This is only a rough draft - Megan 04/15/92 Here are the revised minutes. Note the action list. Steve OSI-DS Meetings: 7th meeting of the IETF Directory Services Group March 12th 1992, Dan Diego Minutes by Justin C. Walker,, and Steve Hardcastle-Kille Attendees: Chair: Steve Hardcastle-Kille "Claudio Allocchio" <> "Harald Alvestrand" <> "John Ballard" <> "Paul Barker" <> "William Biagi" <> "Jodi-Ann Chu" <> "Alan Clegg" <> "Richard Colella" <> "James Conklin" <> "Urs Eppenberger" <> "Stefan Fassbender" <> "Mark Fox" <> "James Galvin" <> "Jisoo Geiter" <> "Tony Genovese" <> "Sang-Chul Han" <> "Alf Hansen" <> "Steve Hardcastle-Kille" <> "Alton Hoover" <> "Tim Howes" <> "Erik Huizer" <> "Ole Jacobsen" <> "Barbara Jennings" <> "Darren Kinley" <> "Mark Knopper" <> "Eva Kuiper" <> "Sylvain Langlois" <> "Kenneth Lindahl" <> "Triet Lu" <> "Scott Marcus" <> "Daniel Matzke" <> "David Miller" <> "Daniel Molinelli" <> "Robert Morgan" <> "William Nichols" <> "Tracy Parker" <> "Emmanuel Pasetes" <> "Rakesh Patel" <> "Geir Pedersen" <> "David Piscitello" <> "Jon Postel" <> "Marshall Rose" <> "Ursula Sinkewicz" <> "Mark Sleeper" <> "Mark Smith" <> "Einar Stefferud" <> "Tom Tignor" <> "Justin Walker" <> "Chris Weider" <> "Brien Wheeler" <> "Cathy Wittbrodt" <> "Russ Wright" <> "Peter Yee" <> "Wengyik Yeong" <> "Ki-Sung Yoo" <> Agenda - A paper copy was distributed that updated the previously transmitted electronic version. A copy is appended. No comments on the Minutes of the San Jose meeting; they were accepted as written. They are available as OSI-DS-MINUTES-6 on your neighborhood OSI-DS document archive server. Matters arising - Steve to prompt George Brett to circulate documents. It was not known if this had been done. Action dropped. Richard Collela was to send a current list of the OIW documents to the osi- ds mailing list. The question was asked whether this was done, and no one knew for sure. Subsequent to the meeting, Rich did distribute the OIW document list. It is appended here. Other items of business were to be discussed as specific points on the agenda. Liaison Reports: RARE WG3: Erik Huizer reported that the a number of documents were discussed. The "character set" issue was also discussed. On a sad note, the January meeting was for WG3, due to restructuring within RARE. In the future, it will be more like IETF (from may onwards). There will be a followon to WG3, but the form has not yet emerged. ISO/CCITT - No liaison was present. Availability of the Directory root over CONS has been requested by JANET. This will cause reachability problems for CLNS use. The issues haven't been fully addressed yet. OIW: Russ Wright reported that agreements on replication have gone stable (1992); 1988 documents on replication are stable. Trying to distinguish between 88, 92 items. The X.400 and X.500 SIGs met. The X.400 folks complained about lack of attribute types for routing. EWOS sent a statement about adding transport requirement (NSAPs don't specify transports). Major work on international standard profiles (dealing with DAP) is underway; this should be out by December. NADF: Einar Stefferud reported that the pilot proposed for 2/92 is "underway", with all NADF members participating. Due to agreements between NADF members, a "utopian" view of the pilot will be presented to the world outside the NADF in that no details will be discussed as to which pilot member is doing what. There are interworking issues between this pilot and the White Pages pilot, due to different naming schemes and the listing vs. registration models. Discussions have been held at NADF to determine that two pilots could *not* be connected. According to Stef, there is no common naming of schema. The major problem is operational (naming of DSAs, etc.). PSI can not act as broker (there are knowledge and data sharing problems). Desire is there, so it seems that meetings are needed to discuss this. The NADF pilot work needs to stabilize before these can reasonably proceed. The NADF wants to push knowledge sharing (open DIT; global system). The White Pages pilot was being run as a registration tree, so that the WPP had to be the national registration authority for c=US by virtue of holding the c=US MASTER. While none of the principals ever claimed to be the US registration authority per se, we just ended up doing that as a consequence of the registration model. It was pointed out that these assumptions were necessary for early deployment. NADF is waiting for the 1992 changes to the directory (X.500) to be published to determine what membership will do about compliance. The NADF has issues of competitiveness, tariffs, etc., guiding its pilot development. These are real world assumptions. The WP assumptions were simplifying. NADF documents are available, modulo media issues. DISI: Chris Weider reported that three new RFCs are out: 1292, 1308, 1309 (a "real executive summary"). They now have a clean slate, so if new documents are needed, speak up. AARN: Steve Hardcastle-Kille read the following report: *************************************************************** Report to the IETF OSI-DS WG from the AARNet Directory Project 1. Australian Networkshop in last December We conducted a demonstration of the Directory at the recent Networkshop which attracted considerable interest, and as resulted in 3 more AARNet members joining the pilot. The demonstration was spoiled somewhat by the failure of our frame grabber and where we had hoped to use colour images, JPEG encoded, we had to make do with greyscale imagines (still using JPEG). The DIT used for the Networkshop is still available, as "c=AU@o=Australian Networkshop", having been migrated from the loan machine we had at the Networkshop to one of our project machines. 