Reported by Mark Needleman/U California

NETFAX Minutes

The Netfax Working Group met on August 1, 1991 at the IETF meeting in
Atlanta.  The primary goal of the meeting was to attempt to get
consensus on the draft paper written by ISI on a common image file
format for fax in the internet making use of TIFF encoding.

Alan Katz of ISI gave a short presentation about the paper, highlighting
its major points.  Discussion was then held.  Consensus was achieved
among those present that this was the proper way to go in the short-run
with the intention of more closely examining the possibility of using
ODA as it became more prevalent in the internet.

Mark Needleman and Alan Katz agreed to work together to turn the draft
paper into a format suitable to being published as an Internet Draft.
It will then be posted to the NETFAX mailing list for comment after
which the process will be started to get it into an Internet Draft so
that the wider community can comment on it.

Clifford Lynch agreed, after the draft was revised to to make sure it
was distributed to organizations involved in library projects
transfering images over the internet and to try to get as many of these
groups as possible to implement it for interoperability testing.

A discussion was then held on defining mechanisms for transporting fax
in the internet and making use of the work of the Internet Message
Extensions Working Group.  Ned Freed gave a short presentation on the
paper that group had produced.  Alan Katz agreed to come up with a name
for a tiff netfax body content type header.  He will do this within two
weeks so that it can be incorporated into the SMTP Extensions paper.
Otherwise it will need to become a separate RFC as an add-on to that

Carl Malamud lead a discussion on addressing fax in the internet and
what fax addresses should look like.  Carl agreed to put together for
the mailing list a proposal that could then be discussed and become the
basis for a proposed RFC on the subject.  Ned Freed also agreed to post
the attributes that Innosoft uses to the list.

Alan Katz agreed to look at the possibility of defining body-type parts
for the cover page and what elements would be required.  This could then
become another body-type as defined by the SMTP Extensions Working


Philip Budne   
John Cook      
Tom Easterday  


Ned Freed      
Russ Hobby     
P. Allen Jensen
Alan Katz      
Jim Knowles    
Jack Liu       
Clifford Lynch           calur@uccmvsa
Carl Malamud   
Louis Mamakos  
Keith Moore    
Mark Needleman 
William Nowicki
Geir Pedersen  
Jon Postel     
