Reported by Danny Cohen/Myricom

Minutes of the MessageWay Working Group (MSGWAY)

The MsgWay Working Group met once during the 33rd IETF on Monday,
17 July.

Submissions To The MsgWay Working Group

It was announced that all submissions to the MsgWay Working Group should
be considered public, available for open, unlimited, and unrestricted
distribution.  The working group will not handle any proprietary
information.  This was agreed by all the participants.

Goals and Milestones

The goals and milestones of the working group (as described in the
MsgWay Working Group charter) were reviewed.

The Proposed MsgWay

An overview of the proposed MsgWay was given.

The MsgWay End-to-End Protocol

An overview of the proposed draft specification for the MsgWay
End-to-End protocol (EEP) was presented and discussed.  Its URL is:

The working group was asked to review it and to provide comments and
suggestions in the near future.

Next Meeting

The working group chair will schedule the next meeting of the working
group before the 34th IETF meeting to be held in December 1995, in
Dallas, Texas.