2. Future of the AARNet Directory Project Officially the project has concluded, except for the submission to AARNet of our report, but we expect that the Project will continue, hopefully with additional funds from AARNet. We will continue to champion the Directory as an information resource and encourage AARNet members to run their own directories. We also intend to use of our machines to provide a service where AARNet members can experiment with the Directory without having to run their own, as well as providing a registration point for any organisation connected to AARNet so that basic information about their organisation can be made available through the Directory. 3. Binary distribution of DUAs and DSAs The AARNet Directory Project have made available a number of binary kits (SPARC, RISC/Ultrix, Sun3 and Pyramid) of the Quipu distribution for anonymous ftp on in the pub/white_pages/KITS directory. The main purpose of this is to allow other sites to easily access the the pilot, either by making access to the Directory available at their site or allow them to easily configure a DSA of their own. The kit has been tailored for sites wishing to join the pilot in Australia but the binaries could be used anywhere. 4. Current state of the Directory in Australia There are currently 25 DSAs in Australia, and they master 45,975 entries. After checking the sites that have fetched a copy of one of our binary kits I would hope that there will be 3 more sites in Australia starting to run their own DSA shortly. *************************************************************** The following are the status reports of operational pilots: FOX: Tom Tignor reported that FOX is waiting on NSF funding; final reports have been submitted, and nothing is happening now. Individual efforts: SRI - x5whois - whois information in a DSA. Conversion problems overcome, but DSA loading is taking a long time (they have added more memory, reduced the number of attributes held). There are 150000 entries now. Interoperability testing (between QUIPU and CUSTO) is underway. PSI - Three commands are being developed at PSI. x5ftp is under development. x5rfc is done, development-wise, but is awaiting on x5ftp for release of both to assure no changes to x5rfc due to a problem discovered in x5ftp. usconfig is done and released. It should be in future ISODE releases (it's basically the core of the wpp-addon stuff right now). MERI<T - Working on making information resources (e.g., k-12, NIC ) avail on X.500; schema documents on these are available. They are looking at storing data as pointers to original information. The University of Michigan is developing a Macintosh DUA (maX.500, by Mark Smith). This isn't related to FOX in terms of funding or anything. The connection with FOX is that Merit, a FOX member, likes it and has been helping to promote it. ISI - Currently, they are in a cheerleading mode, and acting as a central switchboard for these efforts. They are just moving to QUIPU 7.0. They are looking at a lightweight version of x5whois. A question was asked regarding the transition to X.500 in Europe: have there been real directories mapped into x500? The consensus is no, that most directory efforts have focused on creating new X.500 databases. We should then look at any problems arising from moving the "whois" base to X.500. White Pages: According to Wengyk, the transition to the NADF naming scheme is going unusually slowly due to opposition/apathy on the part of pilot project members. There are 91 organizations in the pilot now. Operationally, heavy use of the machine reported; this appears to be causing the 'dad' server to fail sporadically. Also, as a result of heavy use of, an auxiliary DSA "c=US@cn=Horned Frog" was created to be the service DSA on So the "Fruit Bat" DSA is now back to being a c=US (and other things) slave only. During Wengyk's report, the NADF/WP differences were discussed again. PARADISE: Paul Barker reported that there have been problems with (large) getedbs. PARADISE is moving to ISODE 8.0, and this is causing some service upset. Use of central DUA services on a central ULCC system is rising. It was requested that we all please take some of the lush documents from PARADISE. These describe the services supplied, as well as the user interface alternatives provided. Revisions are being planned for the DUA (e.g., loosening up the hierarchy). Multilingual versions of I/F are becoming available. Among others, a management interface for simple maintenance; for small or disinterested users (e.g., for those with a simple o=, or for lower level updates). A probe (written in C++) is being produced, with better post processing of results. One partner (the Dutch PTT) has sent query to other PTTS on attitudes on X500 (most said "X.What"?). Steve Hardcastle-Kille and Paul Barker are producing 3 metric documents - for DUA, DSA, and Pilots. These will be in the form of questionnaires, and they are looking for details on each. The operational reports being given, we plunged into the individual items from the agenda. Security - The NADF started looking at it last year. A Directory Bill Of Rights has been published as RFC 1295. Each word of the Bill of Rights has been lovingly crafted to say exactly what it says, nothing more and nothing less. Also, security for competitive products has been under study. A revision of this is expected after NADF meeting, when it will be revised and published as an RFC (the week of 4/21). Need for a Directory Operations Group - Does the IETF need a WG for Operations, dealing practical issues of running a directory service on the Internet. This group could work on a benchmark document, operating specifications, interoperability issues. During the discussion, a question was raised regarding the difference between the new group and DISI; the