Reported by Raj Srinivasan/SunSoft

Minutes of the ONC Remote Procedure Call Working Group (ONCRPC)

The ONCRPC Working Group met on 28 March at the Seattle IETF. There were
thirty-three attendees.

Afternoon Session

After introductions, Dave Crocker talked about IETF practices regarding
standardization.  The IETF is not standardizing ``The RPC Everyone
Should Use.''

Steve Nahm gave a presentation on the history and architecture of ONC
RPC and XDR.

Following Steve's presentation, the group reviewed the charter.  There
was acceptance of the charter wording and delivery timetable.  The
initial standard will have no changes from the current practice of ONC
RPC and XDR. The follow-on working group will work on issues raised by
this working group.  Delivery of documents describing the standard is
currently scheduled to be in May (before the next IETF).

The group then reviewed XDR. Only the main changes from RFC 1014 were
reviewed.  This was the section on the quadruple-precision floating
point data type, and the wording about NaNs.  It was suggested that at
least the IEEE specification for NaNs should be listed in an appendix
(all NaNs and their meanings are not required).

Evening Session

The changes from RFC 1057 were reviewed.  Suggestions were:

   o Remove ``Sun''---call it ``ONC RPC'' rather than ``Sun RPC.''
     wherever appropriate in the document.

   o In a discussion of the authentication flavors that are currently
     deployed, it was suggested that some be required (mandatory) and
     others be optional in implementations; AUTH_NONE is required;
     AUTH_SYS should be moved to an appendix and it should be strongly
     recommended that it be included in any implementation (note that
     NFS uses AUTH_SYS); Diffie-Hellman and Kerberos-based authentication
     mechanisms should be moved to separate drafts, not part of the main
     standard, which will become Informational RFCs that document
     existing practice.  Also, the Diffie-Hellman document should give a
     reference to the paper that points out the weaknesses of this
     mechanism, and deprecate this mechanism because of its weaknesses.
     A caveat that AUTH_SYS provides legitimate authentication only when
     all RPC-related applications on all platforms on the network are
     under control, is required.  An explanation of the ``privileged
     ports'' mechanism as it used in conjunction with AUTH_SYS for
     certifying the sender/receiver should be added.

     The main reason for taking this tack is due to the known weakness
     of the Diffie-Hellman mechanism, and the relatively low deployment
     of the Kerberos-based mechanism.

   o Change AUTH_KERB to AUTH_KERB4.

   o Change AUTH_DES to AUTH_DH. Wherever ``DES Authentication'' is
     mentioned, change it to ``Diffie-Hellman Authentication.''

   o Change ``window'' to ``lifetime,'' for describing the lifetime of a

   o Section on Kerberos-based authentication mentions ``window''
     without defining it.

   o Note in the document that the credential and verifier are
     historically separate items, but always used together.

   o A short section on Kerberos naming should be added.  Some guidance
     as to how a client could determine a server's name is needed.

   o In the authkerb_fullname structure, ``ticket<>'' should be changed
     to have a maximum length of 392.

   o Mention that the Diffie-Hellman modulus is in hexadecimal notation.

   o The RPCBIND protocols (including the portmapper version 2 protocol)
     should be moved to a separate Internet-Draft.  This will be
     standardized along with RPC and XDR, and be the recommended binding

   o The RPCBIND document must note the properties of ``netid.''
     Perhaps netid's for common transports should be defined.

   o Multicast should be mentioned in addition to broadcast---there is
     at least one implementation that has used multicasting
     successfully.  The two mechanisms are very similar in RPC.

   o Need references to Kerberos V4.

   o Section 4 (``Transports and Semantics'') the RPC document should
     point to the ``Record Marking Standard'' section (section 10).

Evening Session - Follow-on Working Group Discussion

The following suggestions were made for consideration by the follow-on
working group.

   o A GSS API based mechanism for security could be incorporated into
     ONC RPC. Underlying this could be other mechanisms such as Kerberos
     V5, RSA, etc.  At least one company has done this - details need to
     be investigated.

   o Features to support DCE/ONC gateways.

   o Formalize multicast support.  One proposal was to have multicast
     requests followed by multiple responses from multiple nodes;
     another mentioned using name services to create multicast groups,
     etc.  Neither affects packet formats.

   o XDR should support wide characters.  It was suggested that array
     encodings be used for wide characters.  Other encodings need to be

   o Support the ``at most once'' semantic over all transports.

   o Need more error information in the ``rejected_reply'' union,
     following the ``auth_stat'' field in the ``AUTH_ERROR'' arm.

   o How about alternative XDR encodings?


Steve Alexander
Mark Allyn     
Susie Armstrong
Karl Auerbach  
Brad Burdick   
Brett Chappell 
David Crocker  
Dante Delucia  
Robert Gilligan          Bob.Gilligan@Eng.Sun.Com
Robert Hinden  
Mike Holloway  
Marc Horowitz  
Richard Hovey  
Phil Irey      
Ronald Jacoby  
Scott Kaplan   
Charlie Kaufman
John Linn      
David Marlow   
Dwayne McIntosh
Chuck McManis  
Greg Minshall  
Stephen Nahm   
Clifford Neuman
Brian O'Keefe  
Ming-Jye Sheu  
Raj Srinivasan 
Don Stephenson 
Theodore Ts'o  
Randy Turner   
Dick Wallace   
Glenn Waters   
Grace Wiechman