Minutes of the Nasreq Working Group Meeting
44th IETF, Minneapolis Minn.
Monday, March 15, 1999, 7:30 pm

Chairs: Mark Beadles, Dave Mitton

1. Criteria Draft  (draft-ietf-nasreq-criteria-00.txt)

Mark Beadles led this discussion, working from the slides attached to these
minutes.  He reminded the group that the criteria document differs from a
normal requirements document as described in RFC 1812.  The criteria document
does not say what functions are required in a NAS, but instead says how these
functions must be performed if they are present.  The Working Group's basic
intent is to provide definitions and a reference model, and then to indicate
where existing protocols apply within that model.

The discussion proceeded from this point on the basis of the interfaces shown
in the draft reference model.

a. Client Interface: PPP support is considered a typical minimum, however the
group is not ruling out coverage of mobile IP and use of IPSEC at the Client

b. Network Interface: no remarks.

c. AAA Interface: Mark's diagram showed this as "AAA Interface (Policy)".
Concern was expressed that AAA is not the same as policy. Mark pointed out
that there was a close relationship, since authorization is the means by which
policy is enforced.  The rejoinder to this was that the NAS could contain
fixed policies, with the point being that policy could come from multiple
sources.  The conclusion of the meeting was that a policy interface should be
added to the reference model.

The suggestion was also made that a fourth "A" should be added to the AAA
interface: Auditing.  This may be viewed as Accounting information used in
real time.

d. Management Interface: no specific remarks.

The general conclusion was that more discussion of the AAA, Policy, and
Management interfaces was needed on the list before the Working Group could
feel sure that it had defined the right reference model.  A key point of the
discussion should be the question: where does the NAS get policy from?

The discussion moved on to consider the basic model as presented in the draft.
"Telco or encapsulated" was renamed "User Sessions".  "Modems or Virtual" was
initially defined to be a source of PPP.  Then Async and HDLC were added as
possible inputs, with more possibilities in the offing.  This caused further
discussion, with the final conclusion that the function needs to be renamed.

The group agreed to include Layer 2 switching as well as routing within the
fabric of the NAS.  This fits the US regulatory environment, which prevents
RBOCs from doing routing within the Central Office.  At that point the AD
intervened to warn that the group should concentrate as narrowly as possible
on functions unique to the NAS.  It was noted in response that the group must
take account of the needs of service providers.  This led to a general
discussion of the size of the job facing the Working Group.  The AD suggested
that the group choose PPP and/or Mobile IP and/or one or two access
technologies, proceed to create the document, then accept additions provided
that the authors can indicate the precise changes which must be made to the
baseline document to accommodate the additions.

Discussion then turned to the question of how telco signalling related to NAS
requirements.  Is signalling relevant?  The answer is tied to the definition
of the NAS as seen by Megaco and whether that defintion is consistent with the
one being used by NASReq.

In conclusion, the group must refine the definition of a NAS to the point
where its boundaries become clear.

Mark called for co-authors to help flesh out the document.  Pat Calhoun will
take on AAA, Matt Holdrege will contribute on signalling, and Alexander Catzko
will work on management.

2. RADIUS Current Extended Practices Draft

David Mitton gave a status update for the RADIUS draft.  He apologized for
narrowly missing the submission deadline and reminded attendees that it had
been sent out to the list.  The suggested file name is
draft-ietf-nasreq-ext-radpract-00.txt.  It was created from the Powerpoint
presentation given at the last meeting, including the remarks received at that
meeting.   David will resubmit after cleaning up the formatting and
boilerplate text.

Discussion moved into the side issue of copyright.  The material in the draft
is summarized from, but does not quote directly, vendor-copyrighted material.
Hence it can legally be issued as an Internet Draft without concern for
copyright.  A suggestion that it be sent out as an E-mail to the list to be
totally safe was turned down because it would cause problems of its own, since
copyright for E-mails accrues to their author.

Matt Holdrege expressed the concern that RADIUS practices change regularly, so
that the document would quickly be out of date.  The response was that the
group needs a current snapshot to work from, so the work has to be done and
will be useful.

David welcomes contributions of further descriptions of practice provided that
no IPR is attached to these descriptions.

The group noted that the RADIUS WG has concluded meeting, but still has some
drafts being revised and awaiting final approval.

3. Presentation Of The Megaco Model

Tom Taylor, Chair of the Media Gateway Control group (Megaco) presented a
chart showing a possible interpretation of the Megaco architecture in terms of
NASReq reference model.  This chart showed the NAS as architectecturally
equivalent to the combination of the Megaco Signalling Gateway (SG), Media
Gateway Controller (MGC), and Media Gateway (MG) functions.  The SG function
takes message-based signalling (e.g. SS7, PRI) from the telephone network,
terminates the lower layers, then passes the signalling PDUs to the MGC
function.  The latter could be called the NAS Controller function in the
NASReq context.  It responds to or originates telephony signalling on the one
hand, and directs the MG function to perform the services required for each
call on the other.

For the NAS application, the MG function is responsible for the following:
 - detecting and reporting line or per-trunk (MF, R2) signalling to the MGC
 - applying line and per-trunk signals in the outgoing direction as directed 
 by the MGC
 - processing and routing of the user data flows. 

When the MGC and MG functions are in separate boxes, the control interface
thus exposed carries the Megaco protocol.

Tom pointed out that the AAA interface could terminate on either the MG or the
MGC function, and that the alternative chosen would have a major effect on the
content of information passing across the MGC-MG control interface. The
general feeling of the group was that the AAA interface would terminate on the
MG function.

Tom indicated that the current Megaco requirements draft
(draft-ietf-megaco-reqs-01.txt) contained an inadequate description of
NAS-related requirements.  draft-mitton-nasreqng-model-00.txt and the criteria
draft, even in its current incomplete state, will be helpful in fleshing out
the Megaco requirements.         

The suggested mapping of the Megaco architecture to the NASReq reference model
was done hastily, and clearly took the meeting by surprise.  A more careful
mapping is required to allow the group to verify the validity of the Megaco
requirements.  Tom is prepared to work with NASReq to create that mapping. 

4. Other Items

A brief discussion ensued regarding items earlier excluded from the Working
Group's consideration.  The discussion was triggered by Mark's reference to
tunneling servers.  The key point noted was that the group should not restrict
itself so much as to exclude the "next generation" aspect from its work.

5. Policy Framework Working Group

John Strassner, Co-Chair of the Policy Framework Working Group, provided an
update on his Working Group's activities.  Essentially the aim of the group is
to provide tools through which the SLA can be transformed through a series of
steps ending up with the device which enforces it. 

The work derives originally from DEN, and the WG is cooperating with the DMTF
so that they use the same policy models.  The WG is adding conflict detection
to the basic model.  The core schema is close to last call.  The architecture
description has passed through multiple drafts with continuing contention
between message passing versus signalling models.  A cost schema will be
created in a future effort.  The intent is that the NAS will be the point
where policy is implemented on the network.

If the criteria draft needs a policy section, John Strassner volunteered to
write it.

6. NASes and Roaming

The NAS is being viewed as a gateway for roaming operations.  ROAMOPS has
accordingly been putting a lot of requirements onto the NAS (e.g. RFC 2477)
which NASReq should take into account.

7. Review of Current Milestones

The Chairs are considering an interim meeting to progress the criteria draft
before Oslo.   Details will be discussed on the mailing list.