latter was described as an educational provider. Suggested differences: the OSI-DS provides implementations of the directory; DISI is for users; and the new group is for operators. It was pointed out that this obeys the Narrow Focus admonition of IETF WGs. A straw poll indicated low interest in both having and not having a separate WG for operations (a majority abstained from the voting; only a handful cast votes), so the issue was put aside for now. Strategy Document - Some issues need to be resolved, privately, before getting closure on this document. Concern has been raised that Steve H-K is generating documents faster than the rest of us can read them. The protagonists are looking for insight on what should go into and what should not go into the document. The problems are: the document describes the registration model; attention needs to be paid the work of the NADF and listing model. The document also doesn't address deployment issues, e.g., where the resources come from. A section on security is wanting, but should be filled in from Steve. A version is promised by the end of April. Anyone with views should speak with Erik Huizer. New Object Models - Three papers on new object models have been published. The object models are described therein as schemas. Comments are solicited. One comment - this doesn't match the X.500 model of having "objects" that have "real" significance. What is "service" (called "resource" in the papers)? A subgroup meeting was suggested for further resolution of the subclass/object definition. Another comment: how does one search, based on schema? One must distinguish between DIT structure and object models. The former is to be considered in the WAIS BOF. There followed a discussion of how to represent network infrastructure information in the directory. A previous paper thought now to be wrong (by the author) It was suggested that IP representation should be widened to include host parts, AD, other information. Concern was expressed that the representation of network addresses not lose information (e.g., net masks). OSI-DS-12 discussion - (and the "list vs. registration" debate) Earlier, after discussion on the osi-ds mailing list, the document was modified to add a note on an alternative (championed by Christien Huitema). In discussions at RARE, the WG3 folks have suggested removing the alternative (i.e., going back to the form prior to Cristien's suggestions were added). There followed a lively discussion on the two alternative positions, although noone was present to support the alternative. The position taken in the paper was well and eloquently defended. Note that the document hasn't been through the IESG/IAB process yet. Note also that the disputed section is really an advisory one, dealing with countries without current registration authorities. A straw poll was taken on the question of removing the "alternative": lots in favor; two abstentions; none against. Also, it was observed that Sec 3: the UFN statement makes it (this particular UFN syntax) special. After discussion, it was accepted that this section should be deleted. The subject of "Who Owns The Root?" arose, relating to an ongoing concern with resolving the differences between the listing and the registration models. A discussion ensued regarding the effects of putting in things to the root, willy-nilly. o=Internet, small numbers of "l="s, , and a small number of DSAs were examples used to highlight some of the issues. No conclusions were reached by the meeting. Registration vs. Listing discussion - In the Listing corner were Einar Stefferud and Marshall Rose. The NADF is leveraging off US civil authority (in particular, that resting with the states, counties, and "localities"). There is a problem of looking for a company (or a person) without knowing its state of incorporation (that is, Delaware, not Confused) (or, in the case of a person, the organization chart of his (s/he/it's) company). From this view, the DIT should be organized based on search needs. Therefore, we need to do this at national level. A basic issue is the mapping from civil authority to DIT (need not be 1-1). This is the Listing view. It is claimed that registration authentication already exists, except for registration under c=US. ANSI does allow registration here (at the c=US level) at $2500 a pop; the details have appeared on the net a number of times. Control of the directory (i.e., assuring that we don't pollute the directory at too high a level) comes with listing charges. The listing model, following an anecdote from Einar Stefferud, emphasizes the need to lose your keys under the light. The point is that you are more likely to find your keys where there is light (even if you didn't lose them there). Similarly, one needs to list oneself in the Directory where one would be expected. Where one is actually registered is less of an issue, and depends on vagaries of the domain administering your neck of the woods (or DIT). The membership was advised that no lunch break would be forthcoming until this discussion is done. As a result, our focus narrowed. The registration side view was detailed by Steve Hardcastle-Kille. The Directory should leverage off existing civil authority. It is important to separate directory and registration (at least at high levels; at lower levels, convenience of the DNS approach may override). Multiple providers are needed, as is naming coherency (tied in later). NADF requires all providers to assure naming coherency. There are 3 kinds of registration: ANSI, civil, and derived. These are the listings. The point was made that listings are actually a form of registration, in that a listing takes up "name space" and that listing agents must work to assure that collisions don't occur. A counter argument was made