NOC-Tool Catalogue Revisions (noctool2)

 Last Modified: 04/07/1998

 Current Status: Concluded Working Group

     Robert Enger  <>
     Darren Kinley  <>

 User Services Area Director(s):
     April Marine  <>

 User Services Area Advisor:
     April Marine  <>

 Mailing Lists: 
     To Subscribe:

Description of Working Group:

The NOC-Tools Working Group will update and revise their catalog to
assist network managers in the selection and acquisition of diagnostic
and analytic tools for TCP/IP Internets.

- Update and revise the reference document that lists what tools are 
  what they do, and where they can be obtained.

- Identify additional tools available to assist network managers in 
  and maintaining their networks that were inadvertently omitted in 
  NOCTools catalog.

- Identify additional new or improved tools that have become apparent 
since the
  last compilation of the reference document.

- Arrange for the central (or multi-point) archiving of these tools in 
order to
  increase their availability.

- Establish procedures to ensure the ongoing maintenance of the 
reference and 
  the archive, and identify an organization willing to do it.

 Goals and Milestones:

   Done         Review Internet tool needs and updates/corrections for the 
                ``Son of NOCTools'' catalog. Discussion of additional input 
                to the catalog. 

   Done         Draft of catalog will be prepared, draft to be reviewed and 
                modified. Initiate IETF Internet-Draft review process by 
                submission of a ``Son of NOCTools'' catalog draft to IESG 

   Done         Follow-up with final amendments to the document and the 
                submission of the catalog to RFC Editor as an FYI RFC for 


  No Current Internet-Drafts.

 Request For Comments:

  RFC   Stat Published     Title
------- -- ----------- ------------------------------------
RFC1470 I    JUN 93    FYI on a Network Management Tool Catalog: Tools for 
                       Monitoring and Debugging TCP/IP Internets and 
                       Interconnected Devices