This is a rough draft only - Megan 04/06/92


Reported by Darren Kinley/CRIM

Minutes of the NOC-Tool Catalogue Revisions Working Group (NOCtool2)


The NOCtool2 Working Group met briefly at the 23rd IETF in San Diego.
This meeting served primarily to report on the current status of the
document revision process.  After said report, new and interesting
tools were discussed for inclusion in the revised NOCtools Catalog.


Current status       Entries continue to arrive at a slow rate.  Other
		     commitments have delayed Enger and Kinley in
		     generating the revised document.  An ID will be
		     made available by the end of May 1992.

New additions to
the catalog          A list of new tools for inclusion in the catalog
                     was compiled.

Action Items

Robert Enger, Darren Kinley:  Draft a new document comprising the
received entries, follow up on list of new tools, solicit new entries.

Darren Kinley, Joyce Reynolds:  Compile list where NOCtools catalog
availability announcement will get the widest possible distribution.

Robert Enger, Darren Kinley, Chris Myers:  Define Usenet newsgroups to
be created and write charters for these groups as required.
Chris Myers:  Make a home for anonymous FTP and automated electronic
submissions and distribution tool.