that collisions will naturally clean themselves up as a result of the competitive nature of the Directory provision market. The problem seems to be the issue of recursive listing authorities. The debate continued with no clear winner, although the weight of evidence seemed to favor the listing folks. The point was made that the NADF model had no implications for components of the DIT outside c=US (other than those inherent in its adoption beyond those boundaries). The Listing view starts with the observation that names are intellectual property, sanctioned by civil authority within some (e.g., c=) boundary. Listings (following NADF) are algorithmically derived from names, hence (at least within the domain covered by NADF), no chance for collision. There was disagreement on the issue of listing being an implicit registration. In the end, the sense of the meeting (by show of hands) was to push 12 to an RFC. The Listing vs. Registration debate will continue, with efforts being made to align the various pilots for interoperability. Steve Hardcastle-Kille will reread NADF-175, to help determine what can be done, while Wengyk will continue to work on the interoperability issues between the NADV and WPP pilots. UFN - Per a suggestion from the IAB, the UFN document will be split. The specific string representation (the use of ";" vs. ",") has gotten lots of discussion. The use of UFN itself has received little comment. Discussion on the string rep: use ';, ',, or "not both". On the vote to forward the UFN document, the 'ayes carried (so it will be forwarded). Steve Hardcastle-Kille will post the resulting documents. QOS - There has been no progress on the Quality Of Service issue. The QUIPU implementation now agrees with "the documentation" (the RFC, not the QUIPU manual). There are two pieces: the user interface and the deployment. Deployment underway. To date, there has been no user interface defined to allow a user to invoke this capability. A dissenting view on the utility of QOS is that it is up to the guy who provides the service to describe QOS, and there is little or no uniformity to allow this. For example, for the provider using the ISODE-provided DSA, he may describe it as experimental if he is a commercial provider, or as non-experimental if he is a university researcher. The experiments will continue. JPEG - Support for this should be in the next version of QUIPU. A schema for JPEG photos is not yet ready. Currently, this is specified as an octet string. There is a conflict with G3Fax, which will be resolved by separating attributes (per last meeting). Character Sets - The paper is partly from discussions in RARE WG3 and RARE/COSINE groups. Current DUAs don't support national characters and the T61 data type very well. Europe (at least) has a requirement for national characters. The providers need to add this support in a coordinated way. The directory should have national versions of names (I18N). The solution proposed by the author is o Store national characters using T61 string syntax o DSA string search algorithms must account for I18N'd names o Mapping table o DUA presentation to user dictated by the user (to use or not use I18N) Issues include: o What are precise requirements? o What are the implications for UFN? o The necessity to agree on conversion at a national level Note that UFN is assumed to be defined on abstract character set, so I18N not an issue(?). Remarks: o is this only an "operational" issue, or are there other issues? o how are I18N strings stored, searched? X.500 discusses this briefly, but that discussion does not seem acceptable. o No experimentation is underway, but should be started (e.g., between France and Norway). Counting the DIT - Current work is DSA-specific and is very implementation specific. A suggested new approach is to add new attributes (integers all) that count appropriate things at each level. Counts can be done manually or automatically. The question arose: do we count the # of registered or listed entries? The sense of the meeting was to progress with the experiment Tim Howes volunteered to write some quipu syntax handlers for the counting attributes. He did not volunteer to change quipu to make use of these features, but would be willing to at least look into that. I think that was me, and I volunteered to write some quipu syntax handlers for the counting attributes. I did not volunteer to change quipu to make use of this stuff, but I'd be willing to at least look into that. RFC1274 - The original intent was for Steve and Colin to maintain this document. Problems have arisen with the time needed to maintain it (keep it up to date) and how to maintain it. A suggestion is that we try a structured approach a la SNMP. We need to document each "object class" as with a MIB: what are the mandatory, optional, and experimental entries. Another problem is expressed concern over the openness of the process to extend attribute and class lists. We could either establish a small committee or a new WG to oversee the development of the Directory. The consensus was for a small committee. The IAB was previously asked about their feeling. The thought was put forward that this could be more like Host Requirements, than like SNMP. A show of hands called for an attempt to tack down what the committee would do. Five brave souls stepped forward. Paul Barker volunteered to restructure the main document. The new structure will include procedures for extending the current definition, a list of other documents and general purpose attributes; and a mechanism for generating other documents as needed. Schema Publishing - An alternative to the preceding approach is "don't write RFCs". Instead, just write a new schema into the DIT. Tim Howes and Mark Smith volunteered to write this up