Editor's Note: Minutes received 7/31


Reported by Allan Rubens/Merit and John Vollbrecht/Merit

Minutes of the Network Access Server Requirements Working Group (NASREQ)

The session began with a review of the status and goals of the Network
Access Server (nasreq) Working Group.  There has been a BOF at each of
the last two IETF meetings where the purpose of this Group was
discussed.  A Charter has been submitted to the IESG which is waiting
final approval.  This Charter proposes that the Group should write an
RFC which spells out a set of standards required for Network Access
Servers in the same way the router requirements RFC describes protocol
requirements for internet routers.  The NAS requirements are expected to
be mainly in areas of Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting

The Group met as a Working Group for the first time at the Boston IETF.
There was discussion about how the Group will work and what its initial
goals should be.  The Security Area Director, Steve Crocker, stated that
he would like this Group to only state the required standards; not
define them.  Steve suggested that the initial work of this Group be to
refine the ``Requirements'' draft and submit it as an Internet Draft.
It should explicitly be sent to the hairs of the CAT Group, the
Accounting Group, and the soon-to-be-formed Authentication and Access
Control Group and they should be asked to discuss it at their meetings
at the next IETF. We should schedule our meeting(s) later in the week so
we can discuss what these other groups had to say.

A copy of a draft ``NAS Requirements Document'' was distributed.  This
document states the NAS AAA functionality requirements for which a
required set of standards needs to be adopted.  This document needs to
be reviewed and reworked by next IETF. There was strong recommendation
from Steve Crocker that this document be a first draft of the final
document, but a desciption of NAS requirements.  It should not include
specific protocol recommendations; the protocol recommendations will
come in consultation with other working groups.  The ``NAS Requirements
Document'' will be submitted as an Internet Draft about a month before
the fall IETF.

At the last BOF it was suggested that the Group be divided into two
subgroups; one to investigate the requirements for character-stream NAS
access and the other to examine framed access.  The feeling at that time
was that the issues involved with these two access classes were
sufficiently different that it would be better to proceed on two tracks.
However, after further discussion at this meeting, the Group unanimously
felt that the issues are not that different and it would be better to
proceed as a single group working on both classes.  The Charter will be
revised to indicate this decision.

Volunteers were solicited to assist in the refining of the
``Requirements'' draft .  Work on the draft will be shared on the
auth-acct@merit.edu mail group.  There was one new volunteer to help


with the document.  The document will be revised and sent to the mail
group as quickly as possible.


George Abe               abe@infonet.com
Jim Barnes               barnes@xylogics.com
Charles Bazaar           bazaar@emulex.com
Charles Blauner          chazx@ctt.bellcore.com
Stephen Crocker          crocker@tis.com
Michael DeAddio          deaddio@thumper.bellcore.com
Kelly Furlong            kelly@kyle.ksc.nasa.gov
Shari Galitzer           shari@shari.mitre.org
Pria Graves              priag@nsd.3com.com
Ittai Hershman           ittai@nis.ans.net
Alton Hoover             hoover@ans.net
William Huyck
David Katinsky           dmk@rutgers.edu
John Labbe               labbe@merit.edu
John Linn                linn@erlang.enet.dec.com
J. Scott Marcus          smarcus@bbn.com
Glenn McGregor           ghm@merit.edu
Stephanie Price Marasciulloprice@cmc.com
Ed Reeder                EREEDER@ralvm12.vnet.ibm.com
Allan Rubens             acr@merit.edu
Paul Sangster            sangster@ans.net
Robert Shirey            shirey@mitre.org
Jeremy Siegel            jzs@nsd.3com.com
John Vollbrecht          jrv@merit.edu
Jesse Walker             walker@eider.lkg.dec.com
David Wang               wang@xylogics.com
Peter Williams           p.williams@uk.ac.ucl.cs
