Realtime Traffic Flow Measurement (rtfm)

 Last Modified: 10/10/2000

 Current Status: Concluded Working Group

     Gregory Ruth  <>
     Nevil Brownlee  <>
     Sig Handelman  <>

 Transport Area Director(s):
     Scott Bradner  <>
     Allison Mankin  <>

 Transport Area Advisor:
     Allison Mankin  <>

 Mailing Lists: 
     To Subscribe:
         In Body:       subscribe rtfm  your-email-address

Description of Working Group:

This working group has three main objectives:

* Consider current issues in traffic flow measurement, such as

  - Security issues relating to both traffic measuring devices
    and to the data they produce.

  - Policy issues relating to traffic measurement and usage
    accounting, for example any requirements these may place on
    emerging network protocols

  - Existing work in traffic flow measurement, including that of
    IETF Working Groups such as bmwg/ippm, rsvp and rmonmib, as
    well as that by vendors and independent researchers

* Produce an improved Traffic Flow Model considering at least the
  following needs:

  - wider range of measurable quantities, e.g. those relating to
      IPv6, and to class of service
  - simpler ways to specify flows of interest
  - better ways to control access to measured flow data
  - strong focus on data reduction capabilities
  - efficient hardware implementation

* Develop the RTFM Architecture and Meter MIB as 'standards track'
  documents with the IETF.

 Goals and Milestones:

   FEB 96       Submit set of revised Internet-Drafts and of RFC1272 to the 
                IESG for considertation as Experimental Protocols. 

   MAR 96       Produce outline for 'New Traffic Flow Model' document 

   JUL 96       Submit 'New Traffic Flow Model' document as an 
                Internet-Draft, and begin working on an implementation 

   JUL 96       Submit Internet-Draft on Flow Meter MIB. 

   NOV 96       Submit 'New Traffic Flow Model' to the IESG to be 
                considered for publication as an RFC. 

   NOV 96       Submit Implementation document as an Internet-Draft. 

   MAR 97       Submit Implementation Internet-Draft to the IESG to be 
                considered for publication as an RFC. 

   JUL 97       Submit Meter MIB I-D to IESG for consideration as Propsed 

   AUG 97       Publish revised and extended I-D on 'New Attributes' 

   AUG 97       Publish revised 'Architecture' I-D to cover new attributes 

   DEC 97       Submit I-Ds on 'New Attributes' and 'Architecture' for 
                consideration as Proposed Standards 


  No Current Internet-Drafts.

 Request For Comments:

  RFC   Stat Published     Title
------- -- ----------- ------------------------------------
RFC2063 E    JAN 97    Traffic Flow Measurement: Architecture 

RFC2064 E    JAN 97    Traffic Flow Measurement: Meter MIB 

RFC2123 I    MAR 97    Traffic Flow Measurement: Experiences with NeTraMet 

RFC2724 E    NOV 99    RTFM Working Group - New Attributes for Traffic Flow 

RFC2723 I    NOV 99    SRL: A Language for Describing Traffic Flows and 
                       Specifying Actions for Flow Groups 

RFC2720 PS   NOV 99    Traffic Flow Measurement: Meter MIB 

RFC2721 I    NOV 99    RTFM: Applicability Statement 

RFC2722 I    NOV 99    Traffic Flow Measurement: Architecture