for public consumption. Code to do this is also needed. There followed a discussion of machine generated schema descriptions, e.g., by automatically culling appropriately prepared documents from the new RFC1274 structure. Stay tuned. preferredName attribute discussion - Others deferred to the committee. The attribute type preferreddisplayname is a subtype of CN (for 1988 Directories, this would be a duplicate of the CN). A DUA could use this as the display value for CN. The attribute would not be mandatory. Administrative limits - In a note sent out in January, the idea of size and time limits on searches was proposed. Also, it would be nice to have a value to limit the number of DSAs to which to refer during a search. This is thought to be related to issues of QOS. A document discussing these values was proposed for the next meeting. Note that this puts information about Directory use in the Directory. Doing this may require the use of security above that currently available. Should these be represented in MIBs? Steve Hardcastle-Kille discussed the use of SNMP as a tool for the management of directories. Adding DNS information to directory - Software has been created to load DNS information into the DIT. "dnsconfig" will create the initial EDB hierarchy for the DNS part of the tree. "dnsupdate" loads DNS information into the directory. "fred" has been modified to resolve user@domain. "dnsconfig" and "dnsupdate" are under test. The modified "fred" has not been released yet. The work is being done at PSI, by Wengyik Yeong. Some comments were offered on RFC1279, based on this work: using case insensitive string to represent the values of all types of DNS records is too simplistic. However, defining separate attribute syntaxes for every DNS record is both impractical and wasteful. It doesn't scale, and the effort is wasted for those less frequently used record types. As a compromise, one can special case those DNS records with their own syntaxes. The others can continue to use case insensitive string values. It was suggested that DNS records that use case insensitive string values need to have the sequence in which the TTL, Class, and Type fields occur, standardized. One could fix the sequence (e.g., in the order of Class, TTL and Type) with all three mandatory in every record; or fix the sequence as above, but let the class be optional and default to IN. Steve noted that the flexibility present in the current draft of RFC1279 is due to similar flexibility in the DNS RFCs themselves (which allow different orderings for TTL, Class and Type). Steve and Wengyk took an action item to find out why such flexibility exists in the DNS. Some concern was expressed that ''leaves" in the DNS can be interior nodes in the DIT. This could be a problem, since QUIPU is very slow when loading non-leaf entries. During the wrapup of this discussion, some open questions were posed. Can we make o=Internet the final resting place for the DNS tree in the DIT? It was felt that the group had consensus on this issue, and that the answer is "yes". Can we load up all the top level domains (from DNS) without explicit consent from domain owners? With reference to the discussion of zone transfers below, the consensus was that the answer to this question is "yes". Further questions: 1) Where do we put the o=Internet tree? We assumed this had already resolved, i.e., place it under the root. It was noted that we have no authority to do that, hence perhaps we should place it under a c= node. It is possible that, e.g., CNRI could pay ANSI to register it. One camp says "just do it"; another says "put it where it is safe", so we won't have to change further down the road. A straw poll regarding where to place the root was taken. There were lots for the "under c=somewhere" position, only a few for the "under root [few]", and a number of abstentions. The debate on placement continued for a while, with lots of back and forth regarding the effects of each choice of placement of "o=Internet". We ended on the comment that, if we chose to place it under the root, this would be one of the few times that Stef would later say he told us so. 2) Do DSA operators have right to load top level DNS zone files into the Directory? One argument is that, if you permit zone transfers, then the door is open. The counter argument is that DNS never agreed to this (X.500) usage, that this is a new usage, and thus assumptions should not be made about acceptability. It was uniformly agreed that the following applied: ZONE TRANSFERS SHOULD BE NOTED AS LEADING TO POTENTIAL HARM. 3) Further discussion of the interaction between X.500 attributes and DNS records. It was suggested that attribute syntax for common DNS records be changed (to fit more neatly into X.500), while less common DNS records be standardized using string records. Vint Cerf- The Internet Society may be able to register "Internet" for OID and RDN. OIDs- According to Hardcastle-Kille, it doesn't matter where these come from. RDNs- top level o=Internet is desirable. CAT (Common Authentication Technology) - This discussion was concerned with integrating security in a variety of technologies. The presenter (John Linn) was from the CAT WG, and wanted to raise the consciousness of the OSI-DS WG, since many of the issues that confronted them involve naming in the X.500 sense. The CAT depends on global naming, in that they are using X.500 DNs in X.509 certificates. They are encountering early adopter penalties. A major issue is that the CAT folks don't want DNs that are used for authentication to diverge from those used for other purposes within the Directory. CAT needs to deal with hosts, users, processes (for authentication purposes) within the environment and protocols used by DNS, accommodating mismatches. Hosts