EditorÕs note: These minutes have not been edited. CURRENT_MEETING_REPORT_ Reported by Gary Malkin/Xylogics, Inc. Minutes of the RIP Working Group (RIP) Status Update Chairpersons Gary Scott Malkin / gmalkin@xylogics.com Mailing List ietf-rip(-request)@xylogics.com Archives ftp://xylogics.com/pub/users/gmalkin/rip/rip-arc Date of meeting Los Angeles IETF / March 5, 1996 Progress Presented status of Crypto I-D. Reviewed RIPng I-D. Reviewed status of Triggered RIP. Agenda 1 - Status of Cryptographic Authentication I-D 2 - Discussion of RIPng Draft 3 - Status of Triggered RIP 4 - Any other issues RIP-2 (RFC 1723) is still waiting for the inclusion of introductory material from RFC 1058. Once this is done, RIP-2 (all RFCs) can be submitted for consideration as full Standards. The Cryptographic Authentication I-D was held up because some IESG comments were never given to the authors. These comments have now been addressed and the I-D should be able to procede. If the chair does not see action within a few weeks, he will ping the IESG for a status update. The RIPng Internet Draft (02) was reviewed. It contained the comments from the last call. Additional changes were approved during the meeting. These include: multicast on point-to-point lines send only one update per interface, always using same src address include route tag in per-route "must be zero" field allow for specification of next-hop using an escape mechanism "borrow" security considerations text from OSPFng doc get a port number for TBD Gerry Meyer presented the status of the Triggered RIP I-Ds. He will make a few editorial changes and publish a new (02) I-D. The chair will then submit the I-Ds for consideration as a Proposed Standard (for the protocol spec) and as an Informational RFC (for the protocol analysis).