Reported by Gary Malkin/Xylogics

Minutes of the Routing Information Protocol Working Group (RIP)

Progress:  Approved cryptographic authentication draft for submission as
a Proposed Standard.  Decided to modify the RIP-2 DS RFCs and resubmit
them as Draft Standards.  Approved (with changes) the RIPng draft.


   o Review of revised ``RIP-II Cryptographic Authentication''

   o Review of ``Demand Circuit RIP'' Internet-Draft -- discussion of
     standards status

   o RIP-2, face-to-face discussions of the recent e-mail debates

   o Review of ``RIPng for IPv6'' Internet-Draft

   o Any other issues

   o Summary of decisions and action items


Fred Baker gave a brief presentation of the changes to his
Internet-Draft on cryptographic authentication for RIP-2.  The group
agreed with the changes.  The draft will be submitted for consideration
as a Proposed Standard next week.

Gerry Meyer gave a presentation on his Internet-Draft on demand circuit
RIP. This draft updates the current Proposed Standard RFC 1582.  There
was significant discussion about the handling of slow links and devices
with many more logical addresses than physical interfaces.  It was
decided that these issues should be resolved between Gerry and the
interested parties prior to submitting into the standards track.
Whether it goes in as Proposed or Draft will be determined by the extent
of the changes.

The group continued and completed discussions started on the mailing
list by Paul Traina.  The suggested changes included:

  1. Alter the definition of compatibility mode.  Instead of
     broadcasting a v2 packet, broadcast a v1 packet and multicast a v2
     packet.  In effect, the router will be leaking information between
     protocols without the expense of running two routing processes.
     The default mode should be v1 (instead of compatibility).

  2. Use a different port number for v2 to guarantee that broken IP
     layers will not deliver the multicast packets locally.

  3. Remove 25 entry limit of v2 packets; determine the max number of
     entries by MTU.

  4. Re-add domain support.

There was general consensus in favor of the first change.  The chair
will discuss the second change with the IANA. The third change will not
be implemented because it represents too large a change at this point in
the protocol's life.  The forth change will also not be implemented for
the same reason.  However, a change will be made to the Applicability
Statement indicating that the authentication mechanism (even simple
password) could be used for this to create RIP-2 routing domains.

The group discussed the RIPng draft.  There was concern that it is the
minimal possible change from RIP-1 and RIP-2.  However, that was the
condition set forth by the area director for the draft's creation.  It
will be submitted for consideration as a Proposed Standard with the
following changes:

   o ``broadcast'' should be replaced by ``multicast''
   o ``IPv6 address'' should be changed to ``IPv6 prefix''
   o ``subnet mask'' should be changed to ``prefix length''