are currently handled, but not users or processes. This is, fundamentally, a naming issue. Implementations must support Directory access routines for security purposes (i.e., parsing is not needed; the only requirement is for matching). Our respective areas could benefit from naming coexistence (API definitions, available support libraries. The main question the presenter had was: is this part of OSI-DS charter or current plans? In the discussion that followed, to comment on the presentation and answer John's question, the issue of what problem was being solved arose. It is important to not replace DNS host names, but to provide unique names for authentication usage. John will post a brief description of his work, with pointers to his documents. The sense of the meeting was that this was best pursued in the context of the discussion list rather than during the meeting, because a clear understanding of the issues is wanting. Lightweight Protocols - Dixie and DAS are recent alternatives to the full OSI stack implementation of a Directory user agent. They are incompatible. Wengyik Yeong, Tim Howes, and Steve Hardcastle-Kille have designed other alternatives. LDBP - This is the first in a series of protocols. It is targeted to browsing (no name service). It is session oriented and supports few operations. Its error structures have been flattened (they contain only a code and a string). There is no BER (and no authentication!!), and instead, uses its own binary rules (the so-called "string encoding"). Passwords are sent in the clear. This could be used in a DUA, bridge, or it could be embedded in a DSA for direct support. SOS - Based on the observation that many applications make little use of the upper layers of OSI, SOS allows direct mapping to a transport layer(either CONS or CLNS). The (optional) streaming approach is incompatible with X.400/X.500 security issues (because access to the full PDU is required) -- this is fundamental. Steve Hardcastle-Kille hasn't looked at related OSI work on application environments and on reorganizing application layers, putting the session goo in the transport layer, removing the presentation layer. Note that SOS really transcends X.500 - it is a much more general OSI issue. This differs from the "Skinny Stack", a multi-layer collapsing of a local stack, due to Van Jacobson. Note that the presence of the skinny stack is not seen at the remote end, unlike the case for SOS. X is the first to use the skinny stack (cf. implementors agreements). Concern was expressed that, because of the above observation, this is beyond the scope of this WG. Colin's message (on DS 26) is: is LDBP needed in the face of SOS? Also, Colin had question on "DAP lite" - why not work on this, providing interoperability with existing DSAs, rather than new protocols (e.g., add skinny stacks). How do these affect "homogeneity" for having a global directory? What are motivations, tradeoffs, payoffs. Final agenda item: Next meeting - it was decided that the next OSI-DS meting will be at the 24th IETF meeting (July, 1992, in Boston). We will postpone DSA Naming discussions until then. ACTIONS 1) Huizer. Produce revised strategy document by the end of April 2) Weider. Revise OSI_DS 14, 16, 17, 19 in light of meeting and offline discussions 3) Hardcastle-Kille. Revise OSI-DS 12, and subit to IESG as proposed standard. 4) Hardcastle-Kille. Submit OSI-DS 24 to IESG as experimental. 5) Hardcastle-Kille. Revise OSI-DS 23, and submit to IESG as proposed standard. 6) Hardcastle-Kille. Review NADF 175 in light of Rose's comments. 7) Yeong. Study issues of NADF / WPP interoperability. 8) All. Continue QOS experiment. 9) Schema Group. Sort out JPEG Schema. 10) Geir Pederson et al. Start Character set experiemnt. 11) Howes. Provive DIT Counting Syntax Handlers. 12) All (?). Start DIT Counting experiemnt. 13) Barker. Establish Schema Group. 14) Howes/Smith. Write OSI-DS note on Schema Publishing 15) Schema Group. Record decision on preferred name. 16) Pays. Write OSI-DS note on storing lmiti information in the DIT 17) Hardcastle-Kille. Revise RFC 1279 in consultation with Yeong. 18) All. Contine DNS in X.500 experiment. 19) Yeong/Howes/Hardcastle-Kille. Revise LDBP note. 20) Hardcastle-Kille. Examine ISO proposed alternatives to SOS. Appendix: Agenda for the Meeting -------------------------------- Agenda for seventh meeting of IETF Directory Services Group Version 3 S. E. Hardcastle-Kille March 12, 1992 Date Monday 16th March 1992 Time 09:30-19:00 Venue San Diego IETF Hyatt Islandia-B Draft Agenda Follows 9:30 Introduction o Agenda o Minutes of San Jose Meeting (OSI-DS-MINUTES-6) o Matters arising 9:45 Liaisons o RARE WG3 (Erik Huizer) o ISO/CCITT o OIW (Russ Wright) o NADF (Einar Stefferud) o DISI (Chris Weider) o AARN (Steve Hardcastle-Kille) 10:00 Operational Status of Pilots o FOX (Tom Tignor) o PSI WPP (Wengyik Yeong) o Paradise (Paul Barker) 10:10 Security Document (Marshall Rose) 10:15 Need for Directory Operations Group (Steve Hardcastle-Kille) 10:20 Progress on Strategy Document (Eric Huizer) 10:25 Progress on representing Management Information in the directory. The new object models (OSI-DS 14, 16, 17, 19; Chris Weider, et alia) *** NEW VERSIONS COMING SOON *** 10:45 Naming Guidelines (OSI-DS 12.4) 11:00 ISOC role in Registration (Message from Vint Cerf) 11:05 User Friendly Naming/String Representation of DN (OSI-DS 23.1, 24.1) 11:30 The QOS Experiment (OSI-DS 15) Russ Wright, Tim Howes 11:40 Report on JPEG Progress (Russ Wright) 11:25 Character Sets (OSI-DS 32) Geir Pederson 11:40 Counting the DIT (OSI-DS 30) Steve Hardcastle-Kille 11:50 Date of next meeting 11:55 AOB 12:00 Lunch 13:30 Difficulties with RFC 1274 approach to schema 13:45 New approach: Document restructuring + reorganization (possible