PSTN and Internet Internetworking (pint)

 Last Modified: 02/12/2001

 Current Status: Concluded Working Group

     Steve Bellovin  <>
     V Gurbani  <>

 Transport Area Director(s):
     Scott Bradner  <>
     Allison Mankin  <>

 Transport Area Advisor:
     Scott Bradner  <>

 Mailing Lists: 
     To Subscribe:
         In Body:       subscribe  your-email-addres

Description of Working Group:

The PSTN/Internet Interfaces (PINT) WG addresses connection
arrangements through which Internet applications can request and enrich
PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network) telephony services.  An
example of such services is a Web-based Yellow Pages service with the
ability to initiate PSTN calls between customers and suppliers.

This working group has six main objectives:

* Study architecture and protocols needed to support services in which a
  user of the Internet requests initiation of a telephone (i.e., PSTN-
  carried) call to a PSTN terminal (i.e., telephone, FAX machine).
  The protocols are not to support any form of third-party call control 
  for that matter, any type of call control; their role is rather to
  securely carry call requests to the PSTN. Specific services to be
  considered initially are Click-to-Dial, Click-to-Fax, 
  and Web access to voice content delivered over the PSTN.

* Produce an informational RFC that describes current practices for
  supporting the services in question.

* Based on the existing practice and agreed on improvements, develop a
  standards track RFC that specifies a Service Support Transfer Protocol
  (SSTP) between Internet applications or servers and PSTN Intelligent
  Network Service Nodes (or any other node that implement the Service
  Control Function).  SSTP is an application-specific transport protocol
  operating over TCP.

* Consider security issues relating to prividing functions of this
  type. In particular understand any threats posed by this technology
  and resolve them, and any other security issues in the proposed 

* Based on the existing practice and agreed on improvements, develop a
  standards track RFC for a relevant MIB (SSTP MIB) to support the 
  management protocol between Internet applications and the PSTN Service
  Management System. The SSTP MIB is to conform to SNMP standards.

* Consider extensions of the above architecture and protocols to support 
  wider range of PSTN Intelligent Network (IN) based services.

 Goals and Milestones:

   Done         First WG meeting at Munich to discuss 2 submitted drafts 
                and begin work on the informational rfc and on SSTP 

   Done         Issue first draft of Internet-Draft intended for 

   Done         Issue first draft of SSTP Internet-Draft 

   Done         Meet at Washington IETF to gain WG consensus on 
                informational draft 

   Done         Submit Toward the PSTN/Internet Inter-Networking--Pre-PINT 
                Implementations to IESG for publication as an Informational 

   Done         Submit PINT Protocol Internet-Draft 

   Done         Gain WG consensus on PINT Protocol draft 

   Done         Submit PINT Protocol Draft to IESG to be considered as 
                proposed standard 

   Done         Produce first draft of PINT MIB Internet-Draft 

   Done         Reach consensus on PINT MIB i-d 

   Done         Submit PINT MIB ID to IESG for considratgion as a Proposed 

   Done         Submit any proposals for future work, to be done by a new 
                WG if 

   JUN 00       Determine if WG is to continue or conclude. 


  No Current Internet-Drafts.

 Request For Comments:

  RFC   Stat Published     Title
------- -- ----------- ------------------------------------
RFC2458 I    NOV 98    Toward the PSTN/Internet Inter-Networking --Pre-PINT 

RFC2848 PS   JUN 00    The PINT Service Protocol:Extensions to SIP and SDP 
                       for IP Access to Telephone Call Services 

RFC3055 PS   FEB 01    Management Information Base for the PINT Services 