Packet Sampling BOF (psamp) Tuesday, March 19 at 0900-1130 ============================== CHAIR: Nick Duffield <> Abstract: The BOF will examine the need for a standard set of capabilities for network elements to sample traffic. One motivation to standardize these capabilities comes from the requirement for measurement-based support for network management and control across domains. This requires domain wide consistency in the types of sampling schemes available, the manner in which the resulting measurements are presented, and consequently, consistency of the interpretation that can be put on them. The capabilities are positioned as suppliers of packet samples to higher level consumers, including both remote collectors and applications, and on board applications. Agenda: Welcome and Agenda Review Motivation and Overview Discuss draft-duffield-framework-papame-00.txt: . Packet Selection Operations . Report Formats and Export . Configuration and Management Relation to existing WGs: IPFIX, IPPM, TEWG, IPPT? ... Draft Charter and Milestones Mailing List: mailing list: subscribe: archive: Internet Draft: A Framework for Passive Packet Measurement draft-duffield-framework-papame-00.txt =================================================== Draft Charter: Packet Sampling (PSAMP) The Packet Sampling working group is chartered to define a standard set of capabilities for network elements to sample packets. The standard will ensure that the resulting measurements can be consistently interpreted across platforms. The resulting stream of measurements is to be self-defining, both in the format of the individual measurements, the description of the sampling configuration that produced them, and possess some robustness to missing reports. The standard shall also encompass the configuration of packet selectors, the presentation of measurements to higher level measurement applications, and their export. Specifically, the tasks of the PSAMP WG will be the following: 1. Selectors for packet sampling. Specify a set of primitive packet sampling operations for network elements, and the ways in which they can be combined. This set shall be sufficiently rich so as to support some existing and emerging packet sampling schemes, and some packet measurement requirements of some other IETF WG's. 2. Report Structure. Define a reporting format that is sufficiently rich to include fields from the packet, quantities computable from packet content and router state, quantities computed during the selection operation, and functions thereof, as needed to support applications. Additional state variables are to be supplied in a timely manner 3. Report Streams. Define a format for formation of a stream of packet reports. The format should include: (i) description of format of packet reports; (ii) the packet reports; (iii) sampling parameters used to generate constituent reports, for interpretation of reports by recipient; (iv) sufficient information, e.g. counters, to enable inference of actual sampling rates, detection of and correction for absent reports due to transmission loss, and detection of report omission during operation of multiple packet selectors. 4. Presentation, Export, and Transport. Determine appropriate layer for presentation of measurements to on-board applications. Select transport for secure and timely export. Examine requirements for dynamic configurability of export destination. 5. Multiple Report Streams. Determine requirements and consequences of enabling multiple report streams, each with its own configurable packet selector, report format, report stream format, and export. 6. Configuration Management. Specify a MIB for sampling parameters, report and report stream format, export parameters. Select communication protocol to configure/read this MIB. All these tasks will favor reuse of existing protocols where appropriate. Milestones: . Finalize charter . Framework document . Packet selector function document . Report format, report stream format, export capability document . MIB document