Editor's note:  These minutes have not been edited.

Reported by Gary Malkin/Bay Networks, Inc.

Minutes of the RIP Working Group (RIP)

Status Update

Chairpersons		Gary Scott Malkin / gmalkin@baynetworks.com

Mailing List		ietf-rip(-request)@baynetworks.com
Archives		ftp://xylogics.com/pub/users/gmalkin/rip/rip-arc

Date of meeting		San Jose IETF / December 10, 1996

Progress		Reviewed status of current documents.  Approved
			RIP-2 documents for submission to IESG for
			consideration as full Standards.


	1 - Review Current Documents' status

	2 - Review Charter

	3 - Discussion of RIP-2 protocol specification

	4 - Any other issues
The Triggered RIP Internet Drafts and the RIPng Internet Draft have been
approved by the IESG for publication as Proposed Standards and are
awaiting action by the RFC editor.

The group is happy with the RIP-2 Internet Draft.  The only suggestion
was to insert a line of text which indicates that unicast packets
should be sent on NBMA networks instead of multicast.  This change
parallels a similar change to OSPF.  The chair requested implementation
information.  While there are certainly sufficient implementations and
operational experience of the protocol, some questions remain over the
various MIB objects.  Once the implementors have provided the information,
all of the RIP-2 documents will be submitted to the IESG for consideration
as full Standards.

After the IESG approved the Cryptographic Authentication Internet Draft
and submitted it to the RFC Editor, a problem was found.  The resolution
requires the insertion of a single sentdence which basically states that
sequence numbers should be time based and never zero.  Fred Baker will
make this change and re-submit the document to the IESG for a quick

Some modifications need to be made to the charter.  More specifically,
the milestones need to be updated as follows:

Replace APR95 bullet with:
	Submit Triggered RIP documents for consideration as Proposed

May95 bullet: Done

Jul95 bullet: Done

Add the following bullets:
    Dec 96
	Submit final RIP-2 protocol specification Internet Draft and
	submit all RIP-2 documents for consideration as full Standards.
	Fred Baker will make the required update to the Cryptographic
	Authentication Internet Draft and re-submit it for consideration
	as a Proposed Standard.

    Dec 97
	Review the status of the Proposed Standard documents and
	discuss moving them up the standards track.