NOC-Tools Working Group
Chairpersons:  Robert Stine/Sparta and Robert Enger/Contel

Reported by Robert Enger and Robert Stine


  1. Armstrong, Karen/

  2. Auerbach, Karl/

  3. Bierbaum, Neal/vitam6!bierbaum@vitam6

  4. Bowers, Karen/

  5. Brunner, Eric/

  6. Carter, Glen/

  7. Crocker, Dave/

  8. Deboo, Farokh/

  9. Easterday, Tom/

 10. Enger, Robert M./

 11. Finkelson, Dale/

 12. Hastings, Gene/

 13. Hunter, Steven/

 14. Karn, Phil/

 15. Malkin, Gary/

 16. Mathis, Matt/

 17. Miller, Stephen/

 18. Moore, Berlin/

 19. Morris, Don/

 20. Nitzan, Rebecca/

 21. Oattes, Lee/

 22. Pleasant, Mel/

 23. Pugh, Jon/

 24. Replogle, Joel/

 25. Roberts, Ronald/
 26. Salo, Tim/

 27. Sheridan, Jim/

 28. St.  Johns, Michael/

 29. Stahl, Mary/

 30. Steinberg, Lou/

 31. Stine, Robert/

 32. Streeter, Roxanne/

 33. Veach, Ross/

 34. Waldbusser, Steve/

 35. Yuan, Aileen/


The July session was the second formal meeting of the NOC-Tools WG. We
received a number of additional suggestions for tools that should be
included in the catalog, as well as suggestions on matters of procedure and
distribution.  Things seem to be picking up.

The following were suggested as means to ferret out existence of additional

   o utilize the ACE mailing list in some capacity

   o consult the "DATA PRO" reference

   o consult the Data Communications Guide

   o examine Nysernet's public software repository

   o post a request to the following mailing lists:

       -- IAB

       -- JOMANN

       -- CERT

       -- DDN Management Bulletin

       -- NameDroppers

       -- CERF-OPS

       -- NWG

       -- NSFnet regional techs

       -- SNMP
       -- GATED


It was suggested that the preparation and distribution issues be coordinated
with USER-DOC WG, since they are also facing them.  In particular, how can
we publicize the existance of the catalog?  It was suggested that we ask
that our catalog be referenced within the New Users Guide and the Vendors
Guide distributed by SRI-NIC. However, the general question of how to
disseminate information to the user and user-helper community is being
deferred to the entire USWG.

The following tool/category suggestions were voiced at the recent meeting:

   o TWG and HP Ethernet monitors

   o BBN's ANM product

   o XLAN from Rutgers

   o SNMP Topology tools

   o Nysernet's SNMP Lookup tool

   o Point-to-Point monitors

   o Throughput measurement tools

   o Modified traceroute that generates a topology map

   o Data reduction scripts (generate statistics of various sorts)

   o KA9Q HopCheck program

   o Third party traceroute

   o Traceroute for the Mac (listens to routing info, makes a map)

   o High level (applications) debugging.  (telnet negotiation, etc) (it was
     suggested that we should not do Conformance testing)

   o The Sniffer

   o Promiscuous Expert System network monitor

   o Karn's Bogon Trap

   o Karn's Arp monitor

   o Karn's Extended Lan Station Locator (LanBridge-100, etc)

   o Eon LanProbe

It was suggested that all attendees be added to the NOC-Tools mailing list.

It was suggested that NOC-Tools set up an anonymous FTP directory.

A flyer was given out to the attendees of the Thursday morning plenary.  It
asked the attending network gurus to give us their suggestions for tools
that should be included in the catalog, as well as referrals to other gurus
who we should contact.  We received a modest response.