Reported by Jim Barnes/Xylogics

Minutes of the Network Access Server Requirements Working Group (NASREQ)


   o Introduction and brief review
   o Discussion of revised charter
   o Review of goals and schedule
   o NAS ``helper'' subgroup report
   o Discussion of latest nasreq draft
   o Request for volunteer writers

The NASREQ Working Group met in Amsterdam with a small number of
attendees.  Lacking a critical mass of participants, the discussion was
limited and the meeting brief.

The latest revision of the nasreq charter was briefly discussed.  One
question was whether the NAS is only being viewed as the entry point
into a network or whether the requirements for a NAS should also reflect
that the NAS could be a gateway out of a network to the outside world.
Along this same theme, there was a later question about whether there
were any NAS dialout requirements (for example to provide a PPP dialout
link on demand).

During the discussion of accounting, two relevant points were raised:

  1. The accounting group is in the process of being restarted.  Setting
     up a subgroup with representatives from both NASREQ and the
     accounting group to exchange information was viewed as being a good

  2. It was noted that there is now a Modem Management Working Group
     (MODEMMGT). One of the areas they are investigating is what
     accounting statistics would be useful for modems.  Perhaps there is
     some common area that is interesting to both the NASREQ Working
     Group and the MODEMMGT Working Group.

In the authentication area, it was noted that the GSSAPI and Kerberos V5
documents have been recommended for Proposed Standard.

The authentication ``helper'' subgroup had little news to report.  A
draft document is still targeted for the November IETF meeting.

Cliff Neuman relayed a request from the Authorization and Access Control
Working Group (AAC) for the NASREQ group to provide AAC with information
on the NASREQ authorization requirements.


A request for volunteers to help write some sections of the NASREQ
document was made.  One person expressed interest in helping to do some
of the writing.


Mohammad Alaghebandan
Jim Barnes     
J. Nevil Brownlee
Peter Cameron  
Richard Graveman
Marco Hernandez
Stephen Kent   
Andrew Knutsen 
Klaus-Peter Kossakowski
John Linn      
Kim Chr.  Madsen
Clifford Neuman
Timon Sloane   
