arrival times, tracing of
specified packet attributes or header fields in exception conditions,
and tracking of TCP window size.  The question arose of whether we
should implement threshholds and traps; this area was not covered by
the internet draft.  It was pointed out that RTFM's view of flows as
basically bi-directional may simplify the measurement of certain delay
metrics, such as measuring the time between a window offer and window
accept or TCP SYN to ACK. 

A number of proposed changes to the Experimental RFTM Meter MIB were

* The MatchingStoD attribute will allow a single rule to determine
  whether a packet is being matched with the addresses in 'wire' order
  (StoD) or in reverse order.  It was agreed that this wuold be useful
  useful - it will be further discussed on the mailing list. 

* A mechanism for reading flow table rows was discussed briefly.  This
  would replace the present method of reading parts of flow table

* Metering inside tunnels has been requested by NeTraMet users.  The
  Architecture already provides for this by allowing Adjacent Addresses
  to include Peer Addesses - inside an IP tunnel, Adjacent Addresses are
  the IP addresses of the tunnel's end points. 


Accomplished Goals and Milestones:

Jun 96: Submit 'Traffic Flow Measurement: Architecture' and 'Traffic
        Flow Measurement: Meter MIB' I-Ds for publication as
        Experimental RFCs.  <<< Approved by IESG, now in RFC queue

Sep 96: Submit 'Traffic Flow Measurement: Experiences with NetraMet'
        I-D as informational.  <<< Approved by ADs, now in RFC queue

Nov 96: Publish I-D on 'New Attributes for Traffic Flow
        Measurement'   <<< published and available at IETF web site

Dec 96: Select new attributes to be included in the proposed standard
        Traffic Architecture.

After discussion, it was decided to put forward the existing
Architecture and Meter MIB as proposed standards at the NEXT meeting.
Proposed extensions should be sufficiently articulated in the meantime
so that any modifications needed to the existing RTFM structures can
be put forward as part of the proposed RTFM 'base' standard. 

The group's revised milestones are:

March 97:  Publish new I-Ds for Architecture and Meter MIB
           Publish revised I-Ds for 'Extended Attributes'

April 97:  Submit Architecture and Meter MIB I-Ds to IESG for
           publication as Proposed Standard RFCs

August 97: Submit I-Ds on 'Extended Attributes' as Standards
           Track RFCs


IETF WG Information: http://www.ietf.org
RTFM Information:    http://www.auckland.ac.nz/net/Internet/rtfm
OC3MON information:  http://www.nlanr.net/NA/Oc3mon/

Minutes by Cyndi Mills

Minutes of the RTFM/IPPM Joint Session, 0900, Thu 12 Dec 96

Overview of RTFM

Nevil Brownlee presented a brief overview of RTFM.  RTFM has been a
working group for about a year.  It was an outgrowth of an earlier
effort in accounting, meaning defining, measuring and flexibly
aggregating flows of interest. 

The RTFM Architecture includes Meter, Manager, Meter Reader, Analysis
Application, and Rule Sets.  It allows you to download a lot of the
analysis into the meter.  It can replace tcpdump by putting front end
data reduction at the meter.  One may place meters far away over even
slow links, and can pull back partially reduced data from the meters. 

Rule sets define bi-directional flows.  RTFM has three levels of
addresses - adjacent, peer and transport; this allows very detailed
specification of flows.  Nevil discussed how assymetric flows are handled
by RTFM's bi-directional flow mechanism. 

Sig Handelman presented the three areas in which new RTFM attributes are
being defined.  The goal is to keep intact the original RTFM meter
structure and its data reduction characteristics.  Additions will be
simple statistics which benefit from the ability of RTFM to identify and
consolidate flows of interest with specific granularity across multiple
protocol layers.  The three areas are packet tracing for specific flows,
simple aggregates over a time interval, and series of specific
attributes such as packet inter-arrival times. 


----------------------------       --------------------------------------

Passive				   Active

Confidential Data		   User data not examined

Real Usage			   Prepared stream

Useful at edges and choke	   Useful at two points on opposite side
  points of IP clouds                of IP clouds

In-service meter		   Treats IP clouds as black boxes

RTFM is an existing measurement	   IPPM is approaching performance
  technique with specific            questions, developing/adopting
  metrics/tools                      technologies/tools and techniques
				     which answer those questions.

The above points summarise a lengthy and interesting discussion
Others included:

* The meter does not supply enough information to allow one to model
  the state of the TCP flow control at the endpoints.  Being able to do
  so is possible with passive tools designed for the purpose.
* Tools based on the RTFM meter might be strong at indicating *when* a
  problem is likely occuring, but comparitively weak at indicating
  *why* the problem is occuring.  This indicates a complementary
  relationship -- not a problem.
* As with all passive tools, use of the RTFM meter within the core of
  the Internet must honestly address significant privacy concerns.
* Given the presence of asymmetric routes, any RTFM meter deployed
  within the core of the Internet will often see one direction of a
  two-way TCP flow.  Very close time synchronization would be required
  to allow measurements on the two one-way flows to be patched back


RMON is different from RTFM.  An RMON probe collects a wide variety
of data from the monitored network; a Network Management Sysytem can
use this data to display the network status to a user.  RTFM performs
useful front-end data reduction, and - through its rule sets - allows a
user very detailed control over which flows are of interest, and what
data is to be collected for each of them.

At the same time, RMON and RTFM share the same basic MIB structure,
making it possible for an RTFM meter to be implemented within an RMON
probe.  RMON2 provides higher-layer protocol analysis, and selective
packet tracing.  It was agreed that RTFM should focus on real-time
aspects which RMON is not currently addressing. 

Several participants asked whether an RTFM meter might also operate as
an (active) IPPM probe.  Consensus was that this does not fit within
the RTFM architecture, however it may well be useful to run such a
probe on the same machine as an RTFM meter.

There are a number of concerns shared by RTFM and IPPM.  Clock
synchonisation is vital so that measurements on several probes can be
accurately corelated.  The security of observed traffic data is also
very important.

The Argus package was discussed.  Argus was designed as a method of
saving packet information with enough detail to allow site managers to
reconstruct packet streams months after an attempted security violation
was observed.  It differs from RTFM in that RTFM summarises information
about all packets in a flow.

There is a very high level of interest in monitoring TCP sessions, with
several different groups actively working in this area.  For this
reason it will be sensible for RTFM to regard TCP session analysis as a
low priority goal.


Focus first on extensions which are not provided by RMON and satisfy
real-time needs, such as measurements which are useful in determining
jitter and delay characteristics. For example:

1) Packet inter-arrival times.

2) Monitor flows so as to detect flows which are not responding to
   congestion control.