Network Mobility (nemo)

 Last Modified: 2006-03-30

 Current Status: Active Working Group

     TJ Kniveton  <>
     Thierry Ernst  <>

 Internet Area Director(s):
     Jari Arkko  <>
     Mark Townsley  <>

 Internet Area Advisor:
     Jari Arkko  <>

 Technical Advisor(s):
     Steven Bellovin  <>

 Mailing Lists: 
     To Subscribe:

Description of Working Group:

The NEMO Working Group is concerned with managing the mobility of an
entire network, which changes, as a unit, its point of attachment to
the Internet and thus its reachability in the topology. The mobile
network includes one or more mobile routers (MRs) which connect it to
the global Internet.

A mobile network is assumed to be a leaf network, i.e. it will not
carry transit traffic. However,it could be multihomed, either with a
single MR that has multiple attachments to the internet, or by using
multiple MRs that attach the mobile network to the Internet.

Initially,the WG will assume that none of the nodes behind the MR will
be aware of the network's mobility, thus the network's movement needs
to be completely transparent to the nodes inside the mobile
network. This assumption will be made to accomodate nodes inside the
network that are not generally aware of mobility.

A basic approach for network mobility support is for each Mobile
Router to have a Home Agent, and use bidirectional tunneling between
the MR and HA to preserve session continuity while the MR moves. The
MR will acquire a Care-of-address from its attachment point much like
what is done for Mobile Nodes using Mobile IP. This approach allows
nesting of mobile networks, since each MR will appear to its
attachment point as a single node.

The WG will take a stepwise approach by standardizing some basic
support mechanisms based on the bidirectional tunneling approach, and
at the same time study the possible approaches and issues with
providing more optimal routing than can be had with (potentially
nested) tunneling. However, the WG is not chartered to actually
standardize a solution to such route optimization for mobile networks
at this point in time.

The WG will work on:

- A threat analysis and security solution for the basic problem
(tunneling between HA and MR)

- A solution to the basic problem for both IPv4 and IPv6. The solution
will allow all nodes in the mobile network to be reachable via
permanent IP addresses, as well as maintain ongoing sessions as the MR
changes its point of attachment within the topology. This will be done
by maintaining a bidirectional tunnel between the MR and its Home
Agent. The WG will investigate reusing the existing Mobile IPv6
mechanisms for the tunnel management, or extend it if deemed

- An informational document which specifies a detailed problem
statement for route optimization and looks at various approaches to
solving this problem. This document will look into the issues and
tradeoffs involved in making the network's movement visible to some
nodes, by optionally making them "NEMO aware". The interaction between
route optimization and IP routing will also be described in this
document. Furthermore, security considerations for the various
approaches will also be considered.

The WG will:

- Ensure that solutions will scale and function for the different
mobile network configurations, without requiring changes to
Correspondent Nodes in the Internet. All solutions will aim at
preserving route aggregation within the Internet and will satisfy an
acceptable level of security (a thorough survey of new threats and an
analysis of their severity will be conducted)

- Ensure that various mechanisms defined within other IETF WGs will be
useful for mobile networks. To achieve this, the NEMO WG will interact
with other WGs when needed, and may place requirements on the
protocols developed by those WGs.

The WG will not:

- consider routing issues inside the mobile network. Existing routing
protocols (including MANET protocols) can be used to solve these

 Goals and Milestones:

   Done         Submit terminology and requirements documents (for Basic 

   Done         Submit NEMO Basic Support to IESG 

   Done         Submit WG draft -00 on Threat Analysis and Security 
                Requirements for NEMO. 

   Done         Submit WG draft -00 on Multihoming Problem Statement 

   Done         Submit WG draft -00 on NEMO Basic Support Usages 

   Done         Submit WG draft -00 on Prefix Delegation for NEMO 

   Done         Submit WG draft -00 on MIB for NEMO Basic Support 

   Aug 2005       Submit Terminology as Informational to IESG 

   Aug 2005       Submit Goals and Requirements as Informational to IESG 

   Aug 2005       Submit WG draft -00 on Analysis of the Solution Space for Route 

   Nov 2005       Shut down or recharter the WG to solve route optimization 


Posted Revised         I-D Title   <Filename>
------ ------- --------------------------------------------
Apr 2004 Feb 2006   <draft-ietf-nemo-home-network-models-06.txt>
                NEMO Home Network models 

Jul 2004 Jun 2006   <draft-ietf-nemo-multihoming-issues-06.txt>
                Analysis of Multihoming in Network Mobility Support 

Oct 2004 Oct 2006   <draft-ietf-nemo-mib-02.txt>
                NEMO Management Information Base 

Jul 2005 Sep 2006   <draft-ietf-nemo-ro-problem-statement-03.txt>
                Network Mobility Route Optimization Problem Statement 

Aug 2005 Sep 2006   <draft-ietf-nemo-dhcpv6-pd-02.txt>
                DHCPv6 Prefix Delegation for NEMO 

Sep 2005 Sep 2006   <draft-ietf-nemo-ro-space-analysis-03.txt>
                Network Mobility Route Optimization Solution Space Analysis 

Mar 2006 Jun 2006   <draft-ietf-nemo-v4-base-01.txt>
                IPv4 Network Mobility (NEMO) Basic Support Protocol 

 Request For Comments:

  RFC   Stat Published     Title
------- -- ----------- ------------------------------------
RFC3963Standard  Jan 2005    Network Mobility (NEMO) Basic Support Protocol