Policy Framework (policy)

 Last Modified: 2004-06-07

 Current Status: Active Working Group

     Joel Halpern  <joel@stevecrocker.com>
     Ed Ellesson  <ellesson@mindspring.com>

 Operations and Management Area Director(s):
     Bert Wijnen  <bwijnen@lucent.com>
     David Kessens  <david.kessens@nokia.com>

 Operations and Management Area Advisor:
     Bert Wijnen  <bwijnen@lucent.com>

 Mailing Lists: 
     General Discussion:policy@ietf.org
     To Subscribe:      policy-request@ietf.org
         In Body:       subscribe your_email_address
     Archive:           http://www.ietf.org/mail-archive/web/policy/index.html

Description of Working Group:

Note: Russ Mundy <mundy@tislabs.com> is the Security Technical
      advisor for this WG.

Problem Statement:

There is a need to represent, manage, share, and reuse policies
and policy information in a vendor-independent, interoperable,
and scalable manner. This working group has three main goals.
First, to provide a framework that will meet these needs. Second,
to define an extensible information model and specific schemata
compliant with that framework that can be used for general policy
representation (called the core information model and schema).
For now, only a directory schema will be defined. Third, to
extend the core information model and schema to address the needs of
QoS traffic management (called the QoS information model and

The viability of the framework will be proven by demonstrating
that high-level policy information can be translated into device
configuration information for network QoS applications. This
requires the coordination of the core and QoS schemata, the
PIB and MIB being developed in DiffServ, and possibly
extensions to COPS provisioning, which is being developed
in RAP. A secondary goal of this framework is to show that this
general development process can be extended to other
application domains.


The objectives of this working group are to:

1. Identify a set of representative use cases to guide us in
   defining a policy framework, information model, and schemata
   to store, retrieve, distribute and process policies. These use
   cases should map to a set of policy rules, and aid us in defining
   the composition of policies.

2. Define a framework for intra-domain policy definition and
   administration for a heterogeneous set of Policy Decision and
   Enforcement Points. Here, "intra-domain" refers to policy
   components that are all under the same (and exclusive)
   administrative control. The framework will be shown to be able
   to be used to represent, distribute, and manage policies and
   policy information in an unambiguous, interoperable manner in
   a single administrative domain. This framework will be applied
   to network QoS.

3. A general information model, derived from the CIM/DEN
   policy model, will be produced. This is intended to serve as a
   generic means for representing policies and policy information.
   In addition, a mapping of this information model to a form that
   can be implemented in a directory that uses LDAPv3 as its
   access protocol will also be done.

4. Refinements to the above, for representing signaled and
   provisioned QoS, will be done. That is, both the information
   model as well as the schema will be extended to focus on
   network QoS. This will also be used to prove the general
   extensibility of the model.

5. A key part of demonstrating that this model can provide
   end-to-end translation of high-level policy specifications to
   device configurations is to ensure that the information
   model and schemata are compatible with and can use the
   information contained in the PIB(s) and MIB(s) being
   developed in the Differentiated Services WG. To this end,
   the Policy Framework WG will supply input to the
   development of the PIBs, and include all applicable PIBs
   and MIBs in its development considerations for the
   framework, information model, and schemata.

6. Policy information may be communicated using several
   protocols. The COPS protocol, being developed in the RAP
   WG, is an example of one such protocol. The Policy
   Framework WG will work with the RAP WG to define usage
   directives for use of the COPS base protocol to support
   policy information exchange transactions within the
   framework being standardized in the Policy Framework WG.

7. The Policy Framework WG will work closely with the
   IPSP WG to ensure that the IPsec data model fits and can
   be supported within the general framework defined by the
   Policy Framework WG.

8. The Policy Framework WG will work with other WGs as
   needed to ensure that the framework, information model,
   and specific schemata produced meet the needs of these

9. The charter specifically excludes:

    -protocol definition

    -schema attributes or classes that are vendor-specific
     (although the schema defined in this group will be defined
     in a way that is extensible by specific vendors)

 Goals and Milestones:

   Done         PCIM submittal for Proposed Std Status 

   Done         PCLS working group last call 

   Done         Terminology draft wg last call (fyi track) 

   Done         PCIM Extensions Final Draft, and wg last call 

   Done         QPIM Final Draft, and wg last call 

   Done         QDDIM Final Draft and wg last call 

   Aug 01       QPLS Final Draft, and wg last call 


  No Current Internet-Drafts.

 Request For Comments:

  RFC   Stat Published     Title
------- -- ----------- ------------------------------------
RFC3060 PS   Feb 01    Policy Core Information Model - Version 1 Specification 

RFC3198 I    Dec 01    Terminology for Policy-Based Management 

RFC3460 PS   Jan 03    Policy Core Information Model Extensions 

RFC3644Standard  Nov 03    Policy QoS Information Model 

RFC3670Standard  Jan 04    Information Model for Describing Network Device QoS 
                       Datapath Mechanisms 

RFC3703Standard  Mar 04    Policy Core LDAP Schema