Minutes of POISSON meeting August 12 1997, Munich

Minute taker: Geoff Huston
Chair: Erik Huizer

1. IETF Nominations committee Procedures
Jim Galvin reported on the status of revision of the IETF Nominations
Committee Procedures, noting that the outstanding item of discussion
was the qualification condition for IETF members of the committee.
Steve Coya will provide further numbers to the WG mailing list relating
to the number of attendees who had attended 2 of the prior 3 IETF
meetings for previous years at the NomCom cut-off date date. 

The WG discussed Bill Simpson's proposals relating to alternate options
for qualification of IETF volunteers. The additional process overhead and
subjective nature of the interpretation of ' WG involvement' was noted in
discussion and no clear consensus for immediate change of the current
attendance at 2 of the last 3 IETF meetings was evident.

Following WG review of the attendance numbers the call will be made to
complete the process of revision by the Poised WG. The draft will be
forwarded to the ISOC Secretary and the IESG on 1 September.

2. RFC series naming
The WG considered the recent proposals to alter the document
naming system. The WG considered a proposal by Brian Carpenter
to insert a three letter document classification code into the
document title, retaining both 'RFC' and the current RFC numbering
(such as 'RFC-ISD-nnnn' for Internet Standards Documents). The
WG did not indicate consensus for this proposed change, Erik
Huizer will document the issues involved with the use of a
single naming sequence for all IETF documents for future reference.

3. RFC1603bis
The WG considered progress on RFC1603bis. A number of editorial
changes were seen as necessary to the draft, including removal of reference
to "IESG Secretary' and the section describing A-D approval of various
individuals involved within each WG including the A-D. The WG noted that 
the current draft describes only two possible outcomes when a WG
wishes to change its charter: acceptance or folding of the WG. The
inclusion of a third potential outcome - that of no change to the 
existing charter was felt to be necessary. These revisions
will be forwarded to Scott Bradner.

4. POISSON future
The WG note the imminent completion of most of its charter, but did also
note that the WG was chartered to review some additional documents
which have not been drafted. The WG determined to go into
a dormant state until these documents had been submitted for
