Open Pluggable Edge Services WG (opes) Wednesday, March 20 at 1300-1500 ================================= CHAIR: Markus Hofmann <> AGENDA: - Introduction, minutes taker, blue sheets - Agenda bashing - Charter walk-through - Discussion of workplan, milestones, and how we want to get there. - Disussion on the end-to-end integrity and encryption compatibility issue for proposal to the ADs. - Discussion of next WG documents - Scenario document - Architecture document - Callout protocol/tracing requirements - Endpoint authorization and enforcement document - Threat/risk model document Related Internet Drafts (non-WG drafts) - draft-barbir-opes-vpcn-00.txt - draft-dracinschi-opes-callout-requirements-00.txt - draft-elson-icap-00.txt (expired) - draft-mchenry-opes-deployment-scenarios-00.txt (expired) - draft-rafalow-opes-policy-requirements-00.txt (expired) - draft-tomlinson-opes-model-01.txt