new WG) 14:15 Schema Publishing 14:30 New attributes for DSA objects (Erik Huizer presenting a message from Paul-Andre Pays) 14:35 Detailed work on new attributes for RFC 1274 15:30 Tea 16:00 DNS and X.500: progress on RFC 1279 (Wengyik Yeong) 16:20 Relationship to CAT (Common Authentication Technology) (John Linn) 16:45 Lightweight directory protocols LDBP - Yeong, Howes, Hardcastle-Kille (OSI-DS 26, 27) SOS - Hardcastle-Kille (OSI-DS 31) 17:30 DSA Naming (OSI-DS 13) 18:00 Close Appendix: OIW Documents ----------------------- The output of the NIST Workshop for Implementors of OSI (OIW) is a pair of aligned documents, one representing Stable Implementation Agreements (SIA), the other containing Working Implementation Agreements (WIA) that have not yet gone into the stable document. Material is in either one or the other of these documents, but not both, and the documents have the same index structure. The SIA is reproduced in its entirety at the beginning of each calendar year, with an incremented version number. Replacement page sets are distributed subsequently three times during each year (after each Workshop), reflecting errata to the stable material, as well as new functionality declared stable. In this way an up-to-date document is maintained. Retrieving OIW Documents ------------------------ The documents are available from via anonymous ftp ( or anonymous ftam: user = anon, realstore unix, filestore NULL \ #1/#1/#1/NS+47000580005a0000000001e137080020079efc00 All documents are in the directory: ./pub/oiw/agreements The read_me file from the directory is reproduced below, followed by a listing of the directory. READ ME FILE FOR STABLE DOCUMENT FILES The files listed as Xs-9112.w51 and Xw-9112.w51 (X goes from 01 through 25) are all wordperfect 5.1 files. For wordperfect 5.1 files to properly print out parts, you will need Helvetica fonts ranging in size from 8pt through 30pt. You will also need these sizes in regular, bold and italic since a mixture of all of these was used to wordprocess the files. The files listed as XW-9112.asc and XS-9112.asc (X goes from 01 through 25) are all ascii files. All the Parts of the Stable Agreements document are on-line and the file is called stable-out.All.Z for ASCII. All the Parts of the Working Agreements document are on-line and the file is called work-out.all.Z for ASCII. It is called Stable_w51.All.Z for all wordperfect 5.1 Stable files. It is called Work_w51.All.Z for all wordperfect 5.1 Working files. total 21593 -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 17100 Feb 11 16:08 01S-9112.asc -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 51675 Feb 13 12:21 01W-9112.asc -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 67726 Feb 14 08:57 01s-9112.w51 -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 176037 Feb 14 08:25 01w-9112.w51 -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 46005 Feb 11 16:08 02S-9112.asc -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 24774 Feb 13 12:21 02W-9112.asc -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 139720 Feb 14 08:55 02s-9112.w51 -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 115378 Feb 14 08:25 02w-9112.w51 -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 60063 Feb 11 16:08 03S-9112.asc -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 18935 Feb 13 12:21 03W-9112.asc -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 161818 Feb 14 08:55 03s-9112.w51 -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 87944 Feb 14 08:25 03w-9112.w51 -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 41799 Feb 11 16:08 04S-9112.asc -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 13457 Feb 13 12:21 04W-9112.asc -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 118101 Feb 14 08:55 04s-9112.w51 -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 69449 Feb 14 08:25 04w-9112.w51 -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 81088 Feb 11 16:08 05S-9112.asc -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 45874 Feb 13 12:22 05W-9112.asc -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 252241 Feb 14 08:55 05s-9112.w51 -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 147423 Feb 14 08:26 05w-9112.w51 -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 35646 Feb 11 16:08 06S-9112.asc -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 6029 Feb 13 12:22 06W-9112.asc -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 97122 Feb 14 08:56 06s-9112.w51 -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 53154 Feb 14 08:25 06w-9112.w51 -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 340675 Feb 11 16:08 07S-9112.asc -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 1933 Feb 13 12:22 07W-9112.asc -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 582326 Feb 14 08:56 07s-9112.w51 -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 35312 Feb 14 08:25 07w-9112.w51 -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 600656 Feb 11 16:09 08S-9112.asc -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 54891 Feb 13 12:22 08W-9112.asc -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 975055 Feb 14 08:57 08s-9112.w51 -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 250608 Feb 14 08:26 08w-9112.w51 -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 194478 Feb 11 16:09 09S-9112.asc -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 3280 Feb 13 12:22 09W-9112.asc -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 448585 Feb 14 08:56 09s-9112.w51 -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 59946 Feb 14 08:25 09w-9112.w51 -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 95424 Feb 11 16:09 10S-9112.asc -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 4579 Feb 13 12:22 