Provisioning Registry Protocol WG (provreg)

Wednesday, August 08 at 1530-1730

CHAIRS: Jaap Akkerhuis <>
        Ed Lewis <>


The usual: bashing (the agenda) & document/wg status.........15 minutes
     Selection of minute taker
     Requirements document status, comments from IESG
     The missing documents (e.g., mapping of EPP to BEEP)

OPP draft, comparison w/EPP and GRRP (James).................25 minutes
     Discussion: How does this fit into WG plans?  Should this be admitted
     to the group?

Discussion on Data Collection Requirements (Scott)...........20 minutes
     Discussion: a clarification of requirements generated by a dilemma
     in protocol design.

EPP drafts, outside deadlines................................20 minutes*-02.txt

XRP draft, comparison w/EPP and GRRP (Eric)..................25 minutes
     Discussion: How does this fit into WG plans?  Should this be admitted
     to the group?

Implementaion-to-date commentary (?).........................15 minutes
     Discussion: comments are sought on the state of implementations of
     the proposals.  (Volunteers sought.)
                                                               2 hours

Other Items that may creep into the agenda (but haven't been allotted time

     The Definitions document
     Discussion: originally thought to accompany the requirements, but now
     having a separate document seems like overkill.  This may slip into
     document status (unless the author wishes to speak).

     Report from RIR's on provreg
     I've asked for the RIR viewpoint on Provreg matters, but didn't give
     the contact person much advance warning.  Hopefully we can hear from
     that group - if they have time to prepare.  If we do have a report,
     5 minutes could be knocked off the OPP and XRP items (as they are the