10W-9112.asc -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 230168 Feb 14 08:54 10s-9112.w51 -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 44294 Feb 14 08:25 10w-9112.w51 -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 252517 Feb 11 16:09 11S-9112.asc -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 40532 Feb 13 12:22 11W-9112.asc -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 561651 Feb 14 08:57 11s-9112.w51 -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 182159 Feb 14 08:26 11w-9112.w51 -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 66510 Feb 11 16:09 12S-9112.asc -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 64311 Feb 13 12:22 12W-9112.asc -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 192599 Feb 14 08:58 12s-9112.w51 -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 198426 Feb 14 08:25 12w-9112.w51 -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 2145 Feb 11 16:10 13S-9112.asc -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 2324 Feb 13 12:23 13W-9112.asc -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 38029 Feb 14 08:54 13s-9112.w51 -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 37338 Feb 14 08:25 13w-9112.w51 -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 225744 Feb 11 16:10 14S-9112.asc -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 32025 Feb 13 12:23 14W-9112.asc -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 443144 Feb 14 08:56 14s-9112.w51 -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 109145 Feb 14 08:26 14w-9112.w51 -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 1975 Feb 11 16:10 15S-9112.asc -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 2305 Feb 13 12:23 15W-9112.asc -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 36157 Feb 14 08:57 15s-9112.w51 -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 46831 Feb 14 08:24 15w-9112.w51 -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 2614 Feb 11 16:11 16S-9112.asc -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 2543 Feb 13 12:23 16W-9112.asc -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 36998 Feb 14 08:58 16s-9112.w51 -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 36662 Feb 14 08:26 16w-9112.w51 -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 2614 Feb 11 16:11 17S-9112.asc -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 2415 Feb 13 12:23 17W-9112.asc -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 37058 Feb 14 08:58 17s-9112.w51 -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 36563 Feb 14 08:25 17w-9112.w51 -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 141062 Feb 11 16:11 18S-9112.asc -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 272358 Feb 13 12:23 18W-9112.asc -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 376270 Feb 14 08:54 18s-9112.w51 -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 406922 Feb 14 08:27 18w-9112.w51 -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 1875 Feb 11 16:11 19S-9112.asc -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 2055 Feb 13 12:23 19W-9112.asc -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 35990 Feb 14 08:54 19s-9112.w51 -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 36295 Feb 14 08:26 19w-9112.w51 -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 49887 Feb 11 16:12 20S-9112.asc -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 124978 Feb 13 12:23 20W-9112.asc -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 165644 Feb 14 08:54 20s-9112.w51 -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 354002 Feb 14 08:25 20w-9112.w51 -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 1810 Feb 11 16:12 21S-9112.asc -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 2122 Feb 13 12:24 21W-9112.asc -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 35559 Feb 14 08:55 21s-9112.w51 -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 35578 Feb 14 08:25 21w-9112.w51 -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 155231 Feb 11 16:12 22S-9112.asc -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 2477 Feb 13 12:24 22W-9112.asc -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 342779 Feb 14 08:55 22s-9112.w51 -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 52038 Feb 14 08:25 22w-9112.w51 -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 86698 Feb 11 16:12 23S-9112.asc -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 2468 Feb 13 12:24 23W-9112.asc -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 231719 Feb 14 08:55 23s-9112.w51 -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 52060 Feb 14 08:26 23w-9112.w51 -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 1980 Feb 11 16:12 24S-9112.asc -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 6233 Feb 13 12:24 24W-9112.asc -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 36651 Feb 14 08:54 24s-9112.w51 -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 50121 Feb 14 08:26 24w-9112.w51 -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 1949 Feb 11 16:12 25S-9112.asc -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 1811 Feb 13 12:24 25W-9112.asc -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 35970 Feb 14 08:56 25s-9112.w51 -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 35861 Feb 14 08:26 25w-9112.w51 -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 8388626 Feb 14 09:18 Stable_w51.All -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 710289 Feb 14 08:31 Work_w51.All.Z -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 956 Apr 8 09:06 read_me -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 621767 Feb 13 08:36 stable-out.All.Z -rw-rw-r-- 1 gray 205851 Feb 13 12:27 work